how to customize the default outlook new email - email

I am trying to figure out how to customize the new email creation form. The forms is %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\NormalEmail.dotm
I have created a new Email custom template I could not find a way to merge the new email template and custom template.
All i am trying to do is add some random text to the email and not planning to use Signatures.
created new template.
saved it int e default location, i did not find a way to merge the new template with the default template.
I tried exchange rule to add the text, but i wanted this to be done at the client side.
created new template.
saved it int e default location, i did not find a way to merge the new template with the default template.
I tried exchange rule to add the text, but i wanted this to be done at the client side.


How to populate fields of an online form

I created a custom record (child of Inventory item) and an online form.
The final goal it's to send a link to a user (not a netsuite user) to display the different informations of this custom record. The user will be able to update some values and submit the form.
I saw it's possible to link a script file to this form, but I need the ID of the record to load it and populate every field of the form.
With normal forms, we have the internalid of the record as an URL param but in this case there is nothing in the URL .
Do you know any way to achieve that ?
A solution for the final goal could be:
Create an empty Suitelet (provides external link for User). Or refer to step 4 for contents.
Stored on the Custom record or via script (created in step 3) you can add to the external link, to include the record type and id as url parameters (&recordtype=customrecord&recid=12345). Be sure to avoid reserved parameter names.
Create a UserEvent, Client, or Scheduled Script to send email to User based on your requirements (in the email include the custom external suitelet link). User will click on the link and land on a NetSuite looking webpage (not requiring credentials).
Modify empty Suitelet. Suitelet should when context.request.method===GET: get parameters, load record(s), get data from record(s), create form, display data to User, display fields for User to enter data, add submit and refresh/cancel button, write/display the form with all fields. Upon submission (when context.request.method is not GET) you can use record.submit method to update the custom record(s).
NetSuite Suite Answer Id 74607 has a Sample Custom Form Suitelet Script from that can be very helpful.

How to use default lightning email template in salesforce

I am calling Salesforce classic email template through URL :
I have tried to create a lightning component for email where I created the email functionality But that doesn't fit my requirement.
I need to use the default lightning email template and call it from  URL or VF page or any other method. URL hack is not working here so is there any way to do so.

Add new category and custom page into Site Administration menu

I'm trying to add a new feature into site administration menu of moodle as part of a project that I am working on. Right now our customer only needs to integrate OnePay gateway into moodle. But in the future, they may require integration of other payment gateways (like PayPal) as well. So I need to create a category just for website administrators to input different types of payment. A new category should be somewhere in the "Advanced Features" menu (something like in the following screenshots)
Where to add new category
Example for onepay integration
With "Settings" page is a page that site administrator to input all necessary payment information (including customer's card number, access code, etc.). Right now I'm testing with using two of my testing pages for domestic and international payments.
Here is my code in file /lang/en/admin.php:
$string['payment'] = 'Payment';
$string['onepay'] = 'OnePay';
$string['test_onepay_domestic'] = 'Test Domestic Payment using OnePay';
$string['test_onepay_international'] = 'Test International Payment using OnePay';
In admin_custom directory, I created a path like this /payment/onepay/test/ and add 2 my testing pages into it. In folder /payment/, I added a file named menu.php. Here is my code in it.
$ADMIN->add('advancedfeatures', new admin_category('payment', get_string('payment', 'admin')));
$ADMIN->add('payment', new admin_category('payment', get_string('onepay', 'admin')));
//$domestic = new admin_settingpage('onepay', new lang_string('test_onepay_domestic', 'admin'), new moodle_url("/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/domestic/index.php"));
//$international = new admin_settingpage('onepay', new lang_string('test_onepay_international', 'admin'), new moodle_url("/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/international/index.php"));
$domestic = new admin_externalpage('test_onepay_domestic', get_string('test_onepay_domestic'), "$CFG->wwwroot/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/domestic/index.php");
$international = new admin_externalpage('test_onepay_international', get_string('test_onepay_international'), "$CFG->wwwroot/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/international/index.php");
$ADMIN->add('onepay', $domestic);
$ADMIN->add('onepay', $international);
I have attempted to include file menu.php in both files
But none of these works. Can anyone please tell me what should I do to get this works? Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
Moodle doesn't have any sort of plugin type called 'payment', so by creating a hierarchy starting '/payment', you're already at odds with the way that Moodle works (as shown by needing to edit core files in order to add language strings and menu items).
I would recommend that you start again by creating an admin tool or a local plugin. Both of these types can have their own language strings and can add entries to the site admin menu (have a look at the settings.php inside any of the standard admin tool plugins or, for local plugins, an additional option is to create a local_MYPLUGIN_extend_settings_navigation() function). If you want to support multiple payment options, then your plugin could define a new subplugin type for each of the payment options.

