How create a Login with Kivy and Python - forms

I would like to create a GUI with Kivy to login to a website, Is it possible?
Here is a part of the code.
Instead of logging in from the terminal I would like to create an android application that does some web scraping for me once I log in..
def login():
# find username/email field and send the username itself to the input field
driver.find_element(By.ID, 'j_username').send_keys(username)
# find password input field and insert password as well
driver.find_element(By.ID, 'j_password').send_keys(password)
# click login button
driver.find_element(By.ID, 'login-button').click()
# wait the ready state to be complete
WebDriverWait(driver=driver, timeout=5).until(
lambda x: x.execute_script("return document.readyState === 'complete'")
error_message = "Login fehlgeschlagen."
# get the errors (if there are)
errors = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "highlight_login")# print the errors optionally
#for e in errors:
# print(e)
# if we find that error message within errors, then login is failed
if any(errors):
print("Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen!")
print('Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort!\nPrüfe die Exceldatei "LoginDaten.xlsx", ob die Felder korrekt ausgefüllt sind!')
print("Anmeldung erfolgreich!")


How to get user ID through mentioning Telegram bot python

I write code for
i make a command /add_administrator that is, Ana must add the user ID of the user I mentioned to the file admins.json but after using the command the bot breaks What I understand the bot sees(/add_administrator)
(#user)ignore or not see
I would like to understand how to get the user id through a #mention
It will be in a different language full code :
complete command code:
from webserver import keep_alive
import json
import random
import re
import os
import telebot
from telebot import types
#from telegram.ext import Updater
bot = telebot.TeleBot(os.environ['TOKEN'], parse_mode="HTML")
def add_adm(message):
# Check if user is admin
if is_admin(int(
args = get_args(message.text)
# Check for args
if args and args[0].isdigit():
id = int(args[0])
with open('admins.json', "r") as jsonFile:
data = json.load(jsonFile)
if id not in data:
with open("admins.json", "w") as jsonFile:
json.dump(data, jsonFile)
bot.reply_to(message, f"`{id}` Appointed as admin.")
'This user is already an administrator .')
bot.reply_to(message, 'User is not found.')
bot.reply_to(message, 'You are not an administrator .')
I have not tried anything because I do not understand how

Within a gimp python-fu plug-in can one create/invoke a modal dialog (and/or register a procedure that is ONLY to be added as a temp procedure?)

