Powershell Date - powershell

I have a personalized powershell profile, on my $PROFILE I have added the Get-Date command and it gives me the date at the moment the script is executed, I wanted to know if it is possible to have the time updated every second or five and still being able to use the powershell, Ive tried a lot of possibilities but cant find one that works, if thi is not possible is there anything similar?
ive tried a lot of whiles, jobs ...
here some examples of what I have tried:
$script = {
while ($true) {
Write-Output (Get-Date -Format G)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $script
while ($true) {
Write-Host (Get-Date -Format G) -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host "`r" -NoNewline

You could modifiy the prompt function for this. This way it won't interfere with commands output and the terminal.
Check current definition with:
(Get-Command prompt).ScriptBlock
It should be something like this:
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ";
Then modify it for current session only (just paste and execute in terminal):
function prompt {
"$(get-date -f 'G') PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ";
prompt before:
PS C:\Users\username>
prompt after:
2023-02-09 16:13:13 PS C:\Users\username>
If it works as expected, you can place new function definition in $PROFILE. This way you'll always have the time of all meaningful events, i.e. every command/script start and completion.


Running a batch file through powershell with content from a text file

I am hoping someone can help me on this, I have a script that Removes and updates FSRM groups on windows server 2012-2019, I want to create a ps script that cycles through a text file, in each line it stores the value as a variable that can be used in the batch file.
here is my code below; I just can't think of where to go after this;
$FS = Foreach($BT in $BF){
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c C:\INSTALLS\FSRM_SCRIPTS\FILESCREEN_EXPORT\New_Exports\Batch_Import.bat"
$FS | out-file "C:\Installs\FSRM_SCRIPTS\FILESCREEN_EXPORT\New_Exports\Results\$env:COMPUTERNAME - Import.txt"
ok, so got it working as needed, but for reference, here is my code
Foreach($BT in $BF){
$env:FSRM_Group = $BT
if($BT -match '([\w-?%s]+)'){
#Write-host "Valid"
$env:FSRM_Group2 = "Anti-Ransomware File Group"
#Write-host "Invalid"
$env:FSRM_Group2 = $BT
Start-Process "cmd.exe" "/c C:\INSTALLS\FSRM_SCRIPTS\FILESCREEN_EXPORT\New_Exports\Batch_Import.bat"
Write-output "$BT Installed Successfully" |out-file "C:\Installs\FSRM_SCRIPTS\FILESCREEN_EXPORT\New_Exports\Results\$env:COMPUTERNAME - Import.txt" -append

Script not running at powershell

I have this snippet of code
$actDate=Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'
Start-job -name "FMLE" -command { cmd.exe /c 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2\FMLEcmd.exe' /p C:\tasks\testing_2\testing 2_$actDate.xml /ap username:password /ab username:password /l C:\Users\acruz\AppData\Local\Temp\temp.log }
I know for sure, that the var $actDate is not being replaced at the line, how shuld I do that?
My two questions are: how to replace the $actDate for its value and how to save the result of the job to one log
Thanks for your help
This does not works either:
$actDate = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
$Args = ("/p C:\tasks\testing_2\testing 2_$actDate.xml","/ap username:password", "/ab uysername:password", "/l C:\Users\acruz\AppData\Local\Temp\temp.log")
$j = Start-job -name "FMLE" -ScriptBlock { & 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2\FMLEcmd.exe' #args } -ArgumentList $args
Get-Job $j.Id
Receive-Job -Job $j | Out-File 'C:\Users\acruz\AppData\Local\Temp\temp.log' -encoding ASCII -append -force
Although $Args has the right information...
For your first question, you need to include the path using double quotes. A suggestion if you can then remove the space in the testing 2
To log result of the job use Receive-Job cmdlet.
One more try:
Try to put all paths in double quotes and then surround everything with a single quote after the cmd.exe /c part as shown below. Try to achieve something simpler with a simple task and then try to add complexity
$job = Start-Job -name "Hel" -Command { cmd.exe /c '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" /?'}
I was able to make it work by doing it like this:
Start-job -Verbose -ScriptBlock {
$actDate = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2\"
.\FMLEcmd.exe /p "C:\site.com.mx\tasks\test_23445678\test 23445678_$actDate.xml" /ap user:password /ab user:password /l C:\site.com.mx\task.log
By doing it with -command it does not work, cause it does not replace the variable at all. Also, if I do it with -ArgumentList either was replacing the variable $actDate, so I though that may be by adding the whole script within the block it was work... and indeed, it did it...
So I don't know why it does not works, but this is a fix for me.

