Why can't delete MYSQL folder in program file (Local Disc C) - mysql-workbench

I want to uninstall MYSQL workbench in my PC.after uninstall & while deleting MYSQL, it shows the action cant be completed because of the folder or a file in it is open in another program,Close the folder or file and try again .
I always try to delete folder but I couldnt.

You can't delete the folder because mysql service is using it.
Mysql workbench, by default installs mysql as a service, which is the recommended way to run mysql.
On Windows, the recommended way to run MySQL is to install it as a Windows service, so that MySQL starts and stops automatically when Windows starts and stops. A MySQL server installed as a service can also be controlled from the command line using NET commands, or with the graphical Services utility. Generally, to install MySQL as a Windows service you should be logged in using an account that has administrator rights.
From dev.mysql
On Windows, if you have used an installer to install something, you should uninstall it from Add Remove Programs.
Not only will its installer stop the service, and remove all files but also tidy up registry entries.


pgevent.dll can't be deleted because file opened by DHCP Client

I am facing an issue with deleting the PostgreSQL install files after uninstalling PostgreSQL 10 from Windows systems. We have automated scripts (as a part of our product) which uninstall postgres and then delete PostgreSQL installation folders from the system.
In order to uninstall Postgres from the system, we call the uninstall-postgresql.exe file (which is created as a part Postgres install) in the following way:
uninstall-postgresql.exe --mode unattended
The un-installation completes successfully, however when I try to delete the whole Postgresql install folder, I get an error stating:
due to this, the uninstall scripts fail because one of the Postgres files can't be deleted. Currently, we reboot the system and then delete all postgres install files.
Can someone help me delete all postgres install files from the system including this pgevent.dll.

MongoDB .msi installer not working on Windows 10

I have downloaded the .msi multiple times and tried to run in a variety of ways, however, I cannot install MongoDB on my windows 10 machine. When I click the .msi, I get the first "preparing to install" pop-up and then it just goes away. Nothing happens.
I tried downloading the zip folder which contains a bunch of .exes.. but still nothing. I'm not sure how to get this to work on my local.
For some reason, the latest documentation doesn't include the manual installation process.
Download the distribution ZIP and extract it to c:\mongodb\ or equivalent.
Then from the resultant bin directory you can run an administrative powershell command (be sure to replace the paths with real paths that exist on your system):
PS C:\mongodb\bin> ./mongod.exe --install --logpath="c:\\path\\to\\logfile.log" --dbpath="c:\\path\\to\\data\\on\\disc"
This will create a windows service named "MongoDB" which should start automatically. If it doesn't, you can run net start MongoDB from your admin PS prompt.
Please download Mongodb from there official sites and also there is a very easy guide to install the mongodb on various OS.
Reference:- https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/

Can I install postgresql without pgAdmin4?

I was packaging an windows application installer by NSIS.
An postgresql binary file was included in this install package.
But the official binary file is too large 172MB.
The zip archive is download from
The inside structure is like
In my opinion, pgAdmin4 is no need for my installer.
There are only CRUD operations in between application and SQL.
If I remove this directory, the binary zip can down to 41MB.
So could I simply remove directory pgAdmin4 and re-compress
to achieve this?
So could I simply remove directory pgAdmin4 and re-compress to achieve this?
Yes, and you can remove StackBuilder too if you want. Also symbols if you don't want to do in-place debugging if the postgres server crashes.
Please, please install your bundled PostgreSQL on a non-default port (not 5432) and if you run it as a service use a name associated with your application, so users know where it came from. See Installation of postgresql with NSIS . Put the PostgreSQL install directory within your app install directory.

How can I use Microsoft installer (msi) to group JBoss and Postgres database and make an .exe file?

I'm completely new to Microsoft installer and have installed advinst.msi, and I'm wondering how to use it.
I have to group Jboss where my Java application is deployed and postgres database and want to create an .exe file and deploy it to clients windows system.
Where the client can run the .exe file and start the application.
The Jboss package you can add a as a prerequisite. This will make Advanced Installer to install it when you install your application, see the link from above.
To deploy a database you have two options. Either you execute an SQL script that creates and populates it, as in this SQL scripts execution tutorial, or you deploy directly the binary files of your database, by placing them in the target folder from Files and Folders page, as you do with a normal file. The second option will make your installer to copy the files into the desired folder upon installation, so you database manager/explorer can access it.
To have all this bundled into a single executable you need to go to Media page and set the package output type to "Single setup EXE". From there you can also customize the EXE name, icon and output folder.

How to install liquibase on redhat linux

Thought this might help others. If you are running a headless VM it might not be immediately evident how to install liquibase. I was using a redhat linux box and wondering which command to try to install liquibase.
If you have access to another computer with a browser. Go to http://www.liquibase.org/download and copy the path to the liquibase zip file. Paste that path onto a wget command as in the example below
wget https://github.com/downloads/liquibase/liquibase/liquibase-2.0.5-bin.zip
unzip the zip file in the location of your choice such as ~/liquibase
Once you are done you will have to manually create your liquibase.properties file.