I am trying to add a procedure to pop-up a modal dialog inside a plug-in.
Its purpose is to query a response at designated steps within the control-flow of the plug-in (not just acquire parameters at its start).
I have tried using gtk - I get a dialog but it is asynchronous - the plugin continues execution. It needs to operate as a synchronous function.
I have tried registering a plugin in order to take advantage of the gimpfu start-up dialogue for same. By itself, it works; it shows up in the procedural db when queried. But I never seem to be able to actually invoke it from within another plug-in - its either an execution error or wrong number of arguments no matter how many permutations I try.
[Reason behind all of this nonsense: I have written a lot of extension Python scripts for PaintShopPro. I have written a App package (with App.Do, App.Constants, Environment and the like that lets me begin to port those scripts to GIMP -- yes it is perverse, and yes sometimes the code just has to be rewritten, but for a lot of what I actual use in the PSP.API it is sufficient.
However, debugging and writing the module rhymes with witch. So. I am trying to add emulation of psp's "SetExecutionMode" (ie interactive). If
set, the intended behavior is that the App.Do() method will "pause" after/before it runs the applicable psp emulation code by popping up a simple message dialog.]
A simple modal dialogue within a gimp python-fu plug-in can be implemented via gtk's Dialog interface, specifically gtk.MessageDialog.
A generic dialog can be created via
queryDialogue = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT \
Once the dialog has been shown,
a synchronous response may be obtained from it
response =
The above assumes that the dialog is not created and thence destroyed after each use.
In the use case (mentioned in the question) of a modal dialog to manage single stepping through a pspScript in gimp via an App emulator package, the dialogue message contents need to be customized for each use. [Hence, the "" for the message argument in the Constructor. [more below]]
In addition, the emulator must be able to accept a [cancel] response to 'get out of Dodge' - ie quit the entire plug-in (gracefully). I could not find a gimpfu interface for the latter, (and do not want to kill the app entirely via gimp.exit()). Hence, this is accomplished by raising a custom Exception class [appTerminate] within the App pkg and catching the exception in the outer-most scope of the plugin. When caught, then, the plug-in returns (exits).[App.Do() can not return a value to indicate continue/exit/etc, because the pspScripts are to be included verbatim.]
The following is an abbreviated skeleton of the solution -
a plug-in incorporating (in part) a pspScript
the pkg supplying the environment and App.Do() to support the pspScript
a pkg supporting how pspScripts use dot-notation for parameters demonstrates creation, customization and use of a modal dialog - App.doContinue() displays the dialogue illustrating how it can be customized on each use.
App._parse() parses the pspScript (excerpt showing how it determines to start/stop single-step via the dialogue)
App._exec() implements the pspScript commands (excerpt showing how it creates the dialogue, identifies the message widget for later customization, and starts/stops its use)
# (abbreviated)
import gimp
import gtk
import Map # see use-a-dot-to-access-members-of-dictionary
from Map import *
pdb = gimp.pdb
isDialogueAvailable = False
queryDialogue = None
queryMessage = None
Environment = Map({'executionMode' : 1 })
_AutoActionMode = Map({'Match' : 0})
_ExecutionMode = Map({'Default' : 0}, Silent=1, Interactive=2)
Constants = Map({'AutoActionMode' : _AutoActionMode}, ExecutionMode=_ExecutionMode ) # etc...
class appTerminate(Exception): pass
def Do(eNvironment, procedureName, options = {}):
global appTerminate
img = gimp.image_list()[0]
lyr = pdb.gimp_image_get_active_layer(img)
parsed = _parse(img, lyr, procedureName, options)
if eNvironment.executionMode == Constants.ExecutionMode.Interactive:
resp = doContinue(procedureName, parsed.detail)
if resp == -5: # OK
print procedureName # log to stdout
if parsed.valid:
if parsed.isvalid:
_exec(img, lyr, procedureName, options, parsed, eNvironment)
print "invalid args"
print "invalid procedure"
elif resp == -6: # CANCEL
raise appTerminate, "script cancelled"
pass # terminate plugin
print procedureName + " skipped"
pass # skip execution, continue
_exec(img, lyr, procedureName, options, parsed, eNvironment)
def doContinue(procedureName, details):
global queryMessage, querySkip, queryDialogue
# - customize the dialog -
if details == "":
msg = "About to execute procedure \n "+procedureName+ "\n\nContinue?"
msg = "About to execute procedure \n "+procedureName+ "\n\nDetails - \n" + details +"\n\nContinue?"
resp = # get modal response
return resp
def _parse(img, lyr, procedureName, options):
# validate and interpret App.Do options' semantics vz gimp
if procedureName == "Selection":
# ...
# parsed = Map({'valid' : True}, isvalid=True, start=Start, width=Width, height=Height, channelOP=ChannelOP ...
# /Selection
# ...
elif procedureName == "SetExecutionMode":
generalOptions = options['GeneralSettings']
newMode = generalOptions['ExecutionMode']
if newMode == Constants.ExecutionMode.Interactive:
msg = "set mode interactive/single-step"
msg = "set mode silent/run"
parsed = Map({'valid' : True}, isvalid=True, detail=msg, mode=newMode)
# /SetExecutionMode
parsed = Map({'valid' : False})
return parsed
def _exec(img, lyr, procedureName, options, o, eNvironment):
global isDialogueAvailable, queryMessage, queryDialogue
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if procedureName == "Selection":
# pdb.gimp_rect_select(img, o.start[0], o.start[1], o.width, o.height, o.channelOP, ...
# /Selection
# ...
elif procedureName == "SetExecutionMode":
generalOptions = options['GeneralSettings']
eNvironment.executionMode = generalOptions['ExecutionMode']
if eNvironment.executionMode == Constants.ExecutionMode.Interactive:
if isDialogueAvailable:
queryDialogue.destroy() # then clean-up and refresh
isDialogueAvailable = True
queryDialogue = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, "")
queryDialogue.set_title("psp/APP.Do Emulator")
queryDialogue.set_size_request(450, 180)
aqdContent = queryDialogue.children()[0]
aqdHeader = aqdContent.children()[0]
aqdMsgBox = aqdHeader.children()[1]
aqdMessage = aqdMsgBox.children()[0]
queryMessage = aqdMessage
if isDialogueAvailable:
isDialogueAvailable = False
# /SetExecutionMode
else: # should not get here (should have been screened by parse)
raise AssertionError, "unimplemented PSP procedure: " + procedureName
raise AssertionError, "App.Do("+procedureName+") generated an exception:\n" + sys.exc_info()
A skeleton of the plug-in itself. This illustrates incorporating a pspScript which includes a request for single-step/interactive execution mode, and thus the dialogues. It catches the terminate exception raised via the dialogue, and then terminates.
def generateWebImageSet(dasImage, dasLayer, title, mode):
img = dasImage.duplicate()
# ...
bkg = img.layers[-1]
frameWidth = 52
start = bkg.offsets
end = (start[0]+bkg.width, start[1]+frameWidth)
# pspScript: (snippet included verbatim)
# SetExecutionMode / begin interactive single-step through pspScript
App.Do( Environment, 'SetExecutionMode', {
'GeneralSettings': {
'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Interactive
# Selection
App.Do( Environment, 'Selection', {
'General' : {
'Mode' : 'Replace',
'Antialias' : False,
'Feather' : 0
'Start': start,
'End': end
# Promote
App.Do( Environment, 'SelectPromote' )
# und_so_weiter ...
except App.appTerminate:
raise AssertionError, "script cancelled"
# /generateWebImageSet
# _generateFloatingCanvasSetWeb.register -----------------------------------------
def generateFloatingCanvasSetWeb(dasImage, dasLayer, title):
generateWebImageSet(dasImage, dasLayer, title, mode)
"Generate Floating- Frame GW Canvas Image Set for Web Page",
"Generate Floating- Frame GW Canvas Image Set for Web Page",
"C G",
"C G",
"<Image>/Image/Generate Web Imagesets/Floating-Frame Gallery-Wrapped Canvas Imageset...",
( PF_STRING, "title", "title", "")
I realize that this may seem like a lot of work just to be able to include some pspScripts in a gimp plug-in, and to be able to single-step through the emulation. But we are talking about maybe 10K lines of scripts (and multiple scripts).
However, if any of this helps anyone else with dialogues inside plug-ins, etc., so much the better.

