Visual Studio Code Can't Run Flutter - looking at wrong dart version - flutter

I have created a new flutter Project, but when I run it on Visual Studio Code by clicking on "Start Debugging" the following errors pops up:
[button_test] flutter pub get
Running "flutter pub get" in button_test...
The current Dart SDK version is 2.17.6.
Because button_test requires SDK version >=2.18.4 <3.0.0, version solving failed.
pub get failed (1; Because button_test requires SDK version >=2.18.4 <3.0.0, version solving failed.)
exit code 1
So I've double checked the dart version by entering dart --version. But this came back as 2.18.6
The funny thing is that if I enter flutter run on the Terminal, it works no problem. As I've installed the flutter and dart extension, I believe this is a problem with those extension? With that said, is there a way to fix which version of dart it's looking at?

Step 1:
Open terminal and Navigate to the flutter location
cd <flutter_path>
Step 2:
Now enter the command
git checkout
You can find all the releases from this link
Step 3:
Now run flutter doctor -v command so flutter will download the stuff related to the particular version
flutter doctor -v
Once the flutter doctor command is successful you can go ahead and enjoy the version you wish


Failed to start DevTools: Dart DevTools exited with code 255

I am getting this error code in my Visual Studio Code. How can I fix it?
I am using Flutter v2.5.3.
You can try fixing it by running this in the terminal:
Just copy and paste the below code into the terminal and run it.
dart pub global activate devtools -v 2.8.0
which downgrades the version to 2.8.0 (that works fine). I found the answer on GitHub.
I agree with RandomCoder's answer to avoid executing command
dart pub global activate devtools -v 2.8.0
every time before opening Visual Studio Code.
And also if you didn't know the location of the build folder mentioned by RandomCoder, I found the location after reading it here for the pub cache folder:
By default, this directory is located under . pub-cache in your home directory (on macOS and Linux), or in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache (on Windows). (The precise location of the cache may vary depending on the Windows version.)
After you found it, go to the \hosted\\devtools-2.8.0 directory to copy the build version there and paste it in \hosted\\devtools-2.9.2.
I still didn't know if there is any bad effects of copy pasting it to a newer version folder, but in my case it's working until now.
In my case there wasn’t any build folder in the devtools-2.9.2 folder.
I copied it from 2.8.0 and it now works.
For Android Studio
Close Android Studio
Rn dart pub global activate devtools -v 2.8.0 to downgrade (as suggested in a previous answer)
Open Android Studio
Run your build
For Visual Studio Code
Open Terminal
Run dart pub global activate devtools -v 2.8.0 to downgrade (as suggested a previous answer)
I fix this by:
flutter upgrade
This is an issue coming since yesterday. Maybe they must have updated the Dart engine.
There are two ways which will help you to solve the issue.
Update the Flutter SDK to the latest version and restart your PC:
flutter upgrade
Use the Dart Devtools manually
Run flutter pub global in another terminal. Run devtools and then open
Enter a running application field address of your running application in the Connect: ""
You can find this URL in debug console when you run the code.
√ Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk.
Connecting to VM Service at ws://
If you are getting any issue regarding the port, then do this in your Flutter project console
flutter run --observatory-port=9100
Once the application starts you can see the message in the console.
If you are getting any server issue in the web browser
then enter
dart devtools
In cmd
Downgrade to devtools-2.8.0
And activate using dart pub global activate devtools -v 2.8.0
These two steps worked in my case
First activate your devtool using this command...
flutter pub global activate devtools
flutter pub global run devtools
And after that, try launching it from Visual Studio Code as described in the documentation: Install and run DevTools from VS Code

Warning: File C:\Users\UserName\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded. ( didn't work this command "flutter doctor --android-licenses")

