Not able to run yq commands via rundeck job definitions - rundeck

I installed snap package of yq and it is showing under /home/ubuntu/ I want to convert yaml file to json using yq. I used this command cat file.yaml | yq . -o=json > file.json to convert the file under location /home/ubuntu/ and this command is working when I run via command line.
But if I try to run this same command in bash shell script in my rundeck job definition, its giving below error.
Sorry, home directories outside of /home are not currently supported. See for details
My Rundeck version is Rundeck 2.6.9-1 and it is running on ubuntu 18

Updated Answer:
I reproduced your issue, and it's a snap package limitation (described here and also commented by Charles Duffy in your original question), Rundeck home it's defined at /var/lib/rundeck path.
So, the best way is to uninstall the snap yq package (as root: snap remove yq) and install it in the traditional way:
As root:
Download and put the yq binary in the /usr/local/bin path:
wget -qO /usr/local/bin/yq
Give it the rights permissions:
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/yq
Then, your job should work.


How to install Argo CLI?

I am trying to install Argo CLI by following this ( documentation.
# Download the binary
curl -sLO
# Unzip
gunzip argo-linux-amd64.gz
# Make binary executable
chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./argo-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argo
# Test installation
argo version
The above instructions are not working. So, I followed the answer to this (How to update Argo CLI?) question.
curl -sLO
chmod +x argo-linux-amd64
But I am getting the following error:
./argo-linux-amd64: line 1: Not: command not found
I also tried moving the argo-linux-amd64 binary to /usr/local/bin/argo but still getting the same error (as expected).
Is there any solution to this?
Thank you.
The download links on the Releases page are incorrect. Try this one:
curl -sLO
I've submitted an issue to get the links fixed.

Confluent local start gives config.json: No such file or directory

When I start confluent local start I get /users/myusername/.confluent/config.json: No such file or directory.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?
you need to create the .confluent directory
1)Install the Confluent CLI, confluent, using the following script. The parameter must be in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin).
On Microsoft Windows, an appropriate Linux environment may need to be installed in order to have the curl and sh commands available, such as the Windows Subsystem for Linux
curl -L --http1.1 | sh -s -- -b /path-to-cli
and then go to the path-to-cli folder and run below command
./confluent local start

Create GitHub actions that use powershell scripts

I'd like to create a GitHub action that sets up an environment in Windows, running a few Powershell commands. Despite this can be done easily as a step, there does not seem to be a way to create a complete GitHub action for that. If I use this:
name: 'Rakudo Star fix for windows'
description: 'Updates zef for RakudoStar'
author: 'JJ'
using: 'node12'
main: 'upgrade.ps1'
There does not seem a way to run anything other than a JS script, or even to declare the environment. I understand that's left for later, during the job steps, but anyway it looks like a hack. Is there anything I'm missing here?
You could also run docker directly with an entrypoint for the .ps1 script
FROM ubuntu:18.04
LABEL ""="test"
LABEL "com.github.actions.description"="test."
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install wget -y \
&& wget -q \
&& dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y powershell
ADD test.ps1 /test.ps1
ENTRYPOINT ["pwsh", "/test.ps1"]
The using field is the application to use to execute the code specified in main. But Github Actions only support using node12 and docker. As seen from this GHActions I just ran for example's sake.
Docker won't run in most Windows environment and you'd have to use Windows Server 2019 as your base environment.

Kubernetes kubectl copy command failing

I have a pod running python image as 199 user. My code is place in /tmp/ directory, Now when I run copy command to replace the running then the command simply fails with file exists error.
Please try to use the --no-preserve=true flag with kubectl cp command. It will pass --no-same-owner and --no-same-permissions flags to the tar utility while extracting the copied file in the container.
GNU tar manual suggests to use --skip-old-files or --overwrite flag to tar --extract command, to avoid error message you encountered, but to my knowledge, there is no way to add this optional argument to kubectl cp.

How to install Grafana on Mac

I tied the following steps
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run build.go setup
I got the following
Version: 2.5.0-pre1, Linux Version: 2.5.0, Package Iteration: pre1
go get -v (download)
go get -v (download)
go get -v
go install -v
then i executed
$GOPATH/bin/godep restore
i got no putput but command got executed
then i ran the command
go run build.go build
Version: 2.5.0-pre1, Linux Version: 2.5.0, Package Iteration: pre1
rm -r bin
rm -r Godeps/_workspace/pkg
rm -r Godeps/_workspace/bin
rm -r dist
rm -r tmp
rm -r /Users/skhare/sk/go/pkg/darwin_amd64/
rm -r ./bin/grafana-server
rm -r ./bin/grafana-server.md5
go build -ldflags -w -X main.version '2.5.0-pre1' -X main.commit 'v2.1.2+394- gfb767f5' -X main.buildstamp 1442671169 -o ./bin/grafana-server .
link: warning: option -X main.version 2.5.0-pre1 may not work in future releases; use -X main.version=2.5.0-pre1
link: warning: option -X main.commit v2.1.2+394-gfb767f5 may not work in future releases; use -X main.commit=v2.1.2+394-gfb767f5
link: warning: option -X main.buildstamp 1442671169 may not work in future releases; use -X main.buildstamp=1442671169
then i executed
npm install
i had to install npm
>npm install -g grunt-cli
/usr/local/bin/grunt -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
grunt-cli#0.1.13 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli
├── resolve#0.3.1
├── nopt#1.0.10 (abbrev#1.0.7)
└── findup-sync#0.1.3 (lodash#2.4.2, glob#3.2.11)
Running "jscs:src" (jscs) task
>> 156 files without code style errors.
Running "jshint:source" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "jshint:tests" (jshint) task
✔ No problems
Running "tslint:source" (tslint) task
>> 11 files lint free.
Running "clean:gen" (clean) task
Cleaning public_gen...OK
Running "copy:public_to_gen" (copy) task
Created 122 directories, copied 553 files
Running "less:src" (less) task
File public_gen/css/bootstrap.dark.min.css created.
File public_gen/css/bootstrap.light.min.css created.
File public_gen/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css created.
Running "concat:cssDark" (concat) task
File public_gen/css/grafana.dark.min.css created.
Running "concat:cssLight" (concat) task
File public_gen/css/grafana.light.min.css created.
Running "typescript:build" (typescript) task
42 files created. js: 14 files, map: 14 files, declaration: 14 files (968ms)
Done, without errors.
>go get
the above command did not give any output, nor an error message
bra run
it says -bash: bra: command not found
i tried to look for the resolution, but i could not find it. Please help
Recompile backend on source change
To rebuild on source change (requires that you executed godep restore)
go get
bra run
Running Grafana Locally
You can run a local instance of Grafana by running:
You must have missed this step!
go get
You can install Grafana using home brew.
brew update
brew install grafana
This sounds like an issue where Go is just being installed to build something else (for me, it was Grafana). In which case $GOPATH/bin is not in your PATH. $GOPATH/bin/bra should work. It did for me.
I suggest you installing Grafana inside Docker. If you install Docker for Mac, the GUI (Kitematic) will allow you to install grafana as easily as one click. You will just need to create a new container with "+ New" button, search grafana through the exisiting image lists and click "Create"
Docker will download grafana and it will appear in the left sidebar: