nx: Exclude files/folders when generate dependency graph - nrwl-nx

There are two folders under my package: src and test. How to make the nx graph ignore all files under test folder?
BTW, I'm using swc as the compiler.


Include scala source files in sbt pack output jar

How can the scala source files of a project be included in the generated target jar produced by sbt pack?
Currently, when an IDE user of my jar tries to jump to a function in the library they will only get decompiled version of the code instead of the original source. However, other libraries pull from artifact repositories have the ability to jump to the original source code.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and response.
I think you can use:
packageSrc: Creates a jar file containing all main source files and
resources. The packaged paths are relative to src/main/scala and
src/main/resources. Similarly, test:packageSrc operates on test source
files and resources.
sbt Command Line Reference

How to share .proto (protobuf) files using a shared scala library using sbt

I have a few apps using shared .proto files. Each app's repo currently contains a copy of the files, which is not ideal and has recently created a problem when they accidentally diverged.
I would like to store the .proto files in a shared library which is already a common dependency for these apps. We're using sbt-protoc which has documentation for including .proto files from external libraries, but I can't find any information on how to package libraries that include them.
The .proto files are located in src/main/protobuf, but do not appear in the generated jar, which is presumably standard behaviour. I know you can tell sbt to include specific resource files, but I don't know if I've missed how to do it using sbt-protoc
To get protos included in the JAR, you can rely on standard sbt functionality, by adding a setting such as:
Compile / unmanagedResourceDirectories += sourceDirectory.value / "protobuf"

Cmake and eclipse multiple targets

I am new in the cmake world and I am not even sure if what I try to achieve is possible or not.
Currently, I have an eclipse project file which contains many targets (they have some files in common, some are different (I used the exclusions in Eclipse to do it)).
One of my colleague uses the CLion for that so he created a CmakeLists.txt files for that. Is it possible to use these CmakeLists.txt files to create a project in eclipse? Is it possible to have this way a multiple targets in one project file?
Is it possible to use these CmakeLists.txt files to create a project in eclipse?
Yes, use the following from your source root to generate Eclipse project files which support in-source builds.
$ cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" .
If you want to do out-of-source builds, there are a few wrinkles to be aware of. Have a look at this cmake wiki page about the Eclipse CDT generator for more details.
Note that Eclipse also supports importing projects from existing makefiles, which means you can just use the "Unix Makefile" generator to generate makefiles, and import from those.
See this cmake wiki page for details on that
Is it possible to have this way a multiple targets in one project file?
Yes it is. All targets specified in your CMakeLists.txt file(s) will be included in the generated project file.
Thank you for a quick answer. I looked into what you sent me but my indexing still does not work. In my project I have following structure:
Folder main with main.c
Folder platform with three different folders: folder a with a.c file, folder b with b.c file and folder c.c file, and one platform.h file common for all those files with declaration of function "platform()". The main function calls the function "platform()" from platform.h which definition is different for each target (a, b, and c respectively defined in a.c, b.c and c.c file). When I create the eclipse project I do get the folder called "[Targets]" but the indexing does not work which means it does not show me the function from the proper target.
Is it possible to be able to switch from one target to another with the "hammer" sign?
Many thanks.

Organizing files in a SBT-based scala project

Newcomer to the Intellij IDE here, with no Java background. I've looked at Build Definition to get a brief idea on how should I organize my scala files, but their example doesn't cover the full structure of an SBT-based project shown attached.
Can you advise what each folder should be used for (e.g. where my source files should go, etc.) and also point me to sources where I can go read up more.
Thanks so much
It is described pretty well here:
But to sum up.
This contains the project files for your idea project, and has nothing directly to do with sbt itself. However idea (if auto refresh is enabled) updates its own project, each time the sbt build files change.
This contains the sbt project files, except for the main build file (files ending in .sbt). Sbt build is itself based on scala, and if you need to have some scala code included in your build (e.g., code-generation/meta-programming, pre-compiler macros), then you can place scala source files in this directory. The code of these files can be used in your build system, and is not part of your project itself. To really understand how a build is made, then you will need to understand the difference in how sbt files and scala files for the build should be placed. When you run sbt, then it will search for .sbt files in the directory your are standing in, when these are found, it will search for scala files in the project directory. These files together are the source of the build system, but because these are source files, they need to be built before they can be used. To build this build system, sbt uses sbt. So a build system to build the build system is needed. It therefore looks for sbt files inside the project directory, and scala files for this build inside project/project and build these files to get a build system, that can build the build system (that can build your project). Actually it can continue recursive down to any project/project/project... directory, until it finds a project folder containing no scala files, and therefore needs no building before use.
The target folder inside project, is the target folder for the sbt build of your build definition. See below what a target folder is.
Normally you would not need to be concerned about this; just remember that build.sbt in your root directory is the build script for your project. project/plugins.sbt defines plugins activated for your build system, and project/build.properties contains special sbt properties. Currently the only sbt property I now of, is what version of sbt should be used.
This is where your place the source files of your project. You should place any java sources in src/main/java, scala sources in src/main/scala. Resources are placed in src/main/resources.
The src/main/scala_2.11 folder is typically used, if you have some code that it not binary compatible with different versions of scala. In such cases you would be able to configure sbt to use different source files when building for different versions of scala. You probably do not need this, so I would advise to just delete the src/main/scala_2.11 folder.
Test sources are placed inside src/test/java and source/test/scala, and test resources are placed in src/test/resources.
This folder is the target folder for sbt. All compiled files, generated packages and so on are placed somewhere inside this dir.
Most things in this dir are not so interesting, as most of it is just internal sbt things. However if your build a jar file by calling sbt package, then it will be placed inside target/scala-x (where x is the scala version). There are also a lot of different plugins, that can package your application in different ways, and they will normally also place the package files somewhere inside the target dir.

Missing Source and include folder when integrating cmake with eclipse

I am new to CMake and I am trying Integrate CMake with Eclipse.
Below is the example of the file structure that I have.
build/linux/Release (Should contain the release libraries and files)
build/linux/Debug (Should contain the debug version of the files)
.cpp (all source files) and CMakeLists.txt 1 for this folder (creating a static library)
.cpp (all source files) and CMakeLists.txt 2 for this folder (creating a static library)
.cpp (all source files) and CMakeLists.txt 3 for this folder (creating the executable)
.h (all the header files)
.h (all the header files)
.h (all the header files)
Can you please let me know how would I be able to integrate CMake to Eclipse. I would like to do a in Source build so that I can sub version my code.
I have tried different options of placing the main CMakelist in project folder, project/build/linux folder and so on. I can get the project working but I dont get to see the source folder as well as the include folder on eclipse.
I have tried both 1st and 2nd option specified in http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake:Eclipse_UNIX_Tutorial#CMake_with_Eclipse
It's usually very simple: from a clean build directory, you configure cmake using Eclipse as generator (it's easier if you use cmake-gui), and then you import the build directory into Eclipse (File, Import, General, Existing Projects into Workspace).