Is it possible, in NetSuite, to workflow a button to create a new email with no set recipient

currently we have a custom record with a list/record field that links to an opportunity and i can create a button that creates new emails (via workflow) pulling recipient information from the contact on the opportunity record but what i want to know is if there is a way to replicate the "New Email" button usually found on a record's Mail Merge tab as i want to be able to press a button to open an email template that has no recipient set as currently the send email workflow option has both recipient and sender as mandatory fields - is this possible?
You can edit the Custom Record Type to check the 'Enable Mail Merge' checkbox, then you should have this functionality.
If you want the functionality to be available via a button in the main button group, I don't believe this is possible using a workflow only; however you can achieve this with scripting. To do this, create a User Event script with a Before Load function to add the button to the form, and a Client Script which can be called on clicking the button. Upload and deploy to the Custom Record Type that you want the email button to appear on. For this answer I'll assume you have at least a basic knowledge of creating a script record - let me know if you need more information.
The User Event script:
function emailButton(type, form)
//add a custom button on the form
//specify the function name of the Client script created in Step 2
form.addButton('custpage_Add', 'Start Email','startEmail();');
//set the internal id of the Client script created in Step 2
The Client script:
function startEmail() {
new_message([['transaction',document.forms['main_form'].elements['id'].value],['entity',document.forms['main_form'].elements['companyid'].value],['template',['66']]], 'EMAIL');
You can modify the template used by replacing the '66' with the internal ID of the template you want, or you can remove it. You can also remove the 'entity' as you don't want the recipient to be set. Below is an example with both removed:
function startEmail() {
new_message([['transaction',document.forms['main_form'].elements['id'].value]], 'EMAIL');

Magento translation email - email titles

How do you go about changing the title of emails in a second language store view. Example "New Order" in the New Order confirmation email. csv files are not responding in this case...
Another solution. You can copy the default email templates into a language folder you are wanting to use, and translate them manually.
Copy everything in app/locale/en_US/template to app/locale/[YOUR
LANGUAGE CODE]/template.
Change [YOUR LANGUAGE CODE] to the Language Code of your
desired language. YOu can find a list here. Make sure it's in
the format en_US.
Modify the email templates in your app/locale/[YOUR
LANGUAGE CODE]/template folder.
In Magento, go to System > Configuration > General. At the top left, change your Current Configuration Scope: to the store you want translated.
Change the Locale to the language you translated to. It must match correct the language code used in your folder namespace.
NOTE: When editing the email template files, you'll notice some comments at the top containing variables and such. You will see something like <!--#subject Welcome, {{var}}! #-->. Changing this will alter the subject line used by Magento.
You can just create custom Transactional Emails which include the translations needed for the store view.
Create a new Transaction Email template, in your store's required
language. Go to System > Transactional Emails and click Add New
Template. Load in the default template you are trying to
translate and modify the subject and body of the email.
Go to System > Configuration > Sales Emails At the top left of your configuration, change to your desired Store View you want these emails to be assigned to.
Change the New Order Confirmation Template to the Transaction Email template you created. Click Save Config.
Items ordered from that store should now send an email using the translated email you created.