SF Message Channel Error: Cannot find Lightning Component Bundle force-app - salesforce-lightning

I'm following a Lightning Web Component course and have been stuck on the Lightning Message Service lesson. After having created the messageChannels folder under force-app/main/default and creating the XML file, whenever I try to push the code (to either a Scratch Org or a Dev Org) I receive the error "Cannot find Lightning Component Bundle force-app".
I've searched frantically for an answer and none of the solutions online seem to help.
The XML file was copied and pasted from here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_lightningmessagechannel.htm
The package.xml file has also been copied and pasted from there (the applicable part)
3.The folder's name is spelled correctly and the file is aptly names as well (lwcChannel.messageChannel-meta.xml)
If I remove the messageChannels folder, pushing the code works normally.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!


AEM Design Importer - File Not Found

I'm having a problem with AEM's design importer and wondering if anyone else has seen this or has any suggestions..
After uploading my zip file with the following file structure the page is unable to find my JavaScript file or Fonts. It does however, render my CSS and images and html:
- index.html
- css\style.css
- css\bootstrap.css
- css\fonts\*various font files*
- scripts\customjavascript.js
- img\*various img files*
The error message in the console says
"headindex.htmlclientlibs.min.js does not exist or cannot be found".
The file path its looking to find this file is https://*aemserver*/etc/designs/default/canvas/*domain*/_jcr_content/importer/headindex.htmlclientlibs.min.js
When I look at CRXDe I can see that my js and font folder/files were successfully imported under etc/designs/default/canvas/importer/ with the following folder structure:
css/font/*font files*
A workaound I have found that works is as follows:
- copying the fonts folder and pasting it under the root of /importer
- copying the customjavascript.js file and pasting it under the root of /importer and also renaming it to headindex.htmlclientlibs.min.js
But our authors don't have access to make these changes so it would kind of defeat the purpose of implementing the importer page to begin with...
I've searched all over and have yet to find anyone else who's had a similar situation or anything in the AEM documentation that addresses this. Hoping this may lead to something as I'm at a bit of a dead end. Thanks in advance!

Unity metafiles errors

I know the title may sound imprecise but that is because i'm not sure where my error comes from...
First, here's my folder organization :
At start, the file "MemoryCard" was titled as "MemoryCards" (notice the "s" at the end). I use to edit my files with Unity's build-in text editor "Monodevelop" and while editing my file, I decided to rename it via Monodevelop... which appeared to be a bad idea since there now is a warning message :
"A meta data file (.meta) exists but its asset 'Assets/Scripts/MemoryCards.cs' can't be found. When moving or deleting files outside of Unity, please ensure that the corresponding .meta file is moved or deleted along with it."
I first deleted the .cs file and created a new one but the error remains...
My problem is I don't know which meta file I should look for since the meta file "MemoryCards.cs.meta" has been deleted and replaced at the creation of the new script by its corresponding .meta file...
I guess there's some kind of specific file referencing all the meta files like a tree or so... but I did not find any doc on the internet.
I hope any of you will be able to help me :)
Thank you in advance,
Renaming the file in Monodevelop caused an error with the meta file.
My problem was solved by deleting the meta and the script file and then creating a new script file.
BUT, unless you make the right links/references to the new file and make the game runnable, Unity will warn you that there remains an error... but there's not.
So, if you're like me "a person who can't go on until all errors are solved" ... Well, just ignore it and build your project, the error will vanish.

Why don't the Target 8 files implement the project as described in the tutorial?

In Target 8: Define a Custom DOM Tag, the reader is told about custom DOM tags that can be created by extending other tags. A sample is described for an example called "x-converter" before listing the files as "These files implement the app:".
The three files are...
a drseuss.html file (not sure why there's a sudden deviation in the project name and the HTML file, as opposed to the matching names in previous tutorials...),
a converter-element.html file,
and a convertercomponent.dart file.
I tried creating a new application in the latest Dart editor, and replaced the default HTML file contents with that of drseuss.html, replaced the default dart file contents with that of convertercomponent.dart, and added converter-element.html file.
After fixing an include issue (the file from the tutorial refers to drseuss.css and not the default project name's CSS file), I only see the following in the Chromium browser.
As you can see, the element described in the tutorial (converter-element) doesn't show up. Why don't the files provided for the project result in what's shown in the tutorial?
For reference, here's what's shown in the tutorial.
Web UI requires the build.dart script which compiles the various components into the executable output HTML+Dart.
Take a look at the parent folder in the github src that you reference, and you will see the build.dart script.
In addition, you will need the pubspec.yaml from that folder, too, which includes web_ui package, which brings in the dwc tool(Dart Web Components compiler) used by build.dart.
Take a look at the article Tools for Web UI for more information about dwc and build.dart, and Target 6 - Getting Started with Web UI which covers similar ground, but in a tutorial format.

Flash Builder 4 import services .as files

I am working on a shared project in Flash Builder 4. Our data is coming through web services. We have put the generated .as files into vss so that we can share them. What I can't figure out is how to import those files. I see the files that others have created under my services directory but I can't figure out how to get them to appear in my Data/Services view. Does anybody know how to do this?
It looks like this information is in a file with an .fml extension. This is located in your project.model directory. Besides the fact that you can't get to that file from within flash builder to check it out, I don't know that it is a good idea to source control a project file. We are looking at what options we have to help everyone maintain these service files.

iPhone MoveMe Example - trouble with DisplayStrings

I'm starting to play a bit with iPhone applications and I downloaded the MoveMe example from the apple web page.
I managed to run the app, however I do not get the strings displayed. I noticed that the DisplayStrings.strings file, although it exists in the app folder, does not appear as one of the resources.
I tried adding it as a resource, but then after compiling I get an error saying "copystrings failed with exit code 1". I cannot find anything online regarding what the origin of this problem is...
The file itself is in utf16 (big endian), and contains simply a list of strings separated by new lines.
Any ideas?
I was having the same problem and as a workaround I renamed DisplayStrings.strings to DisplayStrings.data and added it as a resource. I then modified init in PlacardView.m to use the new filename. This made Xcode happy.
I fixed this by adding the DisplayStrings.strings file as a resource. However, when you do this it defaults the type to 'text.plist.strings' which is incorrect, since the file is just text. So, right click on the DisplayStrings.strings file in resources and change the type to 'text'. This solved the problem for me.