I am getting this error, and I have not been able to resolve:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working on this transaction.'
What is going on is that a usual data operation is taking place as part of a Controller Action.
At the same time, there is a Filter that is running that logs the action to a database.
return this._orderEntryContext.SaveChanges() > 0;
This is where the error occurs.
So it seems to me that there is two SaveChanges going on at the same time, and so the transaction gets fouled up.
Not sure how to resolve. They are both using the same context that is gotten through DI. A workaround was to create a second context manually, but I would rather stick to the DI pattern. But I don't know how to create a second Db Context in DI, or even if that is a good idea.
Perhaps I should be using SaveChangesAsync() on both calls to ensure that they do not step on each other?
Turns out the answer to this was to make the Context a transient service:
services.AddDbContext<OrderEntryContext>(options =>
options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")), ServiceLifetime.Transient);
Then, I changed all repositories to also be transient:
services.AddTransient<AssociateRepository, AssociateRepository>();
I know there are similar questions here but they are either telling me to switch back to regular RDBMS systems if I need transactions or use atomic operations or two-phase commit. The second solution seems the best choice. The third I don't wish to follow because it seems that many things could go wrong and I can't test it in every aspect. I'm having a hard time refactoring my project to perform atomic operations. I don't know whether this comes from my limited viewpoint (I have only worked with SQL databases so far), or whether it actually can't be done.
We would like to pilot test MongoDB at our company. We have chosen a relatively simple project - an SMS gateway. It allows our software to send SMS messages to the cellular network and the gateway does the dirty work: actually communicating with the providers via different communication protocols. The gateway also manages the billing of the messages. Every customer who applies for the service has to buy some credits. The system automatically decreases the user's balance when a message is sent and denies the access if the balance is insufficient. Also because we are customers of third party SMS providers, we may also have our own balances with them. We have to keep track of those as well.
I started thinking about how I can store the required data with MongoDB if I cut down some complexity (external billing, queued SMS sending). Coming from the SQL world, I would create a separate table for users, another one for SMS messages, and one for storing the transactions regarding the users' balance. Let's say I create separate collections for all of those in MongoDB.
Imagine an SMS sending task with the following steps in this simplified system:
check if the user has sufficient balance; deny access if there's not enough credit
send and store the message in the SMS collection with the details and cost (in the live system the message would have a status attribute and a task would pick up it for delivery and set the price of the SMS according to its current state)
decrease the users's balance by the cost of the sent message
log the transaction in the transaction collection
Now what's the problem with that? MongoDB can do atomic updates only on one document. In the previous flow it could happen that some kind of error creeps in and the message gets stored in the database but the user's balance is not updated and/or the transaction is not logged.
I came up with two ideas:
Create a single collection for the users, and store the balance as a field, user related transactions and messages as sub documents in the user's document. Because we can update documents atomically, this actually solves the transaction problem. Disadvantages: if the user sends many SMS messages, the size of the document could become large and the 4MB document limit could be reached. Maybe I can create history documents in such scenarios, but I don't think this would be a good idea. Also I don't know how fast the system would be if I push more and more data to the same big document.
Create one collection for users, and one for transactions. There can be two kinds of transactions: credit purchase with positive balance change and messages sent with negative balance change. Transaction may have a subdocument; for example in messages sent the details of the SMS can be embedded in the transaction. Disadvantages: I don't store the current user balance so I have to calculate it every time a user tries to send a message to tell if the message could go through or not. I'm afraid this calculation can became slow as the number of stored transactions grows.
I'm a little bit confused about which method to pick. Are there other solutions? I couldn't find any best practices online about how to work around these kinds of problems. I guess many programmers who are trying to become familiar with the NoSQL world are facing similar problems in the beginning.
As of 4.0, MongoDB will have multi-document ACID transactions. The plan is to enable those in replica set deployments first, followed by the sharded clusters. Transactions in MongoDB will feel just like transactions developers are familiar with from relational databases - they'll be multi-statement, with similar semantics and syntax (like start_transaction and commit_transaction). Importantly, the changes to MongoDB that enable transactions do not impact performance for workloads that do not require them.
For more details see here.
Having distributed transactions, doesn't mean that you should model your data like in tabular relational databases. Embrace the power of the document model and follow the good and recommended practices of data modeling.
Check this out, by Tokutek. They develop a plugin for Mongo that promises not only transactions but also a boosting in performance.
