Flutter Web Navigation w/ Static Menu Bar? - flutter

I'm coming from Flutter Mobile and have been asked to build a flutter web app. I'm literally stuck on what feels like something that should be easy to do and I cannot for the life of me find any tutorial that is helpful.
The long and short is how can I build a flutter web app with a static navigation bar and only load pages into the "content" portion of the app.
I've been looking at this tutorial: https://dariadobszai.medium.com/interactive-navigation-items-in-flutter-web-7fccc5975779 however I can't figure out how to get it working with GoRouter. The pages also load a bit clunky.
Almost all the tutorials I can find are about resizing for web/mobile and do not get into any actual navigation. The responsiveness is nice, but how the heck do I navigate between pages with a static menu bar for a nice user experience?
Ideally the solution will utilize this menu (or one like it): https://pub.dev/packages/easy_sidemenu and https://pub.dev/packages/go_router.
Thank you!

I suggest start researching about Go router first not how to implement a static menu navigation bar, since Go router uses declarative routing which changes completely how navigation should be handled.
I recommend this repo since it has different examples to use Go router, though be careful some examples may be deprecated.


Flutter navigation menu

I'm starting out with Flutter and I'd like to make an application similar to this one here: https://github.com/fluttermapp/flutter-ui-panel-dashboard
The app works fine, the only problem I have is getting the navigation to work. I see that there is a drawer set up, but unfortunately I have no idea how to set up routing for other pages.
Could you please advise me how to set up the routing via the drawer?
I found the solution via go_router:

Best practice for implementing the window_manager package for multiple screens/pages in a flutter app

I created a flutter app with several screens/pages where you can move back and forth between them and also an authentication screen.
Now I wanted to change the standard windows title bar where you minimize/maximize your frame and stumbled across the window_manager package on pub.dev which is exactly what I needed. Only problem here is the missing documentation for multiple screens. In the example there is only a one page app.
So do you have any ideas/advices you could share with me?

Flutter: is there any navigation and routing cheat sheet?

as I'm coding some app I was wondering if there's any cheat sheet explaining navigation and routing options I have and when should I use the specific one (for which usecase its the best solution)?
For example I'm creating a form, when I press the button I need to load a list of items (Listview) from which I will chose one item and go back to the form. This list should cover all screen (something like full screen modal I guess)
Im not sure what should I use, whether MaterialPageRoute, ModalRoute or maybe somethig different like dialog?
Is there any good source to learn besides of reading documentation?
You can read this for push and pop concepts. An example related to that.
This example is for routing.
See this and this for complete understanding of Routing and Navigation

What is the best way to manage 9-15 view from a main menu in an iOS app?

In my iPhone app, I must have around 9-15 different views, all available from a main menu. I started yesterday with a simple tab bar controllers, but they are only ideal with 6-7 views. Which controller can I use? Is there a nice one for my needs?
Edit: I am talking about around 9-15 menu-points for my application.
Each point is a single, categorizable function. I though about something like the Facebook app, where the app shows 2 menu-pages (slideable) and 9 icons on each page, each with another view / function in it.
look for cocoacontrols.com . i think you will find your need there .....
I think the component you are looking for(the same used in facebook app) is in the three20 library. Its called Launcher. It's like having iphone springboard inside the app. I'd go with that.
Can your views be split into categories? If so, I would suggest using the tab bar tabs as categories, and then using a table view as a menu in each tab.
You could also try using a page control, but 9-15 views seems like they would be obnoxious to navigate with a page control.
I understand that you need to have access to those "views" all the time. You can do what an iphone CNN app does. It uses horizontal scroll, where it has lot's of "views".
This is propably the most challenging part of writing an app for mobile phones. At least i find it not that easy to find the perfect user interface. Espcially if you have so much content and navigation to show.
I think the best way to solve this problem is to write your own navigation. If you want to use something similar like the facebook app - this is not so hard.
Take a UIScrollView in combination with the UIPagingControl. Create a new View for your buttons or whatever you want your user to see and put it in the scroll view. Enable paging for the UIScrollVIew and your almost done. Maybe it's not the easiest way - but in the end it's the most flexible way. You can decide what you want to show and you dont have to be dependent on what some other developer wrote.
Just a thought :)
// Edit: Just read in another question about appLauncher. This might be such a control you are looking for.

Make a home view for application

Hi guys i am very eager to know that how we can make a view like in this application having different icons calling different viewcontrollers and edit button to add shorcuts to tab bar at the bottom. Any tutorial link will be appreciated .
Thats a really long view, why would you want that? Unless you are putting that into a UIScrollView..
Check Three20 Launcher, it may suit your needs, and it is widely used in many apps.
Here is a tutorial for using the UITabBarController: http://21gingerman.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/tutorial-and-sample-code-for-iphone-app-with-tab-bar-and-nav-bar/
Which seems like what you're asking for.
It will allow you to have a "More" button which gives you the view you're looking for.
Otherwise, seems like if you need more control, what you're looking for could be accomplished fairly simply with a UIScrollView and some UIImageViews. There are two great videos on using UIScrollView in the developer videos section of the apple dev site. (They open up in iTunes) http://developer.apple.com/videos/