AutoHotKey v2.0.2: How to trigger HotKey on square bracket - autohotkey

I am trying to remap the opening square bracket ([) to a lower case u-umlaut (ü) and the opening curly bracket ({ / Shift+[) to the upper case U-umlaut (Ü) on a US keyboard layout using a AutoHotkey script.
The following works very well with ; to ö and : to Ö but the Variantes for ü and Ü don't. I suspect it's because a square bracket has a special meaning but there is no error about Syntax and AutoHotkey's escape Syntax with ` does not apply here.
I believe that the problem is the trigger $[:: because the first block with KeyWait alone without the second Up part does not prevent me typing [ while it does when I try that with ;.
Please explain what I am doing wrong.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
LongPressDelay := 220
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; O-Umlaut | ; => ö und : => Ö
KeyWait ";"
$; Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$;" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send ";"
Send "ö"
KeyWait ";"
$+; Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$+;" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send ":"
Send "Ö"
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; U-Umlaut| [ => ü und { => Ü
KeyWait "["
$[ Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$[" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send "["
Send "ü"
KeyWait "["
$+[ Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$+[" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send "{"
Send "Ü"
; EDIT: My working solution per user3419297's answer
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; U-Umlaut| [ => ü und { => Ü
KeyWait "SC01A"
$SC01A Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$SC01A" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
Send "["
Send "ü"
KeyWait "SC01A"
$+SC01A Up::
If (A_PriorHotKey = "$+SC01A" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < LongPressDelay)
SendText "{"
Send "Ü"
Script based on
As a Developer it's super helpful to code using the US keyboard layout because all the special characters are within easy reach. As a native German speaker I'd like to access our beloved Umlauts at their traditional spots because I'm used to it.
On MacOS I solved this with Karabiner and Umlauts on long press. I want to replicate this on Windows.

In the rare case where a key has no name or the standard code doesn't work, Hotkeys can be triggered by using the 3-digit hexadecimal scan code (SC) of a key.
The scan code of a key can be determined by following the steps at Special Keys:
Run a script with keyboard hook
open the AutoHotkey window (context menu in systray, Open item)
go to View > Key History and script info
type the key
hit F5 to see the code

Trying the same right here, using a different code though.
I managed to migrate it to V2 and changed the keys to match the German Keyboard layout.
[ = ü
' = ä
; = ö
- = ß
Please feel free to try:
umlaut_pairs := Map("$[" , "ü", "$'" , "ä", "$;" , "ö", "$-" , "ß", "$+[" , "Ü", "$+'" , "Ä", "$+;" , "Ö")
umlaut := umlaut_pairs[A_ThisHotkey]
Send SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2) ; input the letter first, otherwise input order might be wrong
KeyWait Substr(A_ThisHotkey,-1), "T0.2" ; call only the specific character without "$" or "+" and show input of the pressed key
if(A_TimeSinceThisHotkey>200) ; if pressed more than 200ms
Send "{BackSpace}" ; backspace previous letter
Send umlaut_pairs[A_ThisHotkey] ; Replace acc. to the map
KeyWait Substr(A_ThisHotkey,-1), "T0.2"
; }


How do you include a loop with modifiers?

I'm trying to get AHK to continue to press "2" until "2" is pressed a second time. If alt, ctrl, or shift is held it sends ^2, +2, !2 while held and then returns to spamming "2" once the modifier key is released.
This code works so far with modifiers I just need to figure out how to add the loop.
; Disable Alt+Tab
; Disable Windows Key + Tab
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
if not GetKeyState("2", "P")
if GetKeyState("LCtrl", "P")
Send ^2
else if GetKeyState("LShift", "P")
Send +2
else if GetKeyState("LAlt", "P")
Send !2
Send 2
sleep 135
I would recommend using SetTimer for your loop and to be able to toggle it on and off. Please see if the following works for you:
SetTimer , label_TwoLoop , % ( bT := !bT ) ? "135" : "Off"
If GetKeyState( "LCtrl" , "P" )
Send , ^2
Else If GetKeyState( "LShift" , "P" )
Send , +2
Else If GetKeyState( "LAlt" , "P" )
Send , !2
Send , 2
Note that I added the < to the hotkey definitions since the loop-portion is only looking for the left modifier keys. I figured this is the intended behavior.

