Some Devices needs clear all aplication data while other not - flutter

Recently I publish my mobile application but there is a unique problem. In some devices people download application in google play and easily use the application. But some devices has need to clear all application data from settings then open again because if they don't do this they can't see onboarding screen and also can't fetch data from internet. In flutter I basically use Hive local storage at main dart to route after installation
//Here if onBoard box is true user will see welcomescreen
if ('settings').get('onBoard') == true) {
screen = const WelcomeScreen();
//Here if user already registered but click sign out button isRegistered box will be false and user
//will go LoginPage again
else if('settings').get('isRegistered') == false){
screen = const LoginPageDesign();
//! If on boarding not true (false or null) user will route OnBoarding page
else {
screen = const OnBoarding();

The problem is some android devices backsup local storage data to the cloud. You can go through this article from android:
So, to overcome this issue, just navigate to your AndroidManifest and do the following just under application tag:

case null:
screen = const OnBoarding();
case false:
screen = const LoginPageDesign();
case true:
screen = const WelcomeScreen();
Interestingly once I tested with internal test,
Android 13 real devices has no problem it goes first onBoaring but with Android 10 it goes directly WelcomeScreen I don't understand how it is possible to take true for this situation should always null at fresh start.
EDIT : Problem is interestingly fixed once add another for registeration ...


How do i make flutter application that open another app within it and not webview

I have tried to make flutter app in which within it I have a list of another application. I want on tap of any app within a list to open that app, like the code below. How to do it in flutter ?
openExternalApp : function(packageName) {
try {
var KonyMain = java.import("");
var context = KonyMain.getAppContext();
var pm = KonyMain.getAppContext().getPackageManager();
var intent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);
if(intent !== null && intent!== undefined){
else {
var url = ""+packageName;
} catch(e) {
kony.print("error opening app external: "+e)
If i understood correctly you want to do something like kindle which allows the user to open a book (in this case an app) directly from your app.
That being the case, maybe this package can help you
to check for installed apps List<Application> apps = await DeviceApps.getInstalledApplications();
and to launch the app DeviceApps.openApp('');
This package currently only supports android.

How I can detect first app lauch in Flutter?

I work on a Flutter mobile app and I want to detect the first app launch to show a little tutorial to the user. I have tests the Shared-Preferences Module But when If I start the app for the first time The console tells me the key is not recognized, I think it's normal because this key does exist! There is another method for checking that?
Thank you guys
use shared preferences to store value that indicate if user has ever been in this page or not
like this
try {
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
splash = sharedPreferences.getString("SPLASH_DONE");
} catch (e) {
print("this is first time");
if (splash == null) {
page = AppSplashScreen();
} else {
page = LoginPage();
and after completing your first time operation call
sharedPreferences.setString("SPLASH_DONE", "DONE");

Flutter-web:url_launcher_web not launching email in browser

I've added a feature of sending feedback through email for my flutter web app. This is my code :
static void launchEmail(String subjectLine) async {
const emailId = Constants.ARUDITO_EMAIL;
print('opening email app for uploading content');
String url = "mailto:$emailId?subject=$subjectLine";
if (kIsWeb) {
if (await webLauncher.UrlLauncherPlugin().canLaunch(url)) {
await webLauncher.UrlLauncherPlugin().launch(
useWebView: true,
enableDomStorage: true,
enableJavaScript: true,
useSafariVC: true,
webOnlyWindowName: 'Arudito',
headers: null,
universalLinksOnly: false,
} else {
throw 'Could not open an email app';
} else {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not open an email app';
pubspec.yaml includes :
sdk: flutter
url_launcher: ^5.4.2
url_launcher_web: ^0.1.3+1
This code is not launching email in a web browser. It only opens a new tab. However, it is launching on selecting mail app in Windows. Can someone please tell what is the issue here?
I had exactly the same problem. I found a useful answer in another StackOverflow post.
There it is mentioned that if you just omit the canLaunch check and instead wrap the launch in a try-catch block it works on Flutter Web. I just tried, and it works nicely.
Btw, there is also a quite new Link widget in the url_launcher package, which makes it possible to create proper web links (including right-click support).
I had the exact issue. Click on any email link will just opens a new blank tab. That's it.
Took me hours to figure out.
Open Mail app on mac, settings, general, and there's an option for default email reader. It was selecting chrome. Change it to a real email client and it works as expected now.

Flutter IOS beacon not able to scan with Region and UUID settings

I have this problem is that in flutter I notice there is not able to operate or use the traditional bluetooth as there is no any library supporting it. I have tested flutter_blue-master etc. So then I saw that it can behave as beacon. So I have used the codes below. For android I just set
identifier: 'com.example.myDeviceRegion',)); its able to work. So the same I set in IOS its not able to work? So what is best workaround for blueetooth in flutter? I am using this package flutter_beacon. For the beacon broadcasting I am using this package beacon_broadcast.
initScanBeacon() async {
await flutterBeacon.initializeScanning;
await checkAllRequirements();
if (!authorizationStatusOk ||
!locationServiceEnabled ||
!bluetoothEnabled) {
print('RETURNED, authorizationStatusOk=$authorizationStatusOk, '
'locationServiceEnabled=$locationServiceEnabled, '
/*final regions = <Region>[
identifier: 'com.example.myDeviceRegion',
final regions = <Region>[];
identifier: 'com.example.myDeviceRegion',
minor: 100,
major: 1));
if (_streamRanging != null) {
if (_streamRanging.isPaused) {
_streamRanging =
flutterBeacon.monitoring(regions).listen((MonitoringResult result) {
if (result != null && mounted) {
setState(() {
//_regionBeacons[result.region] = result.region;
print("List value is json"+result.toJson.toString());
_regionBeacons.values.forEach((list) {
print("List value is");
print("after Beacon size now is "+_beacons.length.toString());
print("Beacon size now is "+_beacons.length.toString());
A few things to check:
Make sure your Region definition has a proximityUUID value. I am surprised that it works even on Android without this. On iOS it certainly won't work at all -- iOS requires a beacon proximityUUID be specified up front in order to detect. The value you give for the prximityUUID must exactly match what your beacon is advertising or you won't see it.
Make sure you have gone through all the iOS setup steps here:
Be extra sure that you have granted location permission to your iOS app. You can go to Settings -> Your App Name to check if location permission is granted.
Make sure bluetooth is enabled in settings for the phone
Make sure location is enabled in settings for the phone
There's an update on GitHub but was yet to push to previously.
Do update to 0.5.0.
Always check for updates. or github reported issues.

Pushing a link to Mobile Device from Google Home

Is there a way to push a link for more information to the users device if they asked a question to your Action through a voice only google home device?
You seem to be looking for multi-surface conversations, where the Action can transfer seamlessly from a Google Home to a phone.
Then you create a New Surface intent and you'll get a notification on your phone to show the content.
if (conv.screen) {
conv.ask(`You're already on a screen device.`);
conv.ask('What else would you like to try?');
} else if (screenAvailable) {
const context =
`Let's move you to a screen device for cards and other visual responses`;
const notification = 'Try your Action here!';
const capabilities = ['actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT'];
conv.ask(new NewSurface({context, notification, capabilities}));
} else {
conv.ask('It looks like there is no screen device ' +
'associated with this user.');
conv.ask('What else would you like to try?');