Is there a way for PySpark to give user warning when executing a query on Apache Hive table without specifying partition keys? - pyspark

We are using Spark SQL with Apache Hive tables (via AWS Glue Data catalog). One problem is that when we execute a Spark SQL query without specifying the partitions to read via the WHERE clause, it gives us/the user no warning about the fact that it will proceed to load all partitions and thus likely time out or fail.
Is there a way to ideally error out, or at least give some warning, when a user executes a Spark SQL query on Apache Hive table without specifying partition keys? It's very easy to forget to do this.
I searched for existing solutions to this and found none, both on Stack Overflow and on the wider internet. I was expecting some configuration option/code that would help me achieve the goal.


Incrementally loading into a Synapse table using Spark

I am creating a data warehouse using Azure Data Factory to extract data from a MySQL table and saving it in parquet format in an ADLS Gen 2 filesystem. From there, I use Synapse notebooks to process and load data into destination tables.
The initial load is fairly easy using spark.write.saveAsTable('orders') however, I am running into some issues doing incremental load following the intial load. In particular, I have not been able to find a way to reliably insert/update information into an existing Synapse table.
Since Spark does not allow DML operations on a table, I have resorted to reading the current table into a Spark DataFrame and inserting/updating records in that DataFrame. However, when I try to save that DataFrame using spark.write.saveAsTable('orders', mode='overwrite', format='parquet'), I run into a Cannot overwrite table 'orders' that is also being read from error.
A solution indicated by this suggests creating a temporary table and then inserting using that but that still resorts in the above error.
Another solution in this post suggests to write the data into a temporary table, drop the target table, and then rename the table but upon doing this, Spark gives me a FileNotFound errors regarding metadata.
I know Delta Tables can fix this issue pretty reliably but our company is not yet ready to move over to DataBricks.
All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Is there a way to use Spark SQL to query partition information in AWS Glue Data Catalog (similar to in Athena)?

I'm currently developing a Glue ETL script in PySpark that needs to query my Glue Data Catalog's partitions and join that information with other Glue tables programmatically.
At the moment, I'm able to do this with Athena using SELECT * FROM db_name.table_name$partitions JOIN table_name2 ON ..., but looks like this doesn't work with Spark SQL. The closest thing I've been able to find is SHOW PARTIIONS db_name.table_name, which doesn't seem to cut it.
Does anyone know an easy way I can leverage Glue ETL / Boto3 (Glue API) / PySpark to query my partition information in a SQL-like manner?
For the time being, the only possible workaround seems like the get_partitions() method in Boto3, but this looks like a lot more complex work to deal with from my end. I already have my Athena queries to get the information I need, so if there's ideally a way to replicate getting my tables' partitions in a similar way using SQL, that'd be amazing. Please let me know, thank you!
For those interested, an alternative workaround I've been able to find but still need to test out is the Athena API with the Boto3 client. I may also possibly use the AWS Wrangler integrated with Athena to retrieve a dataframe.

Results of rdd.count, count via spark sql are the same, but they are different from count with hive sql

I use count to calculate the number of RDD,got 13673153,but after I transfer the rdd to df and insert into hive,and count again,got 13673182,why?
spark.sql("select count(*) from ...").show()
hive sql: select count(*) from ...
This could be caused by a mismatch between data in the underlying files and the metadata registered in hive for that table. Try running:
in hive, and see if the issue is fixed. The command updates the partition information of the table. You can find more info in the documentation here.
During a Spark Action and part of SparkContext, Spark will record which files were in scope for processing. So, if the DAG needs to recover and reprocess that Action, then the same results are gotten. By design.
Hive QL has no such considerations.
As you noted, the other answer did not help in this use case.
So, when Spark processes Hive tables it looks at the list of files that it will use for the Action.
In the case of a failure (node failure, etc.) it will recompute data from the generated DAG. If it needs to go back and re-compute as far as the start of reading from Hive itself, then it will know which files to use - i.e the same files, so that same results are gotten instead of non-deterministic outcomes. E.g. think of partitioning aspects, handy that same results can be recomputed!
It's that simple. It's by design. Hope this helps.

Can join operations be demanded to database when using Spark SQL?

