How to acess the airflow cli when deployed with docker-compose - docker-compose

When I deploy Apache Airflow with docker-compose, and run it via docker-compose run -d, the CLI Container stops automatically, and I have no Chance to exec into it. I am using the standard docker-compose file, I only deletet the profiles: debug option where the cli is defined.
I first run: docker-compose run
Then: docker exec -it airflow-airflow-cli-1 bash
It then says: Container is Not Running.
Why has it stopped and how can I stop this behaviour?

Are you following the steps in the official guide?
Using the following steps from the guide:
Do curl -LfO ''
In that folder docker compose up airflow-init
docker-compose up
docker exec -it <FOLDER_NAME>-airflow-scheduler-1 /bin/bash
I end up in the scheduler container where you can use the Airflow CLI. (I ran airflow tasks test example_bash_operator runme_0 '2023-01-01' to test)


Installing Rancher using docker containers is taking too long and is getting connection timeout

I am trying to install a K8S cluster with Rancher, after installing docker successfully I ran the following command to install Rancher containers:
$ sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8088:8088 rancher/server:stable
The console I got was:
As you can see I am not being able to download the Rancher containers, what could I do to make it work?
Well, starting with the point this Rancher installation is based on what is proposed in this link The Rancher version to be installed following the script in the link, according to Docker Hub, is 1.x.
So, I don't recommend the command proposed in the script:
sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:stable
See, the rancher/server must be replaced by: rancher/rancher:stable, then you will install latest Rancher version 2.x.
Also, to avoid the timeout problem you instead of using the command "docker run" go for "docker pull" first, then "docker run". In other words, after finishing the "pull" then you go with the "run" option. I recommend you run the following commands which will be faster and effective:
sudo docker pull rancher/rancher:latest
sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8088:8088 -p 8443:8443 --privileged rancher/rancher:latest
After running that everything is in good shape, you can run your Rancher. I hope that can help someone, I lost one day to figure that out, since the download time takes hours each time you run to timeout and fail.

Start interactive shell into a sql server 2019 container running in an aks pod

I am using the mssql docker image (Linux) for sql server 2019. The default user is not root but mssql.
I need to perform some operations as root inside the container:
docker exec -it sql bash
mssql#7f5a78a63728:/$ sudo <command>
bash: sudo: command not found
Then I start the shell as root:
docker exec -it --user=root sql bash
root#7f5a78a63728:/# <command>
This works.
Now I need to do this in a container deployed in an AKS cluster
kubectl exec -it rms-sql-1-sql-server-deployment-86cc45dc5c-tgtm2 -- bash
mssql#rms-sql-1-sql-server-host:/$ sudo <command>
bash: sudo: command not found
as expected. But then:
kubectl exec -it --user=root rms-sql-1-sql-server-deployment-86cc45dc5c-tgtm2 -- bash
error: auth info "root" does not exist
So when the container is in an AKS cluster, starting a shell as root doesn't work.
I then try to ssh into the node and use docker from inside:
kubectl debug node/aks-agentpool-30797540-vmss000000 -it
Creating debugging pod node-debugger-aks-agentpool-30797540-vmss000000-xfrsq with container debugger on node aks-agentpool-30797540-vmss000000.
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
root#aks-agentpool-30797540-vmss000000:/# docker ...
bash: docker: command not found
Looks like a Kubernetes cluster node doesn't have docker installed!
Any clues?
The image I used locally and in Kubernetes is exactly the same, untouched
David Maze has well mentioned in the comment:
Any change you make in this environment will be lost as soon as the Kubernetes pod is deleted, including if you need to update the underlying image or if its node goes away outside of your control. Would building a custom image with your changes be a more maintainable solution?
Generally, if you want to change something permanently you have to create a new image. Everything you described behaved exactly as it was supposed to. First you have exec the container in docker, then logged in as root. However, in k8s it is a completely different container. Perhaps a different image is used. Second, even if you made a change, it would exist until the container dies. If you want to modify something permanently, you have to create your new image with all the components and the configuration you need. For more information look at pod lifecycle.

How to run airflow CLI commands with airflow/kubernetes installed from Helm stable/airflow?

Difficulty running airflow commands when running Airflow on Kubernetes that I installed from the Helm stable/airflow repo. For instance I try to exec into the scheduler pod and run airflow list and I get the following error:
airflow.exceptions.AirflowConfigException: error: cannot use sqlite with the KubernetesExecutor airlow
Ok so I switch to the celery executor.
Same thing
airflow.exceptions.AirflowConfigException: error: cannot use sqlite with the CeleryExecutor
So what is the correct way to run airflow CLI commands when running on K8s?
Make sure you are using bash. /home/airflow/.bashrc imports the environment variables from /home/airflow/ to setup the connection. The following are some examples:
kubectl exec -ti airflow-scheduler-nnn-nnn -- /bin/bash
$ airflow list_dags
Or with shell you can import the env vars yourself:
kubectl exec -ti airflow-scheduler-nnn-nnn -- sh -c ". /home/airflow/ && airflow list_dags"

Docker postgres doesn't start at build

I want do use a docker container to simulate my production environment, so I installed the db and the server in the same container, and not each in his own.
This is my dockerfile:
FROM debian
RUN apt update
RUN apt install postgresql-9.6 tomcat8 tomcat8-admin -y
RUN service postgresql start
RUN service postgresql status # says postgres is down
RUN su - postgres ;
RUN createdb db_example # fails !!!
RUN psql -c "CREATE USER springuser WITH PASSWORD 'test123';"
RUN exit
RUN service tomcat8 start
COPY target/App-1.0.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
The problem is that the database is down so I am uable to create the user and the database.
If I start the a debian docker container and do this steps per hand everything works fine.
Thanks for your help
All the recommendations in the comments are correct, it's better to keep services in different containers.
Nevertheless and just to let you know, the problem in the Dockerfile is that starting services in RUN statements is useless. For every line in the Dockerfile, docker creates a new image. For example RUN service postgresql start, it may start postgresql during docker build, but it doesn't persist in the final image. Only the filesystem persist from one step to another, not the processes.
Every process need to be started in the entrypoint, this is the only command that's called when you exec docker run:
FROM debian
RUN apt update
RUN apt install postgresql-9.6 tomcat8 tomcat8-admin -y
COPY target/App-1.0.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/
ENTRYPOINT["/bin/bash", "-c", "service postgresql start && service postgresql status && createdb db_example && psql -c \"CREATE USER springuser WITH PASSWORD 'test123';\" && service tomcat8 start && sleep infinity"]
(It may have problems with quotes on psql command)
I have the problem hat in the war file the localhost for the database war hard coded.
Thanks to Light.G, he suggested me to use --net=host for the container, so now there is one container with the database and one with the tomcat server.
This are the steps I followed.
Build the docker image
docker build -t $USER/App .
Start a postgres database
We are using the host namespace it is not possible to run another programm on the post 5432.
Start the postgres container like this:
docker run -it --rm --net=host -e POSTGRES_USER='springuser' -e POSTGRES_DB='db_example' -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='test123' postgres
Start the tomcat
Start the App container, with this command:
docker run -it --net=host --rm $USER/App

Docker Swarm mode - equivalent docker commands to docker run -it ubuntu

I am trying to deploy a mongodb cluster on docker swarm mode, all the mongod daemon are in the same overlay network.
I need to configure the mongodb cluster, i am trying to find a command that works like docker run -it ubuntu in docke rswarm mode so i can log in, any ideas?
Or is there any other way to access the overlay network.
First ssh to the node that runs the container, then find out the container id using docker ps and simply use docker exec -it $(id) bash to log on to the container.