How to implement authentication Loopback js microservices - loopback

Can you anyone let me know how to implement authentication in loopback 4 js microservices.
Thanks in advance
I am trying to read loopback 4 documentation but I am not getting for microservices


Websocket Manager with Playframework and Scala

I want to use web sockets because I need to notify my users when there is a new message for them. And I’ve done a lot of research and I’m pretty sure I need to use WebSockets for this problem.
I was able to connect to my backend with the following steps: https://www.
This allows my frontend to connect to my backend and has received the answer from the backend.
But how is it possible to manage all currently active web socket connections? Is there a method that I can use to find all active connections? Or do I have to implement all this from scratch?

Can Vapor 4 serve both HTTP and HTTPS requests in the same application?

I have a Vapor 4 app which is successfully serving HTTPS requests with no issues.
I would like it to also respond to HTTP requests on a custom port number, which will be for providing some back-end control and monitoring hooks that are called by other services on the same server, and won't be publicly reachable.
When I search Google and browse the Vapor docs for how to do this, I only get results for a very old version of Vapor, using a configuration file to specify HTTP/HTTPS server and port configurations.
Does anyone know if this type of configuration be done on Vapor 4?
Cheers and thanks in advance!
No Vapor 4 cannot serve different protocols on the same port/application. The easiest way around is to run two instances of the application, one for each. Or just get the internal traffic to use HTTPS.
Another option would be to stick Nginx in front or similar

integration between Azure Communication Service with MS BOT Framework

I want to connect Azure Communication Service with Bot service. Is it possible to connect Azure Communication Service with MS BOT Framework to manage Voice (IVR) and chat flows?
At this time it is not possible to connect Azure Communication Services with the MS Bot Framework to manage IVR and chat.
The product group did mention that you can share your vision or business requirement with them to help them better understand how this functionality could better assist you. To do this, please create an issue on their GitHub repro so they receive your feedback.

Hosting WebApi and MVC WebUI in SF

I'm looking to migrate my Cloud Services to SF, which include a WebApi (WCF based) and an MVC WebUI (MVC 5.2), as well as a number of worker roles. I've seen a few different sources state the following to be true:
You can host WCF WebApi's in SF
You can host MVC v5.x WebUI's in SF
You can host the above and allow them to share publicly exposed ports 80/443 from a single SF cluster
The worker roles are easy, but I have been unable to find any good docs or blog posts on the specific's of how to accomplish #'s 1-3 above. Can anyone point me at some concrete docs/blogs on these topics?
If you're coming from Worker Roles, this doc can help get you started:
Specifically to your questions:
WCF web APIs should be possible if you're using WCF self-hosting
MVC is only supported with ASP.NET Core 1 (this is still fairly new, docs are in-progress, in the meantime, here is an example).
Yes, ASP.NET Core 1 allows this if you use WebListener for your web host, which allows you to open listeners either on unique URL paths, or using unique hostnames, all on the same port on a single machine (either in the same process or in multiple processes).

Anybody tested Zuul 2.0.0-rc2 and Websocket

Has anybody tested Zuul 2.0.0-rc.2?
Would I be able to do websocket with it? And if so, what would it take to integrate with Spring cloud?