Mapstruct Java Spring Compatibility - mapstruct

I am planning to use MapStruct in my project. Using JDK11, Spring boot 2.7.x has my current version but soon planning to upgrade it to JDK17 and Spring Boot 3.0. Based on documentation, latest library will support JDK8 onwards. Would like to know, whether library will support for above said specification. And also would like to know, how actively the project is going to support in near future?


Plan to upgrade version of Dropwizard in GraphDB?

We are maintaining an application using GraphDB as a backend service. This application is built on spring-boot, and we are testing the application with a test-dependency to graphdb-runtime. It seems like GDB relies on an old version of Dropwizard (3.x), which had it's last release many years ago. Version 3.2.6 seems to be the last 3.x version.
This old version dependency clashes with the spring-boot dependency management (4.x), and these Dropwizard dependencies are managed manually. This is something we would like to avoid. Are there any plans to lift the Dropwizard dependency in GDB to version 4.x?
Unfortunately upgrading the version of dropwizard isn’t straightforward because of major differences between dropwizard 3.x and 4.x but we’ll see if we can plan this for a future GraphDB version.

Mybatis and Spring Boot 2.5

Will Mybatis support Spring Boot 2.5? Currently Mybatis Framework is shown as an unsupported Dependency on the Spring initializer Site for Spring Boot 2.5.0 M1 release.
Yes, it will once it reaches GA.
'M1' means it still is a milestone release.
See this answer for the details.
Even 2.5.0 GA can not choose Mybatis Framework In Initializr,
but I hear it is preparing now.
Besides, I can still use it by adding mybatis-spring-boot-starter to dependencies.

converting JPA 1.0 to JPA 2.0

In eclipse ,I am trying to upgrade my JPA from 1.0 to 2.0 (EJB project). I have made changes in the library and using eclipselink also but when I am again creating a project it is not giving an option of JPA 2 in faclets to select
any one have some idea whats the problem
It will depend on the version of Eclipse, and the weblogic plugin (OEPE) you are using. Without the correct connectors Eclipse is only aware that WebLogic server can run JPA1.0.
Perhaps try the latest version of OEPE pack here and point it at your workspace.
You also need to make sure the version of WebLogic you are using supports JPA2- you have tagged the question as weblogic 10.x which only supports JPA2.0 in 10.3.4 and later, and may require you to patch weblogic to enable the support.

Can Hibernate Validator 3.x coexist with 4.x?

Can Hibernate Validator version 3.x (proprietary) coexist with version 4.x (JSR-303 compliant) in the same application server lib? I'm using JBoss 4.2.3.
Yes, I think this should work. I had a short look at the legacy sources and couldn't find any colliding classes, so you might just give it a try.

Solr Suggester component for autocompletion

This JIRA issue and this wiki page imply that there is an up-and-coming component called org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.Suggester for doing improved auto-complete with Solr. But I'm having trouble trying to find a release that actually has this code.
The wiki says that Solr 3.x and 4.x have include it; is that insider-speak for Solr 1.3 and 1.4 respectively? I'm using 1.4.1 (via Maven), and I see no such component.
Pulling the source from here, I find it in src/java/org/apache/solr/spelling/suggest/ But it fails to build with:
[javac] Compiling 8 source files to /Users/user/Downloads/apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-22_08-06-33/apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-22_08-06-33/contrib/analysis-extras/build/classes
/Users/user/Downloads/apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-22_08-06-33/apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-22_08-06-33/common-build.xml:275: /Users/user/Downloads/apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-22_08-06-33/apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-22_08-06-33/contrib/analysis-extras/lib does not exist.
Is there a way to get a reasonably stable Solr artifact with the Suggester included, preferably via Maven?
Solr 3.x and 4.x are not 1.3 and 1.4.
1.3 and 1.4 are stable releases. 3.x and 4.x are yet unreleased. Versioning scheme changed due to Solr merging with Lucene.
If you need a 4.x build I recommend getting one from the build server.
Also note there are several ways to implement autocomplete with 1.4.1, see Simple Solr schema problem for autocomplete