Installing files via Composer via Command Line | "'$' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." - command-line

So I am attempting to install some files from Send Grid via Composer usind the CommandLine.
I am following a tutorial with the link here
The guy in the video has no problem using Composer via the Command Line in the Windows Command Prompt, but when I input the command $ go_www, my PC whines and stamps it's feet, giving me the following line:
'$' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
In a nutshell, why?
System Information:
Windows 10 64x
I have looked at other posts on here, to no avail, I have tried opening the Command Line too as System Administrator, but to avail. I have tried restarting the system, to no avail, I can confirmed I have composer installed into the correct directory, to no avail .

$ in a shell indicates the shell is not owned by a superuser, it is not part of the command. Try running go_www. Also, the video you linked seems to be using a bash shell, whereas you appear to be running a Windows command prompt from the error message you included in your question, which might be a problem too.
In any case, go_www is an alias the video author uses to quickly navigate to the folder of interest. Try manually navigating there using cd.


'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command- ETHERMINT

Im having trouble following the tutorial for the node start on Ethermint.
After passing in the cmd: make install, i get the following error.
In my work computer, is not working, but in my personal computer is ?
What seems to be the issue ?
'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, which docker, ...) failed.
Makefile:29: pipe: Bad file descriptor
Makefile:187: *** missing separator. Stop.
I tried to install a windows version of "sed" but cant find a proper version.

Unable to invoke ssh.exe in PowerShell even on providing the full path via UiPath Studio

The following works on my windows machine using PowerShell
Now, I am trying to run the same command within PowerShell using UiPath Studio for RPA but I get the standard invalid command error -
Invoke Power Shell: the term 'ssh' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program...
However ssh.exe does exist on the machine and I even tried providing the absolute path, same result.
Are there any additional configurations to be done on the UiPath / system end to make ssh executable via UiPath Studio?
Thanks in advance
I had a similar issue with Invoke-SSH, what I did was to do Import-Module Posh-SSH, but that resulted to:
Import-Module: Could no load file or assembly 'Renci.Ssh.Net
So in UiPath Studio I went to Manage Packages and installed the Nuget package for Renci SSH. Afterwards, the Import worked, and then the Invoke-SSH command worked too.
Got this tip from this video:

Run X11 Server (VcXsrv) from Windows Powershell

I would like to set up an X11 Server so that I can run graphical Linux applications using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2). I have tried following the instructions on this site.
The command
choco install vcxsrv
completed successfully. But I cannot see how to start XLaunch (VcXsrv).
I already have Cygwin/X X Server installed on my machine and I am still able to launch that successfully. But when I try the following command,
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> vcxsrv
I get the following error message,
vcxsrv : The term 'vcxsrv' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to start XLaunch (VcXsrv) without any success.
Try to look on default folder installation:
"C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\xlaunch.exe"
Try this command to run VcXsrv
xfsettingsd --sm-client-disable; xfce4-panel --sm-client-disable --disable-wm-check &
C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\xlaunch.exe
Refer the following link to understand VcXsrv installation and it's usage,
Running WSL GUI Apps on Windows 10

How to start C-STAT in IAR using command line in windows 7

I'm trying to use C-STAT in IAR using only the command line (for Night build).
How can I do that? and how will i get the output (which format).
according to the user manual i'm typing the following command - and getting an error message
" C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Em bedded Workbench
7.3_2\arm\cstat>icstat --db a.db --checks commands commands.txt
'icstat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. "
Is there a need to use "icstat" command in a specific path?
Is there a need to install an add-on, or any other program to enable command line commands?
Now i found the path should be
"C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.3_2\arm\bin"

run specific perl script from command line

Not that much experience programming, but I saw this open source code for one of those speed readers everyone is talking about and thought it would be cool to try to run it on my own computer.
The files are available here:
I was wondering what exactly I should type into the command prompt to get the program running. I already have a perl interpreter on my computer. But I'm not sure how to get the program running. Sorry if this is a super noobish question.
I've tried
perl C:\speadread-master\speedread (and yes, it was on the C: drive)
I got the error:
Use of encoding pragma is deprecated at C:\speadread-master\speedread line 39.
'stts' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program of batch file.
I also tried (because it appears in the gifs on github)
~/speedread$ head -n 21 tea.txt | ./speedread -w 250
I got the error:
'~' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
In addition to amon's comment, wo points out a strong dependency to Unix commands/display, you also misinterpreted the head command:
~/speedread$ is a Unix command prompt, with ~ refering to your HOME directory (USERPROFILE in Windows). You are not supposed to type it.
The actual command is:
head -n 21 tea.txt | ./speedread -w 250
Adn you have an head.exe (Windows version of the unix command head) in your git msysgit distribution (bin/head.exe).