Bring it to the point: if transactional integrity is a must then don't use MongoDB but use only components in the system supporting transactions. It is extremely hard to build something on top of component in order to provide ACID-similar functionality for non-ACID compliant components. Depending on the individual usecases it may make sense to separate actions into transactional and non-transactional actions in some way...
Now what's the problem with that? MongoDB can do atomic updates only on one document. In the previous flow it could happen that some kind of error creeps in and the message gets stored in the database but the user's balance is not gets reduced and/or the transaction is not gets logged.
This is not really a problem. The error you mentioned is either a logical (bug) or IO error (network, disk failure). Such kind of error can leave both transactionless and transactional stores in non-consistent state. For example, if it has already sent SMS but while storing message error occurred - it can't rollback SMS sending, which means it won't be logged, user balance won't be reduced etc.
The real problem here is the user can take advantage of race condition and send more messages than his balance allows. This also applies to RDBMS, unless you do SMS sending inside transaction with balance field locking (which would be a great bottleneck). As a possible solution for MongoDB would be using findAndModify first to reduce the balance and check it, if it's negative disallow sending and refund the amount (atomic increment). If positive, continue sending and in case it fails refund the amount. The balance history collection can be also maintained to help fix/verify balance field.
The project is simple, but you have to support transactions for payment, which makes the whole thing difficult. So, for example, a complex portal system with hundreds of collections (forum, chat, ads, etc...) is in some respect simpler, because if you lose a forum or chat entry, nobody really cares. If you, on the otherhand, lose a payment transaction that's a serious issue.
So, if you really want a pilot project for MongoDB, choose one which is simple in that respect.
Transactions are absent in MongoDB for valid reasons. This is one of those things that make MongoDB faster.
In your case, if transaction is a must, mongo seems not a good fit.
May be RDMBS + MongoDB, but that will add complexities and will make it harder to manage and support application.
This is probably the best blog I found regarding implementing transaction like feature for mongodb .!
Syncing Flag: best for just copying data over from a master document
Job Queue: very general purpose, solves 95% of cases. Most systems need to have at least one job queue around anyway!
Two Phase Commit: this technique ensure that each entity always has all information needed to get to a consistent state
Log Reconciliation: the most robust technique, ideal for financial systems
Versioning: provides isolation and supports complex structures
Read this for more info:
This is late but think this will help in future. I use Redis for make a queue to solve this problem.
Image below show 2 actions need execute concurrently but phase 2 and phase 3 of action 1 need finish before start phase 2 of action 2 or opposite (A phase can be a request REST api, a database request or execute javascript code...).
How a queue help you
Queue make sure that every block code between lock() and release() in many function will not run as the same time, make them isolate.
function action1() {
function action2() {
How to build a queue
I will only focus on how avoid race conditon part when building a queue on backend site. If you don't know the basic idea of queue, come here.
The code below only show the concept, you need implement in correct way.
function lock() {
if(isRunning()) {
addIsolateCodeToQueue(); //use callback, delegate, function pointer... depend on your language
} else {
function release() {
But you need isRunning() setStateToRelease() setStateToRunning() isolate it's self or else you face race condition again. To do this I choose Redis for ACID purpose and scalable.
Redis document talk about it's transaction:
All the commands in a transaction are serialized and executed
sequentially. It can never happen that a request issued by another
client is served in the middle of the execution of a Redis
transaction. This guarantees that the commands are executed as a
single isolated operation.
I use Redis because my service already use it, you can use any other way support isolation to do that.
The action_domain in my code is above for when you need only action 1 call by user A block action 2 of user A, don't block other user. The idea is put a unique key for lock of each user.
Transactions are available now in MongoDB 4.0. Sample here
// Runs the txnFunc and retries if TransientTransactionError encountered
function runTransactionWithRetry(txnFunc, session) {
while (true) {
try {
txnFunc(session); // performs transaction
} catch (error) {
// If transient error, retry the whole transaction
if ( error.hasOwnProperty("errorLabels") && error.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError") ) {
print("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ...");
} else {
throw error;
// Retries commit if UnknownTransactionCommitResult encountered
function commitWithRetry(session) {
while (true) {
try {
session.commitTransaction(); // Uses write concern set at transaction start.