How to run interactive commands in another application window from powershell

I have another command line program which I invoke from my powershell script and would like to run some interactive commands in that window once it is opened from power shell.
In other words - I do a Invoke-Item $link_to_app which opens up the interactive command line for that application and now I would like to use the application specific commands from within powershell scripts.
e.g. app.exe -help to invoke the help command of the app.exe.
Any pointers would help. Thanks!
Try this:
$app = 'app.exe -help'
Invoke-Expression $app
Tested with this and it worked as expected:
$pingTest = 'ping -n 8'
Invoke-Expression $pingTest
From your expanded explanation you appear to want to run 2 commands within the same command prompt. This is possible, however, I'm not sure it will work in your scenario. For example:
echo "hello!"
test2.bat: echo "goodbye!"
$batchTest = "test1.bat && test2.bat"
cmd /c $batchTest
D:\Test>echo "hello!"
D:\Test>echo "goodbye!"
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure, but I think what you want is the ability to have a script send input to and receive output from another program, where the other program has "state" that your script needs to be able to interact with. Below is an example of a script that drives CMD.EXE. CMD has state, such as current working directory and environment variables.
Note, that you could do what the other answerer suggested and just start the program, give all the input on the command line, and then do what you need to with the output. However for CMD if you need to make decisions based on the output, and then give CMD more input based on the previous output, you'd have to save and restore the environment and current working directories between each time you executed CMD. The approach below doesn't require that.
However the approach below does have several caveats. First it is dependent on the PS "host". It works (for me) on the command line PS, but not in ISE. This dependency is due to using the Raw host interface to determine if a key is available. Second it is timing dependent, based on the behavior of CMD (or whatever you use instead). You'll see a few sleep commands in the script. I had to experiment a whole lot to get this script to show CMD's output for a particular sub-command when that command was entered, versus CMD giving the output of previous commands after another command was entered. Comment out the sleeps to see what I mean. Third it is easy to hang Powershell. Killing CMD in task manager gets you out of the hung state, which I had to do many times.
You'll see that I added a couple of commands that the script deals with specially. This is to demonstrate that input to command can come from a PS script (versus input from the keyboard).
if ($ExecutionContext.Host.name -match "ISE Host$") {
write-warning "This script relies on RawUI functionality not implemented in ISE"
$in = $null
$flExiting = $false
$doDebug = $false
function dot-debug {param($color)
if ($doDebug) {
write-host "." -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color
#function dot-debug {param($color) }
$procInfo = new diagnostics.processstartinfo
$outBuf = new char[] 4096
write-host "Version $ver"
sleep -Milliseconds 300
do {
dot-debug red
# This while loop determines whether input is available from either
# CMD's standard output or from the user typing. You don't want to
# get stuck waiting for input from either one if it doesn't really have input.
:WaitIO while ($true) {
if (-1 -ne $p.StandardOutput.peek()) {
dot-debug yellow
$cnt = $p.StandardOutput.read( $outBuf, 0, 4096)
} else {
dot-debug Gray
if ($host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable -or $flExiting) {break}
$str = $outBuf[0..($cnt-1)] -join ""
write-host "$str" -NoNewline
while (-1 -eq ($rc =$p.StandardOutput.peek())) {
if ($host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable -or $flExiting) {
break WaitIO
dot-debug DarkGray
sleep -milli 200
dot-debug cyan
dot-debug green
# read-host echoes input, so commands get echoed twice (cmd also echoes)
# $host.ui.rawui.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown") doesn't work on ISE,
# but does work in the PS cli shell
if ($in -ne "exit") {$in = read-host}
if ($in -eq "td") { # toggle debug
$doDebug = -not $doDebug
$p.StandardInput.WriteLine( "echo debug toggled")
sleep -milli 300
if ($in -eq "xxx") {
# Example of script driven output being sent to CMD
$p.StandardInput.WriteLine( "echo This is a very long command that I do not want to have to type in everytime I want to use it")
# You have to give CMD enough time to process command before you read stdout,
# otherwise stdout gets "stuck" until the next time you write to stdin
sleep -milli 1
if ($in -eq "exit") {
$flExiting = $true
foreach ($char in [char[]]$in) {
sleep -milli 1
} until ($p.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)

Powershell: How do I get the exit code returned from a process run inside a PsJob?

