Selected component very hard to see in dark mode (eclipse) - eclipse

Does anyone know how to change the color inside Appearance setting?
Eclipse 2022-12.
Windows 7 SP1


Code Composer - Eclipse IDE menu color settings

I'm using Code Composer Studio 12 with the custom theme "spectrum".
Even if I love this color scheme, I struggle to find a possible solution on how to change the IDE menu colors and the selected item color in the preferences menu.
Does anyone knows how to change those manually?
I'm on windows 11

Dark mode in Eclipse changes the color of the drop down menu text making it unreadable. How do I fix this?

I'm new to using Eclipse and programming softwares in general, so more thorough explanations would be appreciated!
How do I change the text back to a dark color to read it, and is it possible to make the background grey and keep the text white?
Depending on the Eclipse version you are using, Dark theme may differ:
Under Eclipse Bar Menu Window, select Preferences
From the Preferences Window, Select General -> Appearance
From the drop down Theme, select one of the available "Dark" themes
You could also click here on the Restore Default button to revert all changes you have tried then Click on Apply button
Must restart Eclipse to be effective.
Following is the Default Dark Theme when using Old Eclipse 2019-09
Following is the Default Dark Theme when using New Eclipse 2020-12
I had the same issue of having light background and light text in the menu dropdowns.
Fixed by cycling the Windows theme from custom to "Windows" then back to a dark these. This was done in Personalization -> Themes in Windows 10. Now, the dropdowns are dark with legible text.

Visual Studio Code on Windows 7 - window has no borders

I'm running VS Code on Win 7 with aero off and the Win 7 "Basic" theme. I'm using the VS light theme on VSCode. This means that editor windows and such have a white background. Apps that obey the Win 7 theme has a boundary around them to delineate where the window ends. VSCode doesn't appear to obey this -
Notice how the window just bleeds into the window behind it. I find this visually disorienting. Yes, a different theme with a dark background would solve this, but I have a strong preference for dark text on a light (white) background.
Is there any way to force VSCode to use the Win 7 windows layout?
VSCode will use the OS standard window decorations, including window frame borders, if you set the "Window: Title Bar Style" setting to "native". (It affects more than just the title bar.)

I have trouble using color theme in eclipse neon.1

I use eclipse neon.1 on a macbook and I cannot change the color theme
I have installed the color theme from the marketplace but when I choose a theme from the appearance it cannot be seen in the small screen on the right and I cannot apply it.
I did the same job on my windows computer and it works just fine.
Thanks for your time!
(I want the oblivion color theme)

Eclipse color theme plugin issue

I just installed the Eclipse color theme plugin and when I go to "Preferences-General-Appearance-Color Theme" and choose a new theme it does not change my colors. I am testing this in both the "Web" and "JavaScript" perspectives.
Currently my background color is black (which it was not before, and I in fact have no idea how it got switched). I just want to switch it back to a typical white theme.
Ok, I figured this out. I also have Aptana Studio installed in my Eclipse. Under the settings for Aptana Studio is a category called "Themes". When I changed the theme here my colors finally changed. This also explains why my screen switched to a black background. It must have been the default color theme for Aptana when I installed it. I guess the Aptana Studio themes override the default Eclipse color settings and also the "Color Theme" plugin I installed.