print("Transaction committed.");
} catch (error) {
// Can retry commit
if (error.hasOwnProperty("errorLabels") && error.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") ) {
print("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...");
} else {
print("Error during commit ...");
throw error;
// Updates two collections in a transactions
function updateEmployeeInfo(session) {
employeesCollection = session.getDatabase("hr").employees;
eventsCollection = session.getDatabase("reporting").events;
session.startTransaction( { readConcern: { level: "snapshot" }, writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } );
employeesCollection.updateOne( { employee: 3 }, { $set: { status: "Inactive" } } );
eventsCollection.insertOne( { employee: 3, status: { new: "Inactive", old: "Active" } } );
} catch (error) {
print("Caught exception during transaction, aborting.");
throw error;
// Start a session.
session = db.getMongo().startSession( { mode: "primary" } );
runTransactionWithRetry(updateEmployeeInfo, session);
} catch (error) {
// Do something with error
} finally {
I have heard that when committing transactions using an Entity Manager, it is good practice to try again if the commit fails, since it may be an issue where the object was changed while the transaction was processing.
Does this seem like a proper retry implementation?
int loopCount = 1;
boolean transactionCommited = false;
while(!transactionCommited && loopCount <3) {
EntityManager em = EMF.getInstance().getEntityManager();
EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
Player playerToEdit = em.find(Player.class, id);
transactionCommitted = true;
} catch(Exception e){
if(loopCount == 2){
//throw an exception, retry already occurred?
} finally{
As you are caching "Exception" in your catch block, you are retrying to update in situations when the update can't be done. For example, if the Entity can't be found in the database, you are trying to find it twice.
You should catch the most specific exception "OptimisticLockException". This exception is thrown when the version of the Entity doesn't match with the version stored in the database. A Version field in the Entity is a requirement to implement this locking strategy.
There are other locking strategies to be used in high concurrent applications but most of the time a Optimistic Locking strategy is the most appropriate.
As a small detail, using constants for the number of retries instead of "magic numbers" improves code readability and it's easier to modify the number of retries in the future.
Generally it is a bad idea to try again to submit the same changes. Even if the thrown exception is OptimisticLockException, that is not a good idea, as that could mean the someone is overwriting changes that someone has made. Imagine the following scenario:
User 1 changes entityX and commits it.
User 2 changes the a part of fields of the same entityX and tries to commit it. EntityManager throws an exception.
The correct scenario would be here to indicate the exception to the User, so that he re-reads the entity and try again the same modifications.
And now the most important argument why this is dangerous:
At least Hibernate is known that BAD things could happen if you try to reuse the EntityManager after it throwed an exception. Before data gets corrupt or your applicaton stops working as you want, take a look at this article or this one.
I have both an MVC app and a windows service that access the same data access library which utilizes EntityFramework. The windows service monitors certain activity on several tables and performs some calculations.
We are using the DAL project against several hundred databases, generating the connection string for the context at runtime.
We have a number of functions (both stored procedures and .NET methods which call on EF entities) which because of the scope of data we are using are VERY db intensive which have the potential to block one another.
The problem
The windows service is not so important that it can't wait. If something must be blocked, the windows service can. Earlier I found a number of SO questions that stated that System.Transactions is the way to go when setting your transaction isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED to minimize locks.
I tried this, and I may be misunderstanding what is going on, so I need some clarification.
The method in the windows service is structured like so:
private bool _stopMe = false;
public void Update()
EntContext context = new EntContext();
var transactionOptions = new System.Transactions.TransactionOptions();
transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
using (var transactionScope = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope( System.Transactions.TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOptions))
List<Ent1> myEnts = (from e....Complicated query here).ToList();
List<Ent2> myOtherEnts = (from e... Complicated query using entities from previous query here).ToList();
Thread.Sleep(5000); //wait 5 seconds before allow do block to continue
}while (! _stopMe)
When I execute my second query, an exception gets thrown:
The underlying provider failed on Open.
Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has been disabled. Please
enable DTC for network access in the security configuration for MSDTC using the
Component Services Administrative tool.
The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network
transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D024)
I can assume that I should not be calling more than one query in that using block? The first query returned just fine. This is being performed on one database at a time (really other instances are being run in different threads and nothing from this thread touches the others).
My question is, is this how it should be used or is there more to this that I should know?
Of Note: This is a monitoring function, so it must be run repeatedly.
In your code you are using transaction scope. It looks like the first query uses a light weight db transaction. When the second query comes the transaction scope upgrades the transaction to a distributed transaction.
The distributed transaction uses MSDTC.
