I have implemented firebase_messaging in my flutter application. Notifications are received in both android and iOS. I am using the following function for receiving notification.
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
print('onMessage: ${message.data}');
This function is getting called when notification is recevied in Android. But in iOS, this function is not getting called. Is there any fix available for this issue?
I have setup firebase in my app,
i create onBackgroundMessageHundler in the top level,
onMessage I received the message
but on getInitialMessage && getInitialMessage not working.
Please anyone should help me out am new to flutter and am trying to use the notification Flutter and messaging Plugin but it says the Class RemoteMessage message is not define,
I want to display a push notification when my app is in the background.
I am using the flutter_local_notifications package and the firebase_messaging package.
Push notifications are working great with firebase_messaging and when my app is the background.
However, the below method :
// The following handler is called, when App is in the background.
is not called if a RemoteNotification object is passed through the RemoteMessage :
Future<void> firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
print('message from background handler');
print("Handling a background message: ${message.messageId}");
// If this is null, then this handler method is called
RemoteNotification remoteNotification = message.notification;
Therefore, i have to pass the message.data object which is a Map<String, dynamic>.
My problem is that i don't receive push notification anymore when this firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler handler method is called.
So i have been trying to use the flutter_local_notification package to display a push notification but as it is said, it's "local" so it's working fine in the Foreground but apparently not in the background (the same code, with the same data is not showing in the background as a push notification).
Question :
I need to call the firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler handler to handle events in my app. So i can do to still have push notifications when my app is in the background please ?
Okay i have found the solution. It was to set the content_available value to True in the server-side code.
To replace the firebase_messaging.Notification item, we need to override to the android and apns configs.
This looks like this in python :
apnsConfig = messaging.APNSConfig(
I am now receiving push notifications and call the background handler inside the dart code.
I know this bit too late but anyone trying to get custom notification using firebase then here is the solution
For Android (Flutter)
On Android, notification messages are sent to Notification Channels which are used to control how a notification is delivered. The default FCM channel used is hidden from users, however provides a "default" importance level. Heads up notifications require a "max" importance level.
This means that we need to first create a new channel with a maximum importance level & then assign incoming FCM notifications to this channel. we can take advantage of the flutter_local_notifications package
Add the flutter_local_notifications package to your local project.
Create a new AndroidNotificationChannel instance:
const AndroidNotificationChannel channel = AndroidNotificationChannel(
'high_importance_channel', // id
'High Importance Notifications', // title
'This channel is used for important notifications.', // description
importance: Importance.max,
(keep in mind this is example code but you can custimize notification through notification channel code)
Create the channel on the device:
final FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin =
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
Once created, we can now update FCM to use our own channel rather
than the default FCM one. To do this, open the
android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file for your
FlutterProject project. Add the following meta-data schema within
the application component:
android:value="high_importance_channel" />
now whenever you send notification specify your channel id and your app automatically show your custom notification (through api or firebase console)
"android_channel_id":"high_importance_channel" //specify channel id here
"title":"FCM Message",
"body":"This is an FCM notification message!",
as for ios they don't support notification channel i don't have necessary resources and info how things works if you guys know comment below will be much appriciated
I'm testing the in_app_purchase plugin for Flutter (https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/in_app_purchase).
I'm calling the buyNonConsumable method with sandboxTesting = true and applicationUserName = 'test'.
But after a successful purchase, when calling the queryPastPurchases, I get different values in QueryPurchaseDetailsResponse.pastPurchases[0].skPaymentTransaction.payment fields...
Is it possible that it's causing the issue mentioned here?
Flutter Auto-Renewable Subscription never expires in Sandbox