Pass query parameter value to utm values - redirect

I have a wired scenario where we use custom utm parameters to track all the redirects. But these custom parameters doesn't works like the utm parameters in the analytics on various platforms. I always have to manually combine standard utms report with custom utms report to present the data.
I have set up these custome utm variables in GA and GTM
I want the values from the above parameters to be stored in GA under the standard parameters
URL that redirects are now structured like this now -
How can I do this?
Thanks in Advance
I do not know where to start on this.


Azure Data Factory: Pagination in Data Flow with Rest API Source

I have a API source in an ADF DataFlow task. The API source gives me the current page and the toatl number of pages in the body of the response. I want to use that information to paginate through my API source. I'm able to paginate through it just fine outside of a DataFlow activity using the range function. The issue is that the Rest transformation in a DataFlow activity does not support the range function. I've been trying to use the AbsoluteUrl function plus an expression to do add one to the current page returned by the body but either pagination does not accept expressions or I cannot figure out the syntax
I have a url like this:
In this example my rest linked service URL has everything I need minus the &page=pageNumber. So I'm trying to add that part with the key/value pair function of AbsoluteUrl. The Key being &page= and the value should be currentPage +1. My desire is for it to get the first page, page 0 and then add +1 to that to formulate the next pages url. the end condition being when body.totalPages == body.currentPage
I've tried a bunch of different expression formaulations but none seem to work and debugging in a Data flow is tough b/c the logging and error messaging is poor
What I have right now.
As data flow don't support Range option or you cannot use dynamic expression to get page from API response.
To work around the issue, you can use Data Flow activity within ForEach loop using range function in dynamic expression.
First take a web activity and pass the URL of the Rest API as below Ito get the total no of Pages from API response
then take a for each activity to iterate on API like pagination give the Dynamic expression as #range(1,activity('Web1').output.total_pages)
I will iterate the API till the respective range in sequential manner.
create parameter with type string in source DataSource.
give that parameter as dynamic value in relative URL.
after this gave parameter value as ?page=#{item()} to give the no coming from range to the page.

How to get SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - /EmpEmployment API expand parameter values?

We are integrating the SAP successfactors /EmpEmployment rest API using oauth, and we are getting the data depends on the expand parameter values (PFA).
expand parameter names
And we have observed that expand parameter having five different values, those values will consist or not ?
Do we have any API to get those expand parameter values?
So that we can get clarity for passing same values same expand values every time.
Could any one help on this?

Using visjs manipulation to create workflow dependencies

We are currently using visjs version 3 to map the dependencies of our custom built workflow engine. This has been WONDERFUL because it helps us to visualize the flow and find invalid or missing dependencies. What we want to do next is simplify the process of building the dependencies using the visjs manipulation feature. The idea would be that we would display a large group of nodes and allow the user to order them correctly. We then want to be able to submit that json structure back to the server for processing.
Would this be possible?
Yes, this is possible.
Vis.js dispatches various events that relate to user interactions with graph (e.g. manipulations, or position changes) for which you can add handlers that modify or store the data on change. If you use DataSets to store nodes and edges in your network, you can always use the DataSets' get() function to retrieve all elements in you handler in JSON format. Then in your handler, just use an ajax request to transmit the JSON to your server to store the entire graph in your DB or by saving the JSON as a file.
The oppposite for loading the graph: simply query the JSON from your server and inject it into the node and edge DataSets' using the set method.
You can also store the networks current options using the network's getOptions method, which returns all applied options as json.

Need pointers on how report generation can happen in CQ5

We have created a set of forms in CQ5 and we have a requirement that the content of these forms should be stored at a specific node, our forms interact with third party services and get some data from there as well, this is also stored on the same nodes.
Now, we have to give authors the permission to go and download these reports based on ACLs. I also will have to provide them start and end date and upon selecting these dates the content placed in these nodes should be exportable in CSV format.
Can anybody guide me in how to achieve this functionality. I have gone through report generation but need better clarity on how this can be achieved like how will i be able to use QueryBuilder api/ how can i export and how do i provide the dates on the UI.
This was achieved as described.
I actually had to override the default report generation mechanism and i created my own custom report using report generation tutorial in cq documentation.
Once the report templates and components were written, i also override cq report page component and provided input dates in body.jsp using date component of granite.
once users selected dates, with the help of querybuilder api i used to search for nodes at path(specified by author, can be different for different form data) and i also created an artificial resource type at nodes where i was storing the data, this lead me to exact nodes where data was stored and this property was also passed to querybuilder. The json returned as response from querybuilder was then supplied to a JS which converted the data to csv format.

REST API Design with many input parameters including collections

I need to design and implement a REST API where users need to pass many input parameters. Out of those input parameters few are collection of an integer, few of them are date strings etc. After getting all these parameters I need to return unique id in the response. What method type (PUT, POST or GET) I should use in order to implement this API? How can I pass all these parameters to the API? I don't want users to format input parameter list into XML or JSON and post as a request body.
I appreciate if anybody can help on this topic.
POST is for creating new resources.
PUT is for updating existing resources. A PUT call should be idempotent, i.e. issuing the same request twice will end in no side effects.
To get an overall clue on how RESTful services work, read this article.
And yes, if you want your users to submit a complex set of parameters JSON/XML is the best way to go of course.