Copy Legend Text in Splunk Dashboard - charts

I want to be able to copy the text from a legend (Circled Area Below) in a Splunk panel Chart. The legend has an associated drill down action. With or without drill down actions assigned, the chart panels do not allow one to copy the legend text by default. Is there a setting or html css format that would allow these items to be copied?

Below a workaround with a Dashboard XML / SPL approach
The idea is to create a 'legend table' next to your chart
1/ In your Dashboard XML, copy/paste the following at the end
<panel depends="$hidden$">
width:90% !important;
#legend {
width:10% !important;
2/ In your Dashboard XML, add the id #graph to your chart panel
... <panel id="graph"> ...
3/ In your Dashboard UI, add a new 'legend panel' under the chart panel
Use the same search of your graph
At the end of the SPL query, add the following (assuming you'are using a timechart)
| transpose header_field=_time
| table column
4/ In your Dashboard UI, edit the 'legend panel' column
Display colors on values
5/ In your Dashboard XML, add the id #legend to your 'legend panel'
... <panel id="legend"> ...


Vizframe line chart does not show in object page section

I have a line chart in my sapui5 app and I want to put it in an object page subsection. When I put it in a normal layout in a page, it's working. But when I separate it in a fragment and call from object page subsection nothing is shown.
here is my fragment :
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns:m="sap.m" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:viz="sap.viz.ui5.controls" xmlns:layout="sap.ui.layout"
xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:viz.feeds="sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds""" height="100%" xmlns:common="sap.suite.ui.commons">
<viz:Popover id="idPopOver"></viz:Popover>
<viz:VizFrame id="idLineGraph" uiConfig="{applicationSet:'fiori'}" height='100%' width="100%" vizType='line'></viz:VizFrame>
and here is my subsection:
<ux:ObjectPageSection id="idChart" title="{i18n>chartSection}" titleUppercase="false">
<core:Fragment id="idChartFragment" fragmentName="mynamespace.zmm_stok_list.fragments.grafik" type="XML"/>
I also saw that question Q but it looks like OP have preferred to keep that answer which hi's found for himself.
lastly, there a blog about almost same thing but using cds
But you know cds views are not like xml views and I guess they are generated automatically and we can not see which componenets are used.
So I still couldn't found a way to do this that way. But if I put my vizframe in object layout section directly (not seperated in a fragment) and give the height of vizframe with pixels it works. Not much but I'm ok with this.
Ps: When vizframe is seperated in a fragment, giving its height with pixels does not work either.

TinyMCE - adding grids that are editable without the tags disappearing

I have added a custom set of buttons for adding simple grids to the editor. These have the following structure;
<div class="grid">
<div class="col-1-2"><p>Column 1</p></div>
<div class="col-1-2"><p>Column 2</p></div>
A custom CSS assigned displays the grids correctly. However as soon as the user goes to edit the text..understandably by deleting it all or highlighting and trying to replace, TinyMCE immediately removes the empty tags so if the user deletes the text Column 1 we end up with this;
<div class="grid">my new text<br />
<div class="col-1-2"><p>Column 2</p></div>
I have tried adding;
extended_valid_elements : 'div[id|class|style]'
but it had no effect.
How can I stop TinyMCE from removing these empty tags or am I going about this the wrong way..?

CQ5 column control generated html

We are working on a project where we need a decent level of control in CSS to implement the design but have been told by the dev team that the generated html is:
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1"> <!-- "cq-colctrl-lt1" defines width of child divs (33%) -->
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1-c0"><!--another components go here --></div>
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1-c1"><!--another components go here --></div>
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1-c2"><!--another components go here --></div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
Looking into column controls I see you can change the cq-colctrl- class but I can't find answers to the following:
1, Can the clear both div (generated by CQ) be removed or only shown in author mode?
2, Can the column control be added within a component?
3, Can the column class be set per component or is it a global setting?
4, Can you control the styles of the column classes and override the generated CQ5 CSS (eg for a responsive site?)?
If you want embed column component in your component:
go crxdelite in the /apps/geometrixx-outdoors/components/colctrl
just create package via site admin and specify the above path and download package then you can see, how column component is created.
but it's better look at that path is more clear.

Bootstrap Form - Label and Input Horizontal on same row

Using bootstrap, every time you add a "Label", it creates a new vertical line. However, what I am trying to achieve is having two labels on the same row horizontally.
I have tried working with the "control groups" but have not been able to get it to work the way I want.
Here is essentially what I am trying to achieve (note they are all horizontal):
Date Start & End Time
<<input goes here>> <<start input here>> <<end input here>>
Here's a link to what I am currently stuck with (roughly) on this JS Bin.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Use the grid system to create two columns
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6"><!-- first col --></div>
<div class="span6"><!-- second col --></div>

TypoScript: select a specific content element from a column

What is the best way to select a single content element?
I have a static html template like this:
<div class="left clearfix">
<h1><img src="fileadmin/templates/images/ueberschrift_startseite.png" alt="Willkommen" /><span>Willkommen</span></h1>
<li>LI 1</li>
<li>LI 2</li>
<li>LI 3</li>
<li>LI 4</li>
In my Backend I have added
A Content Element for the <h1>
A Content Element that should be displayed between the <p> Tags where now Einleitungstext1 is displayed
A Content Element that contains the LI for the UL Section
and so on.
All Elements are in the same column.
I what to take my static HTML Template and fill several SPECIFIC parts with elements that can be edited in the backend.
I hope I could explain what my problem is.
How do you configure your templates? Is there a much better way to replace only specific parts of a static template?
I assume that you know how to use marks and subparts in TypoScript, in such case what you have to do is set marks in your template, put each CE in separate column (maybe you'll need to add custom columns if all left, default, right and border (0-3) columns are used for other things) and finally just map these columns to the marks.
tip: TemplaVoila allows for more combinations as you can map not only container for CE's but also other things (header fields, image fields, TS snippets etc.)