I've been trying to solve this error since one day.
First I got this error
Exception: Android sdkmanager tool not found (/ usr / lib / android-sdk / tools / bin / sdkmanager).
Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK,
visit for detailed instructions.
Here is a Screenshot
I tried to solve this error but couldn't solve it and I deleted Android Studio completely (sdk, gradle, .android ... etc). I reinstalled and flutter I got this error when I wrote doctor. New errors Screenshot
C:\Users\Fatihh>flutter doctor --android-licenses
Warning: File C:\Users\Fatihh\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded.
4 of 7 SDK package licenses not accepted. 100% Computing updates...
Review licenses that have not been accepted (y/N)?
Finally I made the decision to write here. I need help.
Android studio version:4.1.1
OS :Win 10
Flutter SDK :1.22.5
Android SDK:30.3
First, open Android Studio and install Flutter and Dart plugins on it.
Then run the command flutter doctor --android-licenses
Finally, clean your project, make sure packages are installed and run it
flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter run

Update Dart DevTools

I'm currently on flutter 1.22.4 with dart devtools on 0.9.3+4, but has it at 0.9.5. My current version doesn't have the response body in the network tab and I'm trying to update to a newer version and I don't know how to.
First, run flutter -doctor and see if there are any errors. Then try running "flutter pub get" if that doesn't do the trick upgrade your tools and run flutter -clean and try again.

"The current configured Flutter SDK is not known to be fully supported. Please update your SDK and restart IntelliJ"

I have a problem that I'm trying to solve since last week, I've been searching about this issue and nothing works. I tried to reinstall the flutter and didn't work aswell. The image below is the first issue I have.
Then I went to "Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Upgrade" and it shows me this message:
C:\src\flutter\bin\flutter.bat --no-color upgrade
fatal: unterminated line in .git/packed-refs: ...
Building flutter tool...
Running pub upgrade...
ProcessException: Process exited abnormally:
fatal: unterminated line in .git/packed-refs: ...
Command: git fetch --tags
Process finished with exit code 1
And when I tap to "Run 'main.dart'", it shows me this message:
fatal: unterminated line in .git/packed-refs: ...
Building flutter tool...
Running pub upgrade...
Running "flutter pub get" in olx...
The current Flutter SDK version is 0.0.0-unknown.
Because carousel_pro 1.0.0 requires Flutter SDK version >=1.2.0 <2.0.0 and no versions of carousel_pro match >1.0.0 <2.0.0, carousel_pro ^1.0.0 is forbidden.
So, because olx depends on carousel_pro ^1.0.0, version solving failed.
pub get failed (1; So, because olx depends on carousel_pro ^1.0.0, version solving failed.)
What could I do to fix these issues?
(Thanks for listening :)
Here the issue is raised due to Flutter SDK version because it is unknown.
These are some steps that I have followed to solve this problem
Run the following git command into your terminal
=> git clone -b master
(this command will clone a flutter folder which contains latest version of Flutter SDK. get more info about SDK - here)
after cloning, we just need to move cloned folder to our default location of flutter SDK.
In my case path of flutter SDK is as follows(ubuntu) -
=> file:///home/bulbul/snap/flutter/common/flutter
I replaced the last flutter folder with the folder which I have cloned before.
then I ran the "flutter --version" command for getting the version of flutter SDK and it gave me the latest version of flutter SDK and the problem was solved.
It worked for me hopefully It will work for you as well.
Happy learning :)
Use the latest flutter SDK then check if the git is available from the command line using git --version. If it's not available from the command line android studio terminal then add git to system path variable and restart android studio.

Flutter Dart on windows 10

When I am running any command that uses dart the response is always as follows;
building flutter tool...
Running Pub upgrade...
The current Dart SDK version is
Because flutter_tools depends on collection >=1.15.0-nnbd <1.15.0-nullsafety.2 which requires SDK version >=2.9.0-18.0 <=2.9.10, version solving failed.
I am not able to switch the version nor the channel as those commands run through the same response.
I tried to uninstall flutter and dart, but I have only gotten back to the same issues.
Any help?
Navigate to where to your flutter install directory e.g. C:\Tools\Flutter and do a git pull.
After that you should be able to run any command, such as flutter --help and the Dart SDK will be on the correct version.
This can be verified by running flutter upgrade
I just needed to update my Path ENV Variable