I've been trying to create a flutter app but every time I get the following problem (Unable to find git in your PATH.) Please any help. Am using Windows.
I've tried many of the solutions posted here but none of them worked.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling.
Used a lot of the path form the ones posted here, such as:
1\ C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
2\ %GH%\bin;%GH%\usr\bin;%GH%\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
3\ C:\path\to\git
4\ C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
5\ C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH
6\ C:\Windows\System32
These are just a few, but none of them work.
I have several RaspberryPIs as remotes in VSCode via SSH.
In some of them at some point the "search in files" feature has stoped working.
It is only searching inside the opened files.
After further investigation I found out that on all the Raspberrys where the error occurs I can not install ripgrep. (E: Unable to locate package ripgrep)
As VSCode is using ripgrep for searching this may be the cause but what is the solution then?
I built and installed ripgrep manuall. No success.
But maybe it is related to the debian version being 9.X
As several people have reported the same problem but the cirumstances are always different I tried the following solutions:
Make sure the "book" icon is not checked (some users had that problem)
Make sure it is not related to path lenght. Just one folder in ~ with file a.py and b.py (some user had that problem)
Made sure there is nothing in the .gitignore file (some user had that problem)
Made a new folder not inside a samba shared folder (some user had that problem)
Deactivated all exensions on the remote
Deactivated all non SSH related extensions on the PC
Compared the setting on the broken remote to a working one. They are completely the same.
deleted the .vscode-server folder on the remote to force VSCode to install it again
I've scoured other forums that talk about this problem and have tried all of the recommendations I've found, but I cannot seem to get VSCode to recognize my Julia.exe path and execute commands in a .jl file. Every time I run even a simple .jl file, I get /bin/sh: julia: command not found (pictured below).
I have ensured that the executable path is set properly in the .json file, and have tried moving the executable to other locations (using an M1 Mac), but it seems it still cannot find/recognize the Julia.exe:
I have even tried just pointing to the binary folder /bin, and /bin/julia.exe (with the extension), and though VSCode does not generate the error when it cannot confirm the .exe path, the actual code still generates the error above.
I'm at my wits end here. I'm sure it's a simple answer that someone could spot in a second, or know the troubleshooting for, but I've never had this issue to this degree before with installing other languages like Kotlin. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Problem was fixed by the MacOS recommendation found here:
Copying the binary .exe elsewhere (outside of /Applications) and changing the executable path in VSCode fixed the issue.
I have downloaded flutter_windows_1.17.1-stable and extracted it outside the program files, yet whenever I run the 'flutter doctor' command I am getting the message '\flutter\bin\cache was unexpected at this time.'
I have searched about this and found few solutions suggesting to delete the cache folder in bin of flutter directory, I did that, also added the path in environment variables, still having the same message.
Please, I need suggestion on how to fix this.
Thank you.
Faced similar issue, I initially created C:\Program Files(Manual)\Flutter
and added to user env path variable, but got Cache error, only when I moved to c:\src\Flutter it worked, I'd say paths with spaces (and or special chars '(' ')' ' ' aren't accepted
While you're using windows, go to the system environment variables from the search and edit flutter path variable, change it to the binary folder like C:\src\flutter\bin.
When I ran into this issue, I had already installed flutter several times to fix previous errors. This issue can happen if flutter is not installed in your environment variables, but it also happens if there is another duplicate or path to another bin in the same host. Also, make sure to check on all places for duplicate paths to two or more flutter bins. There are environment variables for your account, and environment variables for the entire PC. Be sure to check in both
Make sure you extract all your files to c:/src/flutter
If the problem is still there , then to run commands use c:/src/flutter/bin
I.e., include bin to your path
I had the same issue. I tried all the above solutions, but they did not work. So I also changed the path. The solution was to direct the CMD to Flutter's main directory.