how can i send facebook message using selenium webdriver

I am able to login on facebook, able to open chat but unable to send any message
Below program code I have used:
//Login on FB >> Working fine
// click on message icon >> Working fine
//click on friends name, to whom i want to send message >> Working fine
//Send message >>>> here, i am not getting any response, code run without entered any message or error
driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#class='_552h _35li _n4k']")).sendKeys("Hiii");
I have used this code, it works for me.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(#class,'_5rpu') and #role='combobox']")).sendKeys("hi"+Keys.ENTER);
require 'selenium-webdriver'
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
#driver.get ''
a = #driver.find_element(:xpath, '//[#id="email"]').send_keys('')
a = #driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[#id="pass"]').send_keys('12345678')
a = #driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[#value="Log In"]').click
sleep 5
a = #driver.find_element(:xpath, '//a[#href="/messages/fname.lname" and #role="button"]').click
sleep 2;p 'This is Where I clicked/initiated the Send Message '
a = #driver.find_element(:xpath, '//div[#class="_1ia"]/descendant::div[#class="_5rpu" and #role="textbox"]')
a.send_keys('Hi There') # This is where I entered the keys and Did Enter
The correct answer since the #role has changed is :
WebElement sendmsg = driver
.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='_1ia']/descendant::div[#class='_5rpu' and #role='combobox']"));
sendmsg.sendKeys("Just testing: using selenium webdriver" + Keys.ENTER);

