Doughnut with rounded edges can be implemented in Maui? - maui

I created a donut chart with Syncfusion in a Maui application and I want it to have rounded edges.
I want it to look like this:
enter image description here
But currently is looking like this:
enter image description here
This is what I've tried:
<chart:SfCircularChart >
<chart:DoughnutSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
PaletteBrushes="{StaticResource Colors}">
This style can be implemented in Maui with Syncfusion?


Flutter pie chart as a ring with legend inside circle

What packages to use if we want to create ring pie chart, like in image below. Legend must be inside circle.
You can use pie_chart. There is a similar picture in the package document. You can customize it.
There is another answer here, how you can center text.

Change the border's color of a button in Unity3D

I began to work with Unity3D since one month and I'm trying to do an application which contains a menu, composed by a panel and several buttons. At this moment, I'm trying to customize the menu, I change the fill color of the panel and buttons, but until now I could not change the border color of the buttons. There is any way to customize the border's color of the UI buttons? I would appreciate your help. :)
The easiest way to add an outline to your button is to use the Outline component (doc).
Simply add the Outline component where your button image or text is. Then configure it how you like it :)
The above results in the following button:
No, you can not change just border color. If you use default buttons, take a look at Source image. It is basically a grey square with black borders. So when you change color of image black color remains black.
To customize buttons as you want you need either create nested UI elements:
or create sprites with colors you want and replace source image
I find nested UI elements to be the easiest way to do something like this. Simple example:
Start out by creating a panel and change the scale until you get the desired size for your button. This will be your "borders".
Next create another panel as a child of the panel you just made and change the scale to be just slightly smaller than your first panel and change the color.
In the Inspector for your panel, add component and type in Button and add it as a component.
Finally, add a text as a child of your panel for a label and you're done.

how to Add progress bar in tile container SAPUI5

I want to add progress bar in tile container.I'm using the code from
SAPUI5 components. this code works fine if i show simple tiles. but i want to add progress bar in my each tiles which will show percentage. How i can manipulate progress bar into tile container.
title = "{ parts : [{ path : 'ns'}] , formatter : '.splitDataLakeNS' }"/>
You cannot add a progress bar to a sap.m.StandardTile component, because it does not accept aggregations, you can only customize it's properties.
Instead of StandardTile, you should use CustomTile, which allows you to display application specific content in the Tile control (a ProgressIndicator in your case).

How to use GWT color picker

I found gwt example for color picker. For example here is one link : But I want color picker something like below image :
How to develop this type of color picker in GWT. In GWT is tit possible to develop this type of color picker? Or is there any better way to develop this type of color picker?
Please help.
You already have half of the solution as per the shared link. Think of your custom color picker as a panel consisting of 2X2 grid and a button panel in bottom. Your 2X2 grid contains 4 panels:
Basic colors: Buttons of fixed colors
Subshell color picker
Custom colors: Button of custom colors
Add to custom colors: Input fields to take RGB & other values
Can you integrate some javascript and HTML5 in this? If you can this tutorial was amazing for me to develop my website's one by using the canevas. Check it out

Background Image not Aligning with Bubble Chart in SSRS

I have a background image for my bubble chart in SSRS (2008).
On the Design tab, the background image stays behind the bubble chart.
When I run the report (preview), the background image appears below the bubble chart - not behind it. I've set the background image as 'Send to Back'.
I assumed it should always stay as back of bubble chart.
How do I ensure that it stays fixed behind the bubble chart?
From the bubble chart graph, I have no option of filling the background with the embedded image.
According to this SSRS documentation, overlapping report items are not supported in preview mode, nor are they supported in HTML, Word, Excel, and several other important export formats. They are, however, supported in .pdf, and I've tested this to make sure that it works - even when the preview bumps the items so that they do not overlap, an exported .pdf will show them overlapping. So depending on the format you need, having overlapping report items may or may not be possible. If it is not possible for your required format, start looking into alternatives, like cropping your image into four separate images that surround your chart, and then keeping the chart as a fixed size in your report.
Oh, and I'm not sure what you mean by saying "From the bubble chart graph, I have no option of filling the background with the embedded image," if you are saying it won't work for your design purposes, that's fine. But I am able to set a background image in a bubble chart using the Fill section of the properties tab for the bubble chart to select a background image.
Edit: I am using Visual Studio 2008 as well. The properties window for the bubble chart looks like this:
Since it sounds like you already have the image you want uploaded to your project, you can choose "Embedded" for your source and then find the image in the Value dropdown.