Example: You want to run the code flutter doctor. You expect to open the CMD and run the code, so you get the result while you have configured the env and path, but it does not. To run the code, go to the same directory you installed the flutter and then run your codes;
E:\Program Files\flutter> flutter doctor
I hope it works for you as it worked for me. GL
1.) Move the Flutter folder to your C Drive.
2.) Create a new Folder called "src".
3.) Move Flutter folder to src.
4.) Add C:\src\flutter\bin to Path in Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Enviorments -> Path -> edit
first if you changed your flutter's location and if you gave path again to variables, you you need to dalate old path of flutter and it works.
wondering if you could assist. Really challenging in determining a solution to this from my research.
Ive downloaded Visual Studio code two weeks ago and has come across an error once I try to debug a file. The file appears to open but once I run the debugger it shows accordingly:
'${workspaceFolder}' can not be resolved. Please open a folder.
Can't seem to find or replicate a similar solution. I've also tried to reinstall Visual Studio code (no easy feat). I'm trying to at least understand the problem and its source.
The file is a .js file that I've been working on, running a simple function. It is not meant to operate in tandem with a larger workspace/program.
In VScode go to file --> Add folder to workspace and select the folder where the program files are located.
If you are using the latest Visual Studio 1.44, make sure to upgrade to 1.44.2.
The issue microsoft/vscode issue 94725 has been resolved.
It featured the same error message:
After some investigation the problem is the following for the workspace configuration our debug extensions appends the following attribute
And the configuration resolver properly tries to resolve this and complains because the scope of the folder is not specified.
In a multi root workspace scope has to be specified, otherwise the resolver does not know against which folder to resolve the variables.
Proposed fix: the node extension which adds this attribute should scope it if it sees that we are in a multi root folder.
So instead of ${workspaceFolder} use ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder}.
This is fixed in commit ae97613.
Replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder} in your *.code-workspace file. (from [here][1])
By the way, same goes to ${workspaceRoot}, you can replace it with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceRoot}.
Any more folder variables ca be fixed with this FOLDER_NAME: prefix? My workspaces did not use them so far.
Worked for me in Version: 1.44.2.
I know this question is very old already and the answers may have been correct but none worked for me on vscode v1.57.1 at the time of this comment on 30.06.2021
I had to replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${workspaceFolder:my-folder-name} in my *.code-workspace file
Ref: Variables scoped per workspace folder
I recently had this problem and so did I read the answers above but being a beginner I was unable to solve it .In my answer I don't have exactly what you should do but I will show what worked for me.
Go to the explorer and you will see there is no folder added.
Browse for .vscode folder and select it.
Issue solved {this atleast worked for me.It**(.vscode)** had .json extension file in it}.
I was having the same issue, but I solved it this way:
1- open VS Code as administrator
2- open the sheet
3- debugging with no problem :)
enter image description here
I just create a file.json that they can debug.
I have been working on this issue for over a week with no luck and tried every possible solution e.g. delete and reinstall certificates, profiles, and everything seems to be ok.
My problem show up when I try to upload with Application Uploader where it shows ""The CodeResources file must be a symbolic link .... " error , so I checked my application package and found CodeResources as symbolic and properly linked to "_CodeSignature/CodeResources"
To make sure I deleted "CodeResources" file and recreate symbolic link to "_CodeSignature/CodeResources" using command: ln -s _CodeSignature/CodeResources CodeResources
But even this didn't solve my problem. So I thought to remove "CodeResources" then zip package and try to upload... Surprisingly Application Loader accepted it and start uploading!!
I have searched all over internet and tried all solutions I found but didn't solve this irritating problem.
BTW, I tried to zip the app package with -y parameter but still no luck
Kindly assist me to solve it
Thanks in advance
Finally, uploaded app successfully .
I don't know exactly what was the issue, but glad that my app has been uploaded successfully
Anyhow, all I did was running disk utility and repair permissions (several times). and put English language in the top of languages list (System preferences -> Language & Text) then reboot system before I try to upload.