TP Gateway API Need in Moodle - moodle

We are working on Moodle Platform
Can we integrate TP Gateway API for the following five ponits:
User Role Management:
•SFC Payment Gateway of TP Gateway will be used in the process of invoice creation.
•Student enrolments will happen through the Enrolments API of TPGateway.
•Individual API of TPGateway will be used
•Profiles will be created using the Profiles API of TPGateway.
Class Management:
• Training Providers API will be used.
• Attendance API of TPGateway will be used.
• Assessment API of TP Gateway will be used.
Course Management:
• Courses API of TPGateway will be used.
• Individual Student API of TPGateway will be used.
• eCertificate API of TPGateway will be used.
• Profile API of TPGateway will be used
Report Management:
• Attendance API of TPGateway will be used
• Course API of TPGateway will be used
Assessment API of TPGateway will be used
• Training Providers API of TPGateway will be used
• Profiles API of TPGateway will be used
• Individual API of TPGateway will be used
Dev Ops and Database:
• MySQL and Database
If yes then how. Please guide us.
Thank you
We have no idea how to use this API in Moodle platform.
Please guide us.


Update in Google Cloud Storage library

I am working on a project and it requires the latest version of Google Cloud Storage client in Google App Engine app. Where can I find the latest version?
You can find those versions in the official Google App Engine documentation. It is suggested to use the versions mentioned in the documentation as they are the one that works perfectly with the examples also provided in the documentation.
There are several programming languages that are supported with the Google Cloud Storage client. You can see them in App Engine > Using Cloud Storage documentation.
Google Cloud Storage client for Python (google-cloud-storage==1.13.2)
Google Cloud Storage client for Java (1.62.0)
Google Cloud Storage client for Node.js ("#google-cloud/storage": "1.6.0")
Google Cloud Storage client for Go (Version not specified)
Google Cloud Storage client for Ruby (Version not specified)
Google Cloud Storage client for PHP ("google/cloud-storage": "^1.0")
Google Cloud Storage client for .NET (Version not specified)

Use Android Management API with standart GSuite EMM Provider (Google Mobile Management)

Our company use GSuite with standart EMM Provider (Google Mobile Management).
There is a way to use Android Management API in this case.
You cannot use the Android Management API to manage the same devices that are managed by G Suite. The Android Management API is an API called by EMM providers, and in the case of G Suite the EMM provider is G Suite itself.
However you can set up devices using the Android Management API directly and still add your G Suite account on it. It would work as long as you haven't set advanced mobile management in the G Suite console.

Dialogflow API V2 unity SDK

Is there any workaround for using the new version (V2) of Dialogflow API in Unity? There used to be a SDK for the previous version but apparently it will be discontinued next year...
Since there is no official Dialogflow-Unity-SDK, you can use the Google.Api.Dialogflow.v2 library.
Details at
Authenticating Request with Google.Apis.DialogFlow.V2
Note: Remember that you can't use your token anymore. You need to create a credential file: Details at:

How to integrate an API Connect API as a BFF into a Bluemix mobile project?

Trying to use an API Connect generated app as the backend for my mobile project adding an OPENAPI_SPEC env variable as defined here:
I can add the app as a compute instance in the Mobile Project UI but it can't generate the SDK, I guess it is because when published via APIC Editor to Bluemix the Loopback app isn't accessed directly but through the APIC gateway.
Any suggestion here?
I would presume that although you have an OPENAPI_SPEC environment variable, your Open API swagger doc isn't valid.
When you download the project, it will auto-generate an SDK corresponding with your backend's Open API document.
For instance, here is how you set the environment variable with an example relative path:
And here is a valid API doc that it's using (albeit not in the most elegant Open API compliant format yet but it works).
A good way to test the validity of your OPEN API swagger doc is using the new Bluemix SDK Gen CLI Plugin.
$ bx sdk validate
validate - Determines if an OpenAPI specification is valid for SDK generation
bluemix sdk validate OPENAPI_DOC_LOCATION | APP_NAME
OPENAPI_DOC_LOCATION - is a raw OpenAPI specification (URL to spec or local file; json or yaml)
APP_NAME - is the name of an app running in your current space hosting
OpenAPI spec.
In addition, IBM provides a deployable BFF starter sample with an accompanying blog post which may be helpful.

What is the difference between Azure App Services API Apps and the Custom API of App Services Mobile Apps?

Azure App Services Mobile Apps can provide a Custom API hosting service which looks very similar to API Apps.
What is the real difference between the two?
Is it possible to consume Mobile Services from API Apps Node Backend ? Is there any Mobile Apps SDK available for NodeJS ?
Azure API Apps is for hosting APIs that will be consumed from a variety of clients, and where it is acceptable to codegen a client, or make direct REST calls.
Azure Mobile Apps defines a client and server SDK with a protocol for communication that adds additional functionality for things such as offline sync. Offline sync is not possible with API apps, because there is no actual client SDK, just tools for generating one for different platforms.