How to achieve visual-studio-like chained hotkeys using AHK?

I'm trying to achieve a visual-studio-like chaining of hotkeys for something at work.
Basically, when I hit Ctrl+Alt+F, I want to enter a sort of "Format mode" The next key I press will determine what text is injected. I'd like "Format mode" to cease as soon as one of the inner hotkeys is pressed. However I'd also like the option to have to cancel it manually just in case.
I've tried searching for the chaining of hotkeys, as well as attempted the following, rather naive code:
;; Format Mode
; Bold
Send "<b></b>"
Send {Left 4}
; Italics
Send "<i></i>"
Send {Left 4}
; Bulleted List
Send "<u></u>"
Send {Left 4}
; Numbered List
Send "<o></o>"
Send {Left 4}
; List Item
Send "<li></li>"
Send {Left 4}
; Line Break
Send "<br/>"
I was pretty sure this wasn't going to work, but I figured I'd give it a shot so as to not make y'all think I'm just asking to be spoon fed.
I haven't worked with AHK a whole lot, but I've used it enough to be able to accomplish some stuff both at home and at work, but it's suuuuper messy - just as some background as to my experience with AHK.
With the #if command you are able to Switch/Toggle between action1/Enable and action2/Disable with the same Hotkeys.
You can test it out in Notepad. if you then type the key t
type Ctrl+Shift+f keys to toggle between two the same hotkeys.
Note: For your Hotkeys You Can Change the Code a Little Bit! you can Place all your hotkeys into #if Mode1 and then use no hotkeys into #if Mode2
; [+ = Shift] [! = Alt] [^ = Ctrl] [# = Win]
#SingleInstance force
a := 1
#If mode1 ; All hotkeys below this line will only work if mode1 is TRUE or 1
send 1
; Here you can put your first hotkey code
; Here you can Place All your Hotkeys
#If mode2 ; All hotkeys below this line will only work if mode2 is TRUE or 1
send 2
; And here you can put your second hotkey code
; toggle between [t::1] and [t::2]
;a = 1 => t::1
;a = 2 => t::2
;type Ctrl+Shift+f keys to toggle between two the same hotkeys
;you can test it out in notepad - if you then type the key t
if (a=1)
mode1 = 1
mode2 = 0
a := 2
mode1 = 0
mode2 = 1
a := 1
Using #If is a good choice, as stevecody showed. Below is another solution that may work for you. It uses your ^+f hotkey to activate the specialty hotkeys. The specialty hotkeys will also deactivate themselves upon use. f1 is your option to cancel it manually.
Hotkey , b , l_Bold , On
Hotkey , i , l_Italics , On
Hotkey , l , l_ListItem , On
Hotkey , b , l_Bold , Off
Hotkey , i , l_Italics , Off
Hotkey , l , l_ListItem , Off
Hotkey , b , l_Bold , Off
Send , <b></b>{left 4}
Hotkey , i , l_Italics , Off
Send , <i></i>{left 4}
Hotkey , l , l_ListItem , Off
Send , <li></li>{left 5}
Something else I was looking at, but it doesn't quite work right, is below. The problem is that it will still send the specialty key and you end up with something like <i>i</i> instead of <i></i>.
KeyBdHook := DllCall( "SetWindowsHookEx" , "int" , 13 , "uint" , RegisterCallback( "KeyBdProc" ) , "uint" , 0 , "uint" , 0 )
KeyBdProc( nCode , wParam , lParam )
global KeyBdHook
If ( wParam = 0x100 )
DllCall( "UnhookWindowsHookEx" , "ptr" , KeyBdHook )
sKey := GetKeyName( Format( "vk{:x}" , NumGet( lParam + 0 , 0 , "int" ) ) )
If ( sKey = "i" )
Send , <i></i>{left 4}
MsgBox , You pressed %sKey%

