Kubernetes Custom Operator - kubernetes

I have a table in a database that gets frequently updated. The table holds host/port information for Egressing. I want to create a custom operator or a custom controller to sync this information over to Kubernetes, specifically Istio ServiceEntry’s.
Is a custom operator the way to go about this? How can I keep this table and kubernetes in sync – through constant polling?


I can't find CloudWatch metric in Grafana UI query editor/builder

I'm trying to create a Grafana dashboard that will reflect my AWS RDS cluster metrics.
For the simplicity I've chose CloudWatch as a datasource, It works well for showing the 'direct' metrics from the RDS cluster.
Problem is that we've switched to use RDS Proxy due the high number of connections we are required to support.
Now, I'm adjusting my dashboard to reflect few metrics that are lacking, most important is number of actual connections, which in AWS CloudWatch console presented by this query:
SELECT AVG(DatabaseConnections)
FROM SCHEMA("AWS/RDS", ProxyName,Target,TargetGroup)
WHERE Target = 'db:my-db-1'
AND ProxyName = 'my-db-rds-proxy'
AND TargetGroup = 'default'
Problem is that I can't find it anywhere in the CloudWatch Grafana query editor:
The only metric with "connections" is the standard DatabaseConnections which represents the 'direct' connections to the RDS cluster and not the connections to the RDS Proxy.
Any ideas?
That UI editor is generated from hardcoded list of metrics, which may not contain all metrics and dimensions (especially if they have been added recently), so in that case UI doesn't generate them in the selectbox.
But that is not a problem, because that selectbox is not a standard selectbox. It is an input, where you can write your own metric and dimension name. Just click there, write what you need and Hit enter to add (the same is applicable for:
Pro tip: don't use UI query builder (that's for beginners), but switch to Code and write your queries directly (anyway UI builder builds that query under the hood):
It would be nice if you create a Grafana PR - add these metrics and dimensions which are missing in the UI builder to metrics.go.
So for who ever will ever get here you should use ClientConnections and use the ProxyName as the dimension (which I didn't set initially
I was using old Grafana version (7.3.5) which didn't have it built in.

Understanding pod labels vs annotations

I am trying to understand the difference between pods and annotations.
Standard documentation says that annotations captures "non-identifying information".
While on labels, selectors can be applied. Labels are used to organise objects in kubernetes cluster.
If this is the case then why istio use pod annotations instead of labels for various different settings : https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/annotations/
Isn't label is good approach ?
Just trying to understand what advantages does annotations provide, if istio developers chose to use annotations.
As Extending the Burak answer,
Kubernetes labels and annotations are both ways of adding metadata to
Kubernetes objects. The similarities end there, however. Kubernetes
labels allow you to identify, select and operate on Kubernetes
objects. Annotations are non-identifying metadata and do none of these
Labels are mostly used to attach with the resources like POD, Replica set, etc. it also get used to route the traffic and routing deployment to service and other.
Labels are getting stored in the ETCD database so you can search using it.
Annotation is mostly to store metadata and config-if any.
Metadata like : owner details, last helm release if using helm, side car injection
You can store owner details in labels, K8s use labels for traffic routing from service to deployment and labels should be the same on both resources (deployment & service) to route traffic.
What will you do in that case to match labels for resources? Use service owner name same inside all deployment & service? when you are running multiple distributed services managed by diff team and service owners.
If you notice some of annotation of istio is just for storing metadata like : install.operator.istio.io/chart-owner, install.operator.istio.io/owner-generation
Read more at : https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/annotations/
You should also check once syntax of both label and annotation.

Best Practice for Operators to Receive Secrets in custom resource

I'm not finding any answers to this on Google but I may just not know what terms to search for.
In a CRD, is there a way to define a field in the spec that is a secret (and therefore shouldn't be stored in plain text)? For example, if the custom resource needs to have an API token included in it, how do you define that in the CRD?
One thought I had was to just have the user create a Secret outside of the CRD and then provide the secret's name in a custom resource field so the operator can query it from the K8s API on demand when needed (and obviously associated RBAC needs to be configured so the operator has read access to the Secret). So the field in the CRD would just be a normal string that is the name of the target Secret.
But is there a better way? Any existing best practices around this?
You do indeed just store the value in an actual Secret and reference it. You'll find the same pattern all over k8s. Then in your controller code you get your custom object, find the ref, get that secret, and then you have your data.

Enforcing immutability of Kubernetes custom resource spec fields

I'm using the Kubernetes golang operator sdk to implement an operator that manages RabbitMQ queues. I'm wondering if there's a way for k8s to enforce immutability of particular spec fields on my custom resource. I have the following golang struct which represents a rabbitMQ queue and some parameters to have it bind to a rabbitMQ exchange:
type RmqQueueSpec struct {
VHost string `json:"vhost,required"`
Exchange string `json:"exchange,required"`
RoutingKey string `json:"routingKey"`
SecretConfig map[string]string `json:"secretConfig"`
The reason why I want immutability, specifically for the VHost field, is because it's a parameter that's used to namespace a queue in rabbitMQ. If it were changed for an existing deployed queue, the k8s reconciler will fail to query rabbitMQ for the intended queue since it will be querying with a different vhost (effectively a different namespace), which could cause the creation of a new queue or an update of the wrong queue.
There are a few alternatives that I'm considering such as using the required ObjectMeta.Name field to contain both the concatenated vhost and the queuename to ensure that they are immutable for a deployed queue. Or somehow caching older specs within the operator (haven't figured out exactly how to do this yet) and doing a comparison of the old and current spec in the reconciler returning an error if VHost changes. However neither of these approaches seem ideal. Ideally if the operator framework could enforce immutability on the VHost field, that would be a simple approach to handling this.
This validation is possible by using the ValidatingAdmissionWebhook with future support coming via CRD's OpenAPI validation.
AFAIK this is not yet available to CRDs. Our approach is generally to use the object name as the default name of the object being controlled (vhost name in this case) so it just naturally works out okay.

How should I change the Time to Live property for a Hazelcast Cluster?

Hazelcast Configuration modifies the map configuration value for the "Time to Live" or "TTL" property at runtime either through the Hazelcast client or a RESTful API call.
I saw the Hazelcast Mancenter through which we can modify the Map TTL value at runtime without bringing the cluster down.
Is there a way to change the TTL value from the Hazelcast client program or RESTful API call?
Note: I do not want to add one more node to the cluster just to change the TTL value. I am also not interested in bringing the cluster down change the XML configuration and restart the Hazelcast cluster.
You can use an overridden IMap.put(K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit) call to specify the desired timeout value. With this, you can have ttl & ttlUnit field value changing dynamically based on your requirements.
If you want to apply a new TTL value for existing entries, you can iterate over the entries and reset TTL - refer this javadoc. This is not an optimal solution, but this is the best solution as of now. A Github ticket is already raised for this feature with Hazelcast team, you can track it here: Improve map re-config capabilities