Here is where the error comes, by default MSDTC is not enabled. Even if it is enabled and started, it needs to be configured to allow a remote client to create a distributed transaction.
I know there are similar questions here but they are either telling me to switch back to regular RDBMS systems if I need transactions or use atomic operations or two-phase commit. The second solution seems the best choice. The third I don't wish to follow because it seems that many things could go wrong and I can't test it in every aspect. I'm having a hard time refactoring my project to perform atomic operations. I don't know whether this comes from my limited viewpoint (I have only worked with SQL databases so far), or whether it actually can't be done.
We would like to pilot test MongoDB at our company. We have chosen a relatively simple project - an SMS gateway. It allows our software to send SMS messages to the cellular network and the gateway does the dirty work: actually communicating with the providers via different communication protocols. The gateway also manages the billing of the messages. Every customer who applies for the service has to buy some credits. The system automatically decreases the user's balance when a message is sent and denies the access if the balance is insufficient. Also because we are customers of third party SMS providers, we may also have our own balances with them. We have to keep track of those as well.
I started thinking about how I can store the required data with MongoDB if I cut down some complexity (external billing, queued SMS sending). Coming from the SQL world, I would create a separate table for users, another one for SMS messages, and one for storing the transactions regarding the users' balance. Let's say I create separate collections for all of those in MongoDB.
Imagine an SMS sending task with the following steps in this simplified system:
check if the user has sufficient balance; deny access if there's not enough credit
send and store the message in the SMS collection with the details and cost (in the live system the message would have a status attribute and a task would pick up it for delivery and set the price of the SMS according to its current state)
decrease the users's balance by the cost of the sent message
log the transaction in the transaction collection
Now what's the problem with that? MongoDB can do atomic updates only on one document. In the previous flow it could happen that some kind of error creeps in and the message gets stored in the database but the user's balance is not updated and/or the transaction is not logged.
I came up with two ideas:
Create a single collection for the users, and store the balance as a field, user related transactions and messages as sub documents in the user's document. Because we can update documents atomically, this actually solves the transaction problem. Disadvantages: if the user sends many SMS messages, the size of the document could become large and the 4MB document limit could be reached. Maybe I can create history documents in such scenarios, but I don't think this would be a good idea. Also I don't know how fast the system would be if I push more and more data to the same big document.
Create one collection for users, and one for transactions. There can be two kinds of transactions: credit purchase with positive balance change and messages sent with negative balance change. Transaction may have a subdocument; for example in messages sent the details of the SMS can be embedded in the transaction. Disadvantages: I don't store the current user balance so I have to calculate it every time a user tries to send a message to tell if the message could go through or not. I'm afraid this calculation can became slow as the number of stored transactions grows.
I'm a little bit confused about which method to pick. Are there other solutions? I couldn't find any best practices online about how to work around these kinds of problems. I guess many programmers who are trying to become familiar with the NoSQL world are facing similar problems in the beginning.
As of 4.0, MongoDB will have multi-document ACID transactions. The plan is to enable those in replica set deployments first, followed by the sharded clusters. Transactions in MongoDB will feel just like transactions developers are familiar with from relational databases - they'll be multi-statement, with similar semantics and syntax (like start_transaction and commit_transaction). Importantly, the changes to MongoDB that enable transactions do not impact performance for workloads that do not require them.
For more details see here.
Having distributed transactions, doesn't mean that you should model your data like in tabular relational databases. Embrace the power of the document model and follow the good and recommended practices of data modeling.
Check this out, by Tokutek. They develop a plugin for Mongo that promises not only transactions but also a boosting in performance.
Bring it to the point: if transactional integrity is a must then don't use MongoDB but use only components in the system supporting transactions. It is extremely hard to build something on top of component in order to provide ACID-similar functionality for non-ACID compliant components. Depending on the individual usecases it may make sense to separate actions into transactional and non-transactional actions in some way...
Now what's the problem with that? MongoDB can do atomic updates only on one document. In the previous flow it could happen that some kind of error creeps in and the message gets stored in the database but the user's balance is not gets reduced and/or the transaction is not gets logged.
This is not really a problem. The error you mentioned is either a logical (bug) or IO error (network, disk failure). Such kind of error can leave both transactionless and transactional stores in non-consistent state. For example, if it has already sent SMS but while storing message error occurred - it can't rollback SMS sending, which means it won't be logged, user balance won't be reduced etc.
