HubSpot automate Emails - email

I am wondering if it is possible to automate sending out an email after 360 days and after 367 days of having moved a client from a stage to the next one. This is on HubSpot and I know how to send out an email when moving clients into new steps. I just dont know if its possible to add a time when the email should go out.
Any help is very much aprecciated:)
So far I am doing it manually. So after having requested a subscription and a year has past I contact the customer manually to let him know that his sucsription has ended and that he has to renew it.


Get forbidden to send email with multiple recipients

I am facing a problem that when i send to multiple recipients (about 100), it response forbidden. But it was fine previously. And I have tested to send few recipients (about 3), it works fine.
May i know is that any change on free plan?
Many Thanks for the help.
The free Sendgrid plan allows you to send up to 100 emails a day. If you are trying to send more than that 100th email in a day then you won't be able to and you should upgrade to a plan that supports more emails.

how can i get email notification on salesforce from my customers?

ןs it possible to synchronize between my email and salesforce so that I can send emails to my customers and receive an alert when they reply to the email?
If so I would love to know how to do it :)
Quick&dirty way - configure Email-to-Case and you could be forwarding certain emails (manually? with some automated rule?)
Read up about InboundEmailHandler and you could have it bit smarter, piece of code that could find previous messages, reopen cases, link them to right contact...
Bit more involved would be proper Gmail / Office 365 /... mail sync. It used to be called "Lightning Sync" but looks like they're phasing it out. Try

How to send an email and prevent that the email is forward to other?

Excuse me about this bizarre question, but I have to sell a service, pratically I need to send a PDF each day to my customers. My doubt is: if I have ONE custumer how can I prevent that the user forward my pdf to other users? I need to manage this kind of situations....

Best way to send batch invitation emails

Currently in our application admin of a company invite multiple users to system. Our design is:
take admin chosen separated email addresses, check user if exist and member of current company do nothing. if exist but not member of current company do some setup and add to company and send welcome email. if not not exist set user account add to company and send invitation email. But there is a hard roadblock. Admins want to invite up to 5000 emails. Because of currently we invite in web application and send email one by one (we have to, because of uniqueness and activation code) admin can't invite more than 20-30 emails at same time, because of timeout.
I thought to take email to another table and do operation with timer?
What is the best practice for this ?
ASP.NET MVC2 on amazon-ec2 server. Also we have timer
I come from a linux/PHP background but it seems to me your problem can be solved with a queue?
You basically get all the emails you need sending add them to the queue and have another process take a few emails off the head of the queue and send. Rise, repeat until queue is empty.
Since you are on EC2, have you taken a look at how Amazon SQS might be able to help? If you want a readymade component, I googled and found this email queue component for that seems to solve the exact problem you are having (although will cost you $)

How to send mails to new Drupal users after 1,7,20 days

When new users sign up on my Drupal website, I would like to send them some tips-and-tricks emails. First mail after one day, another day the next week and another email after two weeks.
Is there a plugin (or a set of plugins) that can do this? I want to avoid hacking too much PHP.
Rules module, and its Scheduler module