facebook api in R: OAuthException error, code 803

Im trying to connect to Facebook using R. I tried to use the codes from
Which gets the user information with the following code:
access.token<- "AAACE________n6bcITRIMCZCKhMySOV" #my access token
FacebookFetch <- function(access.path = "me", access.token, access.options) {
if (missing(access.options)) {
access.options <- ""
else {
access.options <- sprintf("?%s", paste(names(access.options), "=",
unlist(access.options), collapse = "&", sep = ""))
data <- getURL(sprintf("",
access.path, access.options, access.token),cainfo="cacert.pem")
} <- "100__72" # my ID
individual <- FacebookFetch(access.path=paste(,access.token=access.token )
if (length(individual$id)) {
cat ("Working with individual: ",individual$name," (",individual$id,")\n", sep="")
} else{
cat("Message: ", unlist(individual)[1], "\n")
cat("Type: ", unlist(individual)[2], "\n")
cat("Code: ", unlist(individual)[3], "\n")
stop(" Cannot continue")
where cainfo="cacert.pem" is added to work around the SSL certificate verification error.
Although now I get the following error and I have no idea how to solve this.
Message: (#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: 100__72&access_token=AAACE________n6bcITRIMCZCKhMySOV
Type: OAuthException
Code: 803
I found some posts where people got the same problem, only not using R but other programs, the problem was fixed by making the token and id a character. However, in R, these are already of class character.
When im recreating the url in the browser it returns the same error, while the graph explorer returns all the correct information. I have tried to refresh the token multiple times, but that didn't work.
The API reference book doesn't state what error code 803 entails.
does anybody have an idea how to solve this?
Im using r 2.15.2 in Rstudio on a windows 7 pro (also tried it on windows vista)

500 error when calling webservice through rhosync/rhodes

I am trying to call a web service in rhosync application.rb, I see a 500 error response in rhosync console .. and 'server returned an error' in BB simulator .. :(
Some info about my setup -
I have created a rhodes app that connects to a rhosync app when user enters user name and password and clicks on "login". I am calling this webservice through "authenticate" method of application.rb of the rhosync application ..
def authenticate(username,password,session)
Rho::AsyncHttp.get(:url => 'http://mywebserviceURL',:callback => (url_for :action => :httpget_callback),:callback_param => "" )
Instead of http:async, I tried consuming a soap based webservice and it worked just fine .. here is code if anyone cones here in search of a sample.. in application.rb of rhosync app
require "soap/rpc/driver"
class Application < Rhosync::Base
class << self
def authenticate(username,password,session)
driver ='http://webserviceurl')
driver.add_method('authenticate', 'username', 'password')
if ret=="Success" then
You can typically find the problem if you crank up your log. Edit rhoconfig.txt in your app
set these properties -
# Rhodes runtime properties
MinSeverity = 1
LogToOutput = 1
LogCategories = *
ExcludeLogCategories =
then try again and watch the terminal output. Feel free to post the log back and I'll take a look.
You also might want to echo out puts the mywebserviceURL if you're using that as a variable, I trust you just changed that for the post here. Can you access the webservice if you hit it with a browser?
require "soap/rpc/driver"
class Application < Rhosync::Base
class << self
def authenticate(username,password,session)
driver ='http://webserviceurl')
driver.add_method('authenticate', 'username', 'password')
if ret=="Success" then
in this what is done in add_method and authenticate method and where it to be written.