Mapping Swedish character hotkeys in MacOS to Windows 10

I want to map the Swedish characters å,ä,ö,Å,Ä,Ö to the MacOS hotkeys, but I want it to work under Windows 10 since at work I use a Windows machine and I do not want to keep switching back and forth from a US to Swedish keyboard layout. I think Autohotkey will be appropriate for this.
The MacOS mappings are:
Option+a = å
Shift+Option+a = Å
Option + u, then a = ä
Option + u, then shift + A = Ä
Option + u, then o = ö
Option + u, then shift + O = Ö
Instead of using the option key in Windows (since it doesn't exist) I will use the Left Windows key.
So far I have the script:
Input Key, L1
if Key=a
Send, ä
if Key=o
Send, ö
Send, å
This works for the lowercase characters but I am not sure how to implement the upper case characters.
user3419297's answer didn't work for me but I was able to use parts of it to get the code to work properly. I have posted it below in case anyone is wondering how I was able to get it to work.
Input, Key, L1
if GetKeyState("LShift")
if Key=a
Send, Ä
if Key=o
Send, Ö
if Key=a
Send, ä
if Key=o
Send, ö
<#a:: Send, å
<#+a:: Send, Å

Autohotkey: Paste/write a simple line of text with a keyboard shortcut?

This is a super simple thing I am trying to get my head around
I want to use something like WINKEY + ALT + C to paste ** - words** so that I can sign-off my posts or whatever using the three-key combo
Not sure what exactly you want, maybe something like this?
Press WINKEY + ALT + C to paste the clipboard contents:
SendInput, ^v
Press WINKEY + ALT + C to paste "Some random text"
SendInput, Some random text
Instead of Sendinput which will type each characters you can use a clipboard paste approach. See for example
Clip_Paste(sText,restore := True) {
; Syntax: Clip_Paste(sText,restore := True)
If (restore)
ClipBackup:= ClipboardAll
Clipboard := sText
If (restore)
} ; eofun
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clip_Restore(ClipBackup) {
Clip_Wait() ; in order not to overwrite running clipboard action like pasting
Clipboard:= ClipBackup
} ;eofun
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sleep, 150
while DllCall("user32\GetOpenClipboardWindow", "Ptr")
Sleep, -1
} ; eofun

AutoHotkey Script to send pound (£) on double press of Shift+3

I'm trying to make a script that sends a pound instead of a dollar when you hold down Shift and press 4 twice quickly.
Has anyone seen any code that does this sort of thing?
Okay I've seen some documentation and managed to get it detecting the double shift+3 press like this:
Shift & 4::
if (A_PriorHotkey <> "Shift & 4" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400)
KeyWait, 4
Send, £
But can't get it to send the $ for some reason. Any ideas?
I got the intended functionality working eventually:
Shift & 4::
if (A_PriorHotkey <> "Shift & 4" or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 800)
Send, {$}
Send, {BS}
Send, £
Basically, when you press Shift+4 the dollar is printed. If you're still holding shift and you press 4 again, the backspace key is pressed and the £ is printed.
As in, you should put key name into " ".
KeyWait, "3"
Does this work?
Shift & 4::
KeyWait, 4 ; waits for '4' to be released
KeyWait, 4, D T.4 ; waits 400ms for 4 to be pressed again
Send % ErrorLevel ? "{$}" : "{BS}{£}"
; if ErrorLevel=1 (4 not pressed) will send $ else will send {BS}£
I used to do this in a complicated way as well until I realized that the solution is very simple:
Just press $ sign twice to get a £ (or €)
B.t.w. I did the same for ", just press ' twice to get "
The {space} is required for me because " is only printed after I press space. (Dutch language setting).