TODOs in files which names start with a dot are not displayed in the Tasks view in Eclipse - eclipse

Why are the TODOs in files which names start with a dot (e.g. ".content.xml") not displayed in the Tasks view in Eclipse?
I already know other tricks for fixing the problems that some TODOs are not displayed in the Tasks view (e.g. cleaning and rebuilding a project), but none of these tricks help regarding the TODOs which are located in XML files which names start with a dot. The TODOs which are located in files which names don't start with a dot are shown correctly in the Tasks view.
It seems that the eclipse task scanner ignores files which names start with a dot. Any ideas how to fix this?
I have already searched for solutions to this problem and have tried various configuration changes in eclipse, but nothing helped.


any idea why the visual studio code project directory ui displays differently for this scenario?

I'm working on a React project in Visual Studio Code. For some reason, the subdirectory structure that I just added displays subdirs via slashes () instead of rendering the subdirs in a treeview:
Any idea why VS Code would do this? Other subdir structures in the project display as normal treeviews as expected
Probably because those folders are empty and contain empty folders also
Try adding files to them it won't display that way anymore
NB: There's no big deal with that display
Now if you want it to display normally:
Select Preferences,then Settings. Then Search for "compact folders" and uncheck the checkbox

Eclipse - different folder-/file colors per project

I'm looking for a way to optically mark different projects in the eclipse "Project Explorer".
From time to time I have to work with several opened projects, to copy files and folders from old to new projects. (I know it is possible to compare folders.. but it is not always the best way)
So it would be really convenient to apply a different color for the main project. E.g. having displayed the folders of that project in green instead of yellow - so this would avoid copy-pasting in the wrong 'direction'.
Any ideas? Or other tips?
Added image
Eclipse isnt exploded make-up-bag :D
If you have your projects unter Version-Controll, you can specify custom file/folder/project-decorators with markant Text-Labels.
Therefore see Window->Preferences->Team->...->Label Decoration

How to exclude files/folder from Markers view in eclipse?

Is there a way in eclipse to stop markers from showing in the Markers view for files in a certain folder? I.e. I imported a Javascript library that I didn't write myself but it is going to be part of my project and I don't want to have to look at all the "TODO" and "FIXME" markers in those files and would just want to see my markers only... Is there a way to exclude certain folders or files form being scanned by the markers process?
Apparently, I was able to resolve this by adding the folders I wanted to exclude to the exclusion list under Project->Properties->Validation. (Click settings beside each validation, Add Exclude Group button, Add Rule button, select folder option, browse for relative folder)
You can configure the content of the Markers view (the one displaying errors and warning in source code) and the content of the Tasks view (the one displaying "TODO" and "FIXME") by clicking on the "small down arrow" in the top right of the view (near the minimize and maximize buttons) and then clicking on Configure Contents ... entry.
Hope this can help,
By selecting Configure Contents like Manu said, there is also the option to list the tasks for a specific working set, using the Scope area at the right.
That worked for me, and I'm not annoyed anymore by all Zend Framework #todo.
Hope this helped, Stéphane
I'm doing a node app and wanted to exclude my node modules folder. I found the only way to do this is to create a working set that excludes that directory and set the Task -> configure contents to that working set.
How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?

Eclipse PDT Differentiating file name tabs for MVC?

When working with MVC in Eclipse you might often have a model, view, and controller all with the same name open at the same time. When looking at each of the file tabs, you won't always know which is which and have to click through them, which can be quite a hassle sometimes. I've heard of being able to color code files based on the path in some editors. For example, tabs with path model could be set as green, path controller set as yellow, etc. Is this possible in Eclipse, or is there a plugin for something like this? If not, what do you do to more easily differentiate between the tabs? I've heard of people always opening a MVC set in a certain order. So you'll know the leftmost tab is the controller, the right most is the view, etc. However, that must also mean you need to open all 3 files each time. Any better tips or tricks?
Another thing about the file tabs that can be annoying is that when you have more files that can't fit in one line, eclipse pushes off to an arrow which you have to click to see the rest. It seems to be random which tabs get pushed off there, maybe the least used ones, I have no idea... This coupled with the problem above gets kind of annoying. I was trying to find a way to disable this and just show tabs that can't fit in one line to show up on a second line, but surprisingly couldn't find such an option (then again you also can't wordwrap without a plugin).
Hopefully there are some solutions to these two problems. Thanks.
Maybe this can be helpful
With the latest version of Eclipse (Kepler 4.3.1, build M20130911-1000) when two or more files with the same base name are opened, tab will show also the parent directory name.

In Eclipse, how do I refresh the icon decorators (per-file 1+ warning, 1+ error) in my Project Explorer?

In Eclipse, in the Project Explorer pane, each Java file will have an icon decorator, indicating whether that file has 1+ compilation errors, or 1+ compilation warnings.
I often find that these icon decorators are out of date with my latest file changes.
How can I force them to be up to date?
I try right-clicking on the project's top-level directory and selecting Refresh, but that doesn't help. Neither does restarting Eclipse.
I realize that one alternative is to use the Markers pane, but that gets me the entire list of all warnings/errors across all files. I'd rather know, see visually, which files have problems and which are clean.
You haven't said which language you are using and whether autobuilds are on or off.
In general, problem markers are only added and removed by your project's builder. If you are using Java, for example, that language has full automatic incremental build support, so the markers update whenever you save a file. Not all languages enjoy this; you may need to explicitly rebuild your project(s) to force an update.
If you believe a marker is out-of-date, or just want to hide it, it's usually safe to delete it from the Markers view; the relevant builder will reinstate it if necessary next time it runs.