I wand to add dynamic value as default value in my draft-js form. Here is what I am doing:
ContentState.createFromBlockArray(convertFromHTML(data.map((item) => item.name)))
If I do this, I am getting the following error in console.log: html.trim is not a function at convertFromHTMLToContentBlocks.
If I type some custom value as default value (example: '123'), everything works fine. But I can`t add that value dynamically.
What can cause this error and how can I solve it?
I would like to reset/clear my MUI Autocomplete component.
I have two of them with model like { label: string, value: string } and if first will change its value then I would like to clear the second one since second will get options by selected value in first one.
Moreover - I am using react-hook-form with setValue. I use as value in this method { label: '', value: '' } but it causes warning that in my new sort of options there is no such option to select (this is minor issue I think) but it does not reset second Autocomplete input but partially. I still see X to clear value. I used null as value in setValue but it does not cleat input as well.
What I want to achieve is - selecting some option on first input I would like to reset second input like clicking on X does. Is it possible ?
I found what caused the issue I describe above. It was because Autocomplete in my codebase was declared with clearOnBlur={false} props. It prevented to clear value of my Autocomplete when I was doing setValue(autocompleteFieldName, null) via react-hook-form. I hope it helps someone with the same strange issue since I was not interacting with input at all to invoke onBlur event. Cheers!
When I entered a value in the input box and submitted it, the mandatory item verification failed, and the system displayed a message indicating that a parameter was empty and instructed me to enter a value. The code for obtaining the input value is as follows:
(see the solution in column C)
can you give me some advice about it?
The possible cause is that the method for obtaining the value is incorrect. As a result, the value in the input box cannot be obtained.
Use the onchange event to assign a value to the model and obtain the value of the input box. The method is as follows:
Initialize the model.
Bind an event to the input box.
<input #change="getAccountValue" value="{{accountValue}}"></input>
Assign a value.
getAccountValue: function(e) {
this.accountValue = e.value // Here, e.value instead of e.target.attr.value is used.
Refer to the official document instead of generating a JavaScript object for coding. A JavaScript object may lead to compatibility issues.
Currently, the data binding mode of the quick app is unidirectional.
The value entered in the input box does not change the value of accountValue in data.
If the value of the input box is changed by setting this.accountValue to xxx, the onchange event of the input will not be triggered.
In this.accountValue = xxx format, if the value of accountValue before and after the change is the same, the page will not be re-rendered.
I am using controller component of react-hook-form to call material UI autocomplete.
When I'm passing defaultValue parameter then it is populating in field but when click on submit button then showing validation error message:
shared_with_users must be a `array` type, but the final value was: `null` (cast from the value `{ "value": "571998", "label": "\"Satyendra Kumar\"" }`). If "null" is intended as an empty value be sure to mark the schema as `.nullable()`
Here is my code:
Autocomplete is coming after selection of last select box. I am using yup for form validation.
Please suggest the fixes.
Thank you in advance
Issue is fixed now.
Problem was uncontrolled component, when i created controlled component then it started working properly.
Here is my updated code:
in my myForm I call in a tableMY a displayMethod_fieldA.
In myForm I insered a some date in a DateEdit and I want to make a selection in table using the entered value. If I crete a displayMethod whit parameter I have an error.
Look like this code I get error:
display myEDTField displayMethod_fieldA (date _dateFromForm)
tableMY table;
select table
where table.item == this.item
&& table.dateTable == _dateFromForm;
return table.valueFieldA;
I have an error looklike this:
The display method has an incorrect parameter profile.
There is another way to display or set the value in my StrinEdit in Grid by method passing a parameter?
In web I saw the method modifier modifierMothod , but I need some more explanation. I don't know if this method is a right way.
Display methods are not designed with this feature.
display method for a table, form, report, or report design does not
have any parameters. For example: display Amount amount()
A display method for a form data source does require a parameter. You
use the
parameter to specify a table buffer. The type of the table buffer has
to match the type of the table in the form data source.
You can create the desired behaviour with an edit method (and setting the field to AllowEdit(false) or enabled(false).
Using a 'clicked' override on a button, I'd like to modify values in an Axapta form.
I'm able to get data from the form field using:
str strOld = Form_FieldName.valueStr();
I'm able to prepend text to the field using:
I can't seem to find a .clear method or .value= method. I'd like to replace the entire value in the field with new information.
If the field is bound to a datasource, you have to modify the value in the datasource. If the field is bound to a variable, then modify the value of the variable itself. It is the easy an smart way to do it.
You can modify the value in the form control by using the .text() method. (The control have to be the AutoDeclaration property set to Yes). This is a setter-getter (parameter) type method used in AX. If no parameter is passed, it is user as getter (read). If you pass a value, this is a setter (write).
Hope this helps.