Cloudfront and ALBs - Redirecting an HTTP request of a URL that is not on the SSL certificate. HTTP not HTTPS - redirect

I have a ALB set up behind a cloudfront distro. I have a rule to redirect an HTTP request to URL A to URL B which is not on AWS infrastructure.
When I query the ALB directly for URL A, the load balancer properly redirects to URL B. When I query a cloudfront endpoint for URL A, I get a 403 error back. Per the troubleshoot 403s aws doc, it seems the issue is that I don't have an alternate CNAME configured for URL B. However, since it's not on my SAN certificate that's associated with my CloudFront distro, I can't add it to the list of alternate CNAMES. is there a workaround to allow requests to URL A to properly travel through my cloudfront distro and get redirected? It doesn't make sense to me that I can't do this for an HTTP request.
verified that the ALB can be queried directly and redirect works
tried to add an alternate cname for http domain
removed wacl on alb to make sure that wasn't blocking it


Using Cloudfront as CDN for my custom server REST API

I have a REST API on a Hetzner server which uses Varnish. I am trying to set up Cloudfront to use as the CDN for it. After reading around, I currently have the following setup:
Hetzner / Varnish
A main API route
Config in Varnish for to also act as a route to the same API.
In the DNS for the domain in Hetzner, for I have
added the name servers for Route 53.
Route 53
Hosted zone called
An A record with name which points to my Cloudfront distribution.
An A record with name which points to the IP address of the server.
Cloudfront Distribution
Has the alternate domain name
Has the origin domain of
Protocol for origin is HTTP only
What I think should happen
Make a request to
Route 53 forwards to the Cloudfront distribution.
CloudFront looks to origin
Origin looks to IP address of Hetzner.
Hetzner receives request, Varnish allows the domain through, sends back data to Cloudfront.
What actually happens
If I make a request straight to from Postman, it works if I turn off SSL.
If I turn on SSL, I get the error SSL Error: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames, saying that is not on the certificates of the server.
If I make a request to, I get the error Error: Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop. Which may be due to the same certs error.
As a comparison, we have Cloudflare set up as the CDN for a different domain on the same Hetzner server. It has:
A main API route
In Hetzner a CNAME for with value
In Cloudflare, an A record for which points to the IP address of the server. is set up in Varnish as an entry point, but is not on the list of certificates of the server.
This all works fine including with SSL enabled.
It would be good to understand what I'm doing wrong here.

HTTPS requests for GKE Ingress ERR_TIMEDOUT

I have a microservice architecture (implemented in Spring Boot) deployed in Google Kubernetes Engine. For this microservice architecture I have setup the following:
domain: (free domain from Freenom)
a certificate for this domain
the following Ingress config:
The problem is that when I invoke an URL that I know it should be working, the response I get is ERR_TIMEDOUT. I checked Ingress Controller and I don't receive any request in the ingress although URL forwarding is set.
Update: I tried to set a "glue record" like in the following picture and the response I get is that the certificate is not valid (i have certificate for not and I get 401 after agreeing to access unsecure url.
I've digged a bit into this.
As I mentioned when you $ curl -IL you will received nginx ingress response.
As domain intercepts the request and redirect to the destination server I am not sure if there is point to use TLS.
I would suggest you to use nameserver instead of URL Forwarding, just use IP of your Ingress. In this option you would redirect request to your Ingress. When you are using Port Forwarding you are using Freenom redirection and I am not sure how its handled on their side.

Static webpage redirect http to https using Google loadbalancer

I'm trying to implement URL redirects from http to https as described by [][1] but I'm getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
I have a storage bucket with a very simple HTML page.
I have an external HTTP load balancer in front of it. Static IP address. SSL cert. I managed to connect everything so that both http and https requests for the site load the contents of the bucket.
I tried to add the HTTP redirect as per the document:
Changes 'Host and path rules' from 'Simple' to 'Advanced...'.
The default route still points to the bucket
I added a new route. Host is ' The default path rule points to the bucket. The second path rule matches /* and does a prefix/HTTPS redirect as described in the above link.
Once the config is saved, either http or https requests to results in ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
What am I doing wrong? Really appreciate any help you can provide.
[Backend configuration][2]
[Frontend configuration][3]
[Host and path rules][4]
[Redirect path rule][5]
FYI - someone in Google Groups pointed out that I needed 2 load balancers. 1 to terminate the HTTPS traffic and the second to redirect the HTTP traffic. Works like a charm.

How to block HTTP and allows only HTTPS for AWS API Gateway with custom domain name map

I've added certificate with custom domain name map in AWS API gateway but it allows HTTP automatically, how can I block normal HTTP and only allows HTTPS?
All API Gateway APIs are fronted with a CloudFront distribution. Each of these CloudFront distributions (whether it's a Custom Domain like yours or the default *.execute-api distribution) is configured to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Although CloudFront has the option to strictly require HTTPS and return 403 on HTTP requests we currently don't expose this option for simplicity.
If you feel you have valid use case for requiring HTTPS without a redirect please open a support ticket and the team can evaluate your request.

S3: "Redirect all requests to another host name" over HTTPS

I created an S3 bucket and enabled "Redirect all requests to another host name" under "Static Website Hosting".
This works and when I visit, I am redirected to my end destination.
If however, I try to access the same URL over HTTPS:, the connection times out.
Is it possible to specify an SSL certificate to use so that the redirect can handle HTTPS traffic?
With S3 by itself, no, it isn't possible. The web site endpoints don't speak SSL at all, and the REST endpoints don't handle redirects or allow any cert other than the *.s3(-region) cert.
However, you can do it with CloudFront and S3 combined, if your clients support SNI.
Create a CloudFront distribution, configured with your hostname and SSL certificate, but don't use an "S3 Origin." Use a "custom origin" and that origin is your S3 web site endpoint hostname, with all requests forwarded to the origin using http (even though it's https on the front end).
If you are not familiar with CloudFront, this probably sounds a little convoluted, but I use it for exactly this purpose (among others).
Requests hit CloudFront, which allows you to use your own SSL cert... and then CloudFront forwards the request to S3, which returns the redirect, which CloudFront will cache and return to the requester (as well as to future requesters hitting the same CloudFront edge location).
The cost for this extra layer is negligible and you should not see any meaningful change in performance (if anything, there's potential for a slight speed improvement).