I am not an expert of Spark SQL API, nor of the underlying RDD one.
But, knowing of the Catalyst optimization engine, I would expect Spark to try and minimize in-memory effort.
This is my situation:
I have, let's say, two table
TABLE GenericOperation (ID, CommonFields...)
TABLE SpecificOperation (OperationID, SpecificFields...)
They are both quite huge (~500M, not big data, but unfeasible to have as a whole in memory in a standard application server)
That said, suppose I have to retrieve using Spark (part of a larger use case) all the SpecificOperation instances that match some particular condition on fields that belong to GenericOperation.
This is the code that I am using:
val gOps =, "GenericOperation",
val sOps =, "SpecificOperation",
val joined = sOps.join(gOps).where("ID = OperationID")
joined.where("CommonField= 'SomeValue'").select("SpecificField").show()
Problem is, when it comes to run the above, I can see from SQL Profiler that Spark does not execute the join on the database, but rather retrieves all the OperationID from SpecificOperation, and then I assume it will be running all the merge in memory. Since no filter is applicable on SpecificOperation, such retrieve would bring a lot, too much, data to the end system.
Is it possible to write the above so that the join is demanded directly to dbms?
Or it depends on some magic configuration of Spark I am not aware of?
Of course, I could simply hardcode the join as a subquery when retrieving, but that's not feasible in my case: statements hve to be created at runtime starting from simple building blocks. Hence, I need to implement this starting from two spark.sql.DataFrame already built up
As a side note, I am running this with Spark 2.3.0 for Scala 2.11, against a SQL Server 2016 database instance.
Is it possible to write the above so that the join is demanded directly to dbms? Or it depends on some magic configuration of Spark I am not aware of?
Excluding statically generated queries (In Apache Spark 2.0.0, is it possible to fetch a query from an external database (rather than grab the whole table)?), Spark doesn't support join pushdown. Only predicates and selection can be delegated to the source.
There is no magic configuration or code that could even support this type of process.
In general if server can handle join, data is usually not large enough to benefit from Spark.

Is really Hive on Tez with ORC performance better than Spark SQL for ETL?

I have little experience in Hive and currently learning Spark with Scala. I am curious to know whether Hive on Tez really faster than SparkSQL. I searched many forums with test results but they have compared older version of Spark and most of them are written in 2015. Summarized main points below
ORC will do the same as parquet in Spark
Tez engine will give better performance like Spark engine
Joins are better/faster in Hive than Spark
I feel like Hortonworks supports more for Hive than Spark and Cloudera vice versa.
sample links :
Initially I thought Spark would be faster than anything because of their in-memory execution. after reading some articles I got Somehow existing Hive also getting improvised with new concepts like Tez, ORC, LLAP etc.
Currently running with PL/SQL Oracle and migrating to big data since volumes are getting increased. My requirements are kind of ETL batch processing and included data details involved in every weekly batch runs. Data will increase widely soon.
Input/lookup data are csv/text formats and updating into tables
Two input tables which has 5 million rows and 30 columns
30 look up tables used to generate each column of output table which contains around 10 million rows and 220 columns.
Multiple joins involved like inner and left outer since many look up tables used.
Kindly please advise which one of below method I should choose for better performance with readability and easy to include minor updates on columns for future production deployment.
Method 1:
Hive on Tez with ORC tables
Python UDF thru TRANSFORM option
Joins with performance tuning like map join
Method 2:
SparkSQL with Parquet format which is converting from text/csv
Scala for UDF
Hope we can perform multiple inner and left outer join in Spark
The best way to implement the solution to your problem as below.
To load the data into the table the spark looks good option to me. You can read the tables from the hive metastore and perform the incremental updates using some kind of windowing functions and register them in hive. While ingesting as data is populated from various lookup table, you are able to write the code in programatical way in scala.
But at the end of the day, there need to be a query engine that is very easy to use. As your spark program register the table with hive, you can use hive.
Hive support three execution engines
Tez is matured, spark is evolving with various commits from Facebook and community.
Business can understand hive very easily as a query engine as it is much more matured in the industry.
In short use spark to process the data for daily processing and register them with hive.
Create business users in hive.