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Closed last month.
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I'm trying to test a website with Cypress and I can only access to the website with OpenVPN.
When I connect to OpenVPN on my machine, the test works fine with Cypress.
But I need to create a pipeline in Azure Devops for it and schedule it.
Has anyone an idea how to integrate OpenVPN with Azure Devops Pipeline?
I looked for a task to add in the agent job, but I couldn't find any.
Connecting to private networks, such as a VPN connection or ExpressRoute is not supported on Microsoft Hosted Azure Devops agents as indicated in the documentation for Microsoft Hosted Agents
You could consider running self-hosted agents which you could connect via VPN either in the base configuration of the machine hosting the agent runner or implement the connection as a bash script in your pipeline.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm looking for an online Git service. GitHub is available from Microsoft. Other than the GitHub, is Microsoft offering any other Git service with Azure DevOps?
Check out Azure DevOps Server, it offers Azure Repos to host unlimited private Git repository.
GitHub is a hosting provider for git repositories which was founded in 2008. Microsoft acquired GitHub in 2018. GiiHub now has more features than just hosting repositories.
As GitHub, Micorsoft has it's own Git repository hosting which is the default one if you are using Azure Devops. This is called Azure Debops Git. More information can be found at
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Closed 2 years ago.
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how to integrate jmeter script with azure devops pipeline?
I am new in azure devops,give some insight view for this?
I have pushed the jmeter code to azure devops repo and then created build for that but afterthat how can I integrate with pipeline.
Not very sure which exactly part you want to know, here just provide you the basic application in VSTS.
Until now, there still has 3 load testing tasks can for you use to integrate the Jmeter: Cloud-based Load Test, Cloud-based Web Performance Test and Apache JMeter Test. These 3 tasks can all be used in CI and CD.
But, there one thing you need pay attention that we are gradually deprecating Cloud load testing(CLT):
Existing customers of CLT:
For existing Azure DevOps customers using cloud-load testing
functionality in the Azure DevOps portal, this feature will no longer
be available as of March 31, 2020.
For existing Azure customers using the performance test feature in App
Services or Application Insights, this feature will no longer be
available as of March 31, 2020.
For Visual Studio users leveraging cloud-based load testing, this
feature will no longer be supported as of March 31, 2020. Visual
Studio Enterprise customers can, however, continue to run load tests
on-premises using Test Controller/Test Agent and will be supported for
any issues that may arise during the support lifecycle of the Visual
Studio version.
New customers of CLT:
New Azure DevOps organizations and new Azure subscriptions created
after March 31st, 2019 will not have access to the cloud-based load
testing functionality.
Since until now, we are still support these tasks, you could see and choose them in Deprecated tasks panel:
Then you can follow above task document to configure your test task.
Below are another blog and docs you could take as refer:
Configuring Jmeter Tests in VSTS/TFS (Azure DevOps) and publishing
Run Apache JMeter load tests with Test plan
Using a self-service model for load test and cloud-load testing,
e.g. Apache JMeter
The pattern described in the post can be considered as well:
In this approach a load inducing Azure Container instance is created (as part of pipeline, with Apache Bench or JMeter installed, and in a different AzDO agent pool) for the duration of the Load Test, and after the Load test results have been recorded the ACI instance is deleted.
It has been indicated in the post where you would need to make changes to the pipeline yaml if JMeter needs to be used instead of Apache Bench. Hope it helps.
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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to migrate from TFS 2018 version 16.131.28106.2 (Tfs2018.Update3) to Azure DevOps using migration tool in this link
but when i try to run the below command I'm getting below error
C:\TFSMigrator\DataMigrationTool>Migrator validate /collection:http://192.168.1.
The data migration tool was unable to find an installation path for the Azure De
vOps Server Application Tier. Either Azure DevOps Server is not installed, you a
re using a version of the data migration tool that isn't supported for your vers
ion of Azure DevOps Server, or you are using a version of Azure DevOps Server th
at is not supported for import.
See to check that your version
of Azure DevOps Server is supported for import.
See to download the Migrator version that works
with your Azure DevOps Server version.
See for details on running Migrator on
your collection.
please advise.
Read the documentation that the error message provided.
The data migration tool for Azure DevOps supports the two latest releases of Azure DevOps Server at a given time. Releases include updates and major releases. Currently the following versions of Azure DevOps Server are supported for import:
Azure DevOps Server 2019
Azure DevOps Server 2019.0.1
You will note that TFS 2018 is not a supported version. You will have to upgrade first.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is it possible to backup an Azure DevOps organization or project?
I couldn't find this feature in the organization, project or even pipelines settings.
In the documentation I found that the data is replicated using Azure services such as blob and SQL storage. This is nice, but what if you want to have a copy of your organization in your own server or local computer as, for example, a zip file?
The only possibilities I found were exporting the build and release pipelines and cloning the repositories, but that is far from a complete backup.
There is no way of doing this as of time of writing (30.01.2019).
You can have builds in yaml (pipelines will be available in yaml shortly). But work items\artifacts\etc are not really exportable.
There are ways of doing this, but they're not all easy or simple:
1) Manual: Export work items / Download Zip of Repos
Microsoft document the feature to export items like work items here:
There is also a way to download your repositories from devops itself:
The same cant be done for work items but as mentioned below, work items can be retrieved by the rest API.
2) Manual: Using the REST API / Libgit2sharp
We used a combination of the REST API and this repo here to automate the scripts for a while. We changed the backup part of the script to instead clone a copy of the code to our blob storage using Libgit2sharp.
3) Automatic: Using Backrightup
After struggling with this all ourselves, and having many clients that required this for regulatory reasons (and safety from malicious contractors for instance), we eventually built BackRightUp. Backrightup is a backup/restore product specifically for Azure devops. It backs up (and can restore) everything in Azure Devops including work items, repos, wikis, test cases, releases etc.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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some branches can be modified by a special team and can not be changed by other teams. We need the access control features like gitolite provides. I want to know whether github can provide or not.
If we use Github Enterprise, we can write hooks to limit branches access. We can also use github features(such as 'code review') . Is it true ?
Note: gitolite is a simple (and complete) authorization layer, so you can add it to any Git repository server that you want, including GitHub Enterprise.
That is exactly what the open-source version of "GitHub Enterprise" does: GitLabHq includes gitolite.
It supports Gitolite V3 since GitLab 3.0 (released 4 days ago).
That being said, an open-source version will lack the code review feature, which is included in GitHub Enterprise. I suppose the alternative is to link a GitLab with a Gerrit server.