Understanding the role of time in a AVCaptureSession regarding CMSampleBuffers - swift

I recently started programming in Swift as I am trying to work out an iOS camera app idea I've had. The main goal of the project is to save the prior 10 seconds of video before the record button is tapped. So the app is actually always capturing and storing frames, but also discarding the frames that are more than 10 seconds old if the app is not 'recording'.
My approach is to output video and audio data from the AVCaptureSession using respectively AVCaptureVideoDataOutput() and AVCaptureAudioDataOutput(). Using captureOutput() I receive a CMSampleBuffer for both video and audio, who I store in different arrays. I would like those arrays to later serve as an input for the AVAssetWriter.
This is the point where I'm not sure about the role of time and timing regarding the sample buffers and the capture session in general, because in order to present the sample buffers to the AVAssetWriter as an input (I believe) I need to make sure my video and audio data are the same length (duration wise) and synchronized.
I currently need to figure out at what rate the capture session is running, or how I can set that rate. Ideally I would have one audioSampleBuffer for each videoSampleBuffer, representing both the exact same duration. I don't know what realistic values are, but in the end my goal is to output 60fps, so it would be perfect if the videoSampleBuffer would contain 1 frame and the audioSampleBuffer would represent 1/60th of a second. I then could easily append the newest sample buffers to the arrays and drop the oldest.
I've of course done some research regarding my problem, but wasn't able to find what I was looking for.
My initial thought was I had to let the capture session run at some sort of set timescale, but didn't see such an option in the AVFoundation documentation. I then looked into Core Media if there was some way to set the clock the capture session was using, but couldn't find a way to say to the session to use a different CMClock (with properties I know), so I gave up this route. I still wasn't sure about the internal mechanics and timing of the capture session, so I tried to find more information about it, but without much luck. I've also stumbled on the synchronizationClock property of AVCaptureSession, but I couldn't find out how to implement this or find an example.
To this point my best guess is that with every step in time (represented by a timestamp) a new sample buffer for both video and audio is created. Which would be a good thing. But I've a feeling this is just wishful thinking and then would still not know what duration the buffers would represent.
Could anyone help me in the right direction, helping me to understand how time works in a capture session and how to get or set the duration of sample buffers?


Continuous data streaming from NFC to iPhone in Swift?

I have an NFC tag that has integrated environmental sensors inside (MLX90129 to be exact). I would like to make an iPhone app that can read the realtime data from the tag multiple times per second and graph them. I'm not looking for background tag reading, and you can assume that the app will be open and the phone is near the tag at all times.
From what I can see on Apple documentation and other sources, the Swift support for NFC tags is mostly built for single session interrogation. Has anyone succeeded in getting continuous and repeated NFC tag reading for this type of purpose?
As you pointed out: "to make continuous and repeated NFC readings" it's not the intended functionality.
While I think that you can sort this out, there's another thing that could be a headache... to make multiple readings per second it's directly confronted to the current implementation of NFC tag reading in iOS.
Every time you start a reading, it shows the native window which informs the user that you are making a NFC Reading. A part of this process is the interaction of the user, and is exactly that part the one that imposes a time constraint. Even if the interaction with the user is not needed, there is an animation, and that animation has its lifecycle's events (start reading, reading, OK, KO, close...).
Afaik you can't bypass that animation which definitely could represent a couple seconds in the best case.
With that said, you should have a few things in mind, if you still want to try:
NFCTagReaderSession can only have one active reading at a time, and when that reading ends (OK/KO), it should be invalidated. So if you want to make another reading, you'll need to create and configure a new instance.

SiteCatalyst streaming video tracking and additional clarifications

we're attempting to track a streaming video with SiteCatalyst.The issue comes in as this video has obsviously no end and the s.media Module can't know how to set the seconds or milestones segment views.This is resulting in no tracking calls except for the starting one.Could a possible solution be the usage of s.media.monitor custom functions?Here's explained how to use them together with the basic Media module settings.Maybe a timing deployment of "sendRequest()" method could help...?I use this occasion to ask a brief how-to example of media.monitor methods, because I've been just using the basic settings till now, as below:
s.Media.autoTrack = false;
s.Media.trackMilestones = "25,50";
s.Media.segmentByMilestones = true;... ...Thanks a lot
Yeah.. i really, really dislike the Media module. Video tracking is getting more and more popular with the clients, so it has become the biggest thorn in my side, because the nature of videos over the internet is a big mess with all kinds of moving parts internally, that make it extremely difficult to get truly accurate tracking beyond basic "start" and "stop". (actually I take that back.. I think mobile/sdk tracking is quickly becoming the thing i shake my angry fist at the most, but that's a different post!)
I think Adobe has made some heroic efforts to automate video tracking and it more or less works okay if you just have a regular (not flash) object or html5 tag embedded on the page but in practice, MOST of the time, sites implement their videos through 3rd party scripts (e.g. jwplayer, vimeo, youtube api) and the Media module automation basically goes down the drain on that count.
I understand that it needs to know how long a video is to know when to autopop the events, but I swear, 99% of the time in practice, the way Media module expects things to pop in certain orders etc.. it just doesn't align with how videos work in the real world. Even if you attempt to do it the "manual