I have the following job in powershell:
$job = start-job {
} -ArgumentList $JobFile
How do I access the exit code returned by c:\utils\MyToolReturningSomeExitCode.cmd ? I have tried several options, but the only one I could find that works is this:
$job = start-job {
} -ArgumentList $JobFile
# collect the output
$exitCode = $job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# output all, except the last line
$exitCode[0..($exitCode.Length - 2)]
# the last line is the exit code
exit $exitCode[-1]
I find this approach too wry to my delicate taste. Can anyone suggest a nicer solution?
Important, I have read in the documentation that powershell must be run as administrator in order for the job related remoting stuff to work. I cannot run it as administrator, hence -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue. So, I am looking for solutions not requiring admin privileges.
If all you need is to do something in background while the main script does something else then PowerShell class is enough (and it is normally faster). Besides it allows passing in a live object in order to return something in addition to output via parameters.
$code = #{}
$job = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
param($JobFile, $Result)
cmd /c exit 42
$Result.Value = $LASTEXITCODE
'some output'
# start thee job
$async = $job.BeginInvoke()
# do some other work while $job is working
# end the job, get results
# the exit code is $code.Value
"Code = $($code.Value)"
The original code was with [ref] object. It works in PS V3 CTP2 but does not work in V2. So I corrected it, we can use other objects instead, a hashtable, for example, in order to return some data via parameters.
One way you can detect if the background job failed or not based on an exit code is to evaluate the exit code inside the background job itself and throw an exception if the exit code indicates an error occurred. For instance, consider the following example:
$job = start-job {
# ...
$output = & C:\utils\MyToolReturningSomeExitCode.cmd 2>&1
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Job failed. The error was: {0}." -f ([string] $output)
} -ArgumentList $JobFile
$myJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $job | Wait-Job
if ($myJob.State -eq 'Failed') {
Receive-Job -Job $myJob
A couple things of note in this example. I am redirecting the standard error output stream to the standard output stream to capture all textual output from the batch script and returning it if the exit code is non-zero indicating it failed to run. By throwing an exception this way the background job object State property will let us know the result of the job.

Stop and then start a process in powershell

I would like to stop/kill a certain process and then start it again after I am done doing what I have to do.
This is what I already have.
$processes = Get-Process devenv
if($processes.Count -gt 1)
$i = 0
Write-host "There are multiple processes for devenv."
foreach($process in $processes)
$i.ToString() + '. ' + $process.MainWindowTitle
$in = Read-host "Give a number of the process to kill: "
write-host "killing and restarting: " + $processes[$in-1].MainWindowTitle
write-host "something else"
But the Start needs some parameter which I thought I could get from the process. But I'm not really sure I know what to give it.
The $processes[$in-1].Start() will not work. You need to capture the processinfo you are killing and start the same app again. You can get the process binary and commandline information using Win32_Process WMI class.
For example,
$processes = Get-Process notepad
if($processes.Count -gt 1)
$i = 0
Write-host "There are multiple processes for notepad."
foreach($process in $processes)
$i.ToString() + '. ' + $process.MainWindowTitle
$in = Read-host "Give a number of the process to kill: "
write-host "killing and restarting: " + $processes[$in-1].MainWindowTitle
#Get the process details
$procID = $processes[$in-1].Id
$cmdline = (Get-WMIObject Win32_Process -Filter "Handle=$procID").CommandLine
In the above example, I am using WMI to get the commandline information for a process selected. If that were a notepad process with some open text file, the commandline for that process would look like "C:\WINDOWS\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE" C:\Users\ravikanth_chaganti\Desktop\debug.log
Now, all you need to do is: Invoke that commandline somehow (this part is not there in example I wrote). A very blunt way to do that is:
Start-Process -FilePath $cmdline.Split(' ')[0] -ArgumentList $cmdline.Split(' ')[1]
But, in your case, there may not be any argument list.
Hope this gives you an idea. Other PowerShell experts may have a different & efficient approach. This is just a quick hack.