The real problem here is the user can take advantage of race condition and send more messages than his balance allows. This also applies to RDBMS, unless you do SMS sending inside transaction with balance field locking (which would be a great bottleneck). As a possible solution for MongoDB would be using findAndModify first to reduce the balance and check it, if it's negative disallow sending and refund the amount (atomic increment). If positive, continue sending and in case it fails refund the amount. The balance history collection can be also maintained to help fix/verify balance field.
The project is simple, but you have to support transactions for payment, which makes the whole thing difficult. So, for example, a complex portal system with hundreds of collections (forum, chat, ads, etc...) is in some respect simpler, because if you lose a forum or chat entry, nobody really cares. If you, on the otherhand, lose a payment transaction that's a serious issue.
So, if you really want a pilot project for MongoDB, choose one which is simple in that respect.
Transactions are absent in MongoDB for valid reasons. This is one of those things that make MongoDB faster.
In your case, if transaction is a must, mongo seems not a good fit.
May be RDMBS + MongoDB, but that will add complexities and will make it harder to manage and support application.
This is probably the best blog I found regarding implementing transaction like feature for mongodb .!
Syncing Flag: best for just copying data over from a master document
Job Queue: very general purpose, solves 95% of cases. Most systems need to have at least one job queue around anyway!
Two Phase Commit: this technique ensure that each entity always has all information needed to get to a consistent state
Log Reconciliation: the most robust technique, ideal for financial systems
Versioning: provides isolation and supports complex structures
Read this for more info:
This is late but think this will help in future. I use Redis for make a queue to solve this problem.
Image below show 2 actions need execute concurrently but phase 2 and phase 3 of action 1 need finish before start phase 2 of action 2 or opposite (A phase can be a request REST api, a database request or execute javascript code...).
How a queue help you
Queue make sure that every block code between lock() and release() in many function will not run as the same time, make them isolate.
function action1() {
function action2() {
How to build a queue
I will only focus on how avoid race conditon part when building a queue on backend site. If you don't know the basic idea of queue, come here.
The code below only show the concept, you need implement in correct way.
function lock() {
if(isRunning()) {
addIsolateCodeToQueue(); //use callback, delegate, function pointer... depend on your language
} else {
function release() {
But you need isRunning() setStateToRelease() setStateToRunning() isolate it's self or else you face race condition again. To do this I choose Redis for ACID purpose and scalable.
Redis document talk about it's transaction:
All the commands in a transaction are serialized and executed
sequentially. It can never happen that a request issued by another
client is served in the middle of the execution of a Redis
transaction. This guarantees that the commands are executed as a
single isolated operation.
I use Redis because my service already use it, you can use any other way support isolation to do that.
The action_domain in my code is above for when you need only action 1 call by user A block action 2 of user A, don't block other user. The idea is put a unique key for lock of each user.
Transactions are available now in MongoDB 4.0. Sample here
// Runs the txnFunc and retries if TransientTransactionError encountered
function runTransactionWithRetry(txnFunc, session) {
while (true) {
try {
txnFunc(session); // performs transaction
} catch (error) {
// If transient error, retry the whole transaction
if ( error.hasOwnProperty("errorLabels") && error.errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError") ) {
print("TransientTransactionError, retrying transaction ...");
} else {
throw error;
// Retries commit if UnknownTransactionCommitResult encountered
function commitWithRetry(session) {
while (true) {
try {
session.commitTransaction(); // Uses write concern set at transaction start.
print("Transaction committed.");
} catch (error) {
// Can retry commit
if (error.hasOwnProperty("errorLabels") && error.errorLabels.includes("UnknownTransactionCommitResult") ) {
print("UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...");
} else {
print("Error during commit ...");
throw error;
// Updates two collections in a transactions
function updateEmployeeInfo(session) {
employeesCollection = session.getDatabase("hr").employees;
eventsCollection = session.getDatabase("reporting").events;
session.startTransaction( { readConcern: { level: "snapshot" }, writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } );
employeesCollection.updateOne( { employee: 3 }, { $set: { status: "Inactive" } } );
eventsCollection.insertOne( { employee: 3, status: { new: "Inactive", old: "Active" } } );
} catch (error) {
print("Caught exception during transaction, aborting.");
throw error;
// Start a session.
session = db.getMongo().startSession( { mode: "primary" } );
runTransactionWithRetry(updateEmployeeInfo, session);
} catch (error) {
// Do something with error
} finally {