RESTful API with Google API and OAuth2 - rest

As the title says, I want to create a RESTful API (stateless) that will access Google API endpoints. First I want to authenticate the user and then use that token provided by Google to access Google Calendar API.
This is the current flow of the app:
Is there any other way to achieve this since my Nodejs service is signing an already signed JWT token provided by Google (I need to track expiration times for both access tokens)?
I am doing this because I don't want to use Google's access token for my own endpoint authentication.

This is a valid embedded token pattern, where the Google access token is just a custom claim in your own access token.
The client can call your API, using its main token
The API can authorize correctly, based on claims and scopes you have issued for your own data
When required, your API can use the embedded token to get external Google data the user has consented to
Your API should handle 401s from Google APIs in the standard way, as in this code of mine.
Your nodejs service is actually implementing 2 roles here. Consider separating these into a token service and a business service:
Token issuing. A technical job most commonly done by an authorization server.
REST API. A business focused component.


How can I integrate with a third-party API secured with oAuth2 in core 3.1?

We're trying to integrate with an external third-party REST-API that's secured with oAuth2 but the service isn't really an identity provider, so I'm not sure what terminology I'm looking for. Obviously when it comes to looking at " core" and "oauth", millions of hits come up related to adding it as an identity provider but I don't think that's what we want.
This is how I would expect it to work, based on what I've seen in other saas apps:
User logs into the site
User looks at some "third-party integrations" page and clicks to add this one
User's browser is directed to the other service to login
On successful login, user is directed back and we have access to the bearer + refresh token which we store(?) and use.
Some use of this API is in response to user action (refresh to get results), but some is also just background work so I assume we're storing this information and using implicit flow to refresh the token for as long as we can unless it's revoked.
What core terminology am I looking for, how would someone properly describe this flow in oAuth terms? We're getting confused between authorization, authentication, providers, handlers, middleware, etc.
In terms of this third-party API oauth flow, in case people want to know, here's what's required:
We call a specific endpoint that tells us the correct authorization and token endpoints
We then redirect to the authorization endpoint, which presents the user with the remote service's login page.
The user logs into the other service and is redirected back and the code and grant_type=authorization_code are provided via the url
We call the token endpoint with that information to get the final bearer+refresh token

What is the advantage of a custom API in Auth0?

I got a problem with understanding some basic thing about auth0, probably someone can help me out.
In the tutorial SPA + API one of the first lines in the TDLR is this:
Both the SPA and the API must be configured in the Auth0 Dashboard
I dont understand why I need to configure the API on Auth0. My code seems to work so can anyone help me understand if I do something wrong or what the advantages are if I actually add a custom API in my dashboard?
SPA (React)
REST API (ktor)
What I do
Created a SPA on Auth0
Login on my SPA through Auth0 to get a JWT (google token)
Sending the JWT as authentication bearer in my calls to the REST API
REST API verifies the JWT token with a JWK provider using the Auth0 url
Authentication seems to work
Great question, I am assuming that your authentication request includes audience parameter which represents your custom API(Rest API)right now. In oauth2 terms, it is called Resource Server. Each resource server can have many permissions which you include in the scope when initiating the authentication request. Let's step back and talk about the token format. Auth0 issues token in two formats:
Opaque strings: When not using a custom API
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs): When using a custom API
As explained above link, the token format depends on the audience (Custom API) parameter. Therefore, when the authentication request includes audience, auth0 issues JWT token with all necessary permission. Then, you need to validate the JWT token in your API server before returning the resources to your front end client.
It should make sense why you need to create custom API in auth0 and define permissions. If you do not create custom API in auth0, there is no way to know what kind of permission you need in the token which will generate an error(invalid audience specified)

Forcing external apps to use the API

I have a website allowing authenticated users to submit and edit data. I also want to offer a REST API as part of a chargeable service.
Now the problem is that a non-paying user could theoretically use the same calls my website uses as API for authentication and sending data from his external application since it is very easy in the browser to see the endpoint what and how exactly the data is being sent to a website.
How can I protect my website from such usage and force the user to use API for external access?
Actually you cannot prevent people making requests to a public API. You can just validate the user when a request arrives. So there are more than one approach to solve this problem.
I would provide a token per session for each user and validate the rest API request at back-end.
Use OAuth2. So you will give paid user secret id and key then they will ask for the access token to access the API's using secret id and key.
Read about public/private key encryption
Read about oAuth
I have used passport to implement oAuth2 in laravel. passport is oAuth2 implementation and available in other languages also.

How to authenticate user with Fuelphp REST?

I am new to Fuel PHP... I am working on a project with REST architecture in Fuelphp..... I didn't found any tutorial how to achieve the required functionality "User Authentication using Fuel PHP REST".
As REST server is stateless how do we use auth package of fuelphp in rest api?
As you also pointed, REST calls are somewhat stateless meaning you have no session to store.
The auth documentation has some methods which checks user credentials, but does not store authentication. There are no offical way of doing this.
One of the methods that I have used in the past is to use a token based system. You have an API token linked to an Auth user then this token is supplied in the Authorize header when making a request, the token is then checked against known tokens and if valid a forced login is performed with the Auth package.

Is it possible or even advisable to use OAuth 1.0 to secure a RESTful web API without redirecting the user to a separate provider?

I am in the process of building a RESTful web service using ASP.NET Web API, and I am considering using OAuth 1.0 as an authentication mechanism to secure the service. Our API would also be maintaining the credentials store and would therefore be the OAuth provider. Client applications using our API would be used by end users who would have to authenticate using a username and password, so I assume the client app is considered to be an OAuth consumer. The client application would make an API call to retrieve an unauthorized request token, then send along the user's credentials with the token to get an access token.
Ultimately, I could see other 3rd party applications wanting to access our application through my API, and they would use OAuth with the redirection with our application being the credentials provider.
Is this a viable way to use OAuth? Will something like DotNetOpenAuth support this scenario?
We have decided to implement OAuth 2.0, which supports various workflows, one of which includes a Resource Owner Credentials flow that allows the client to pass user credentials to the authorization server in exchange for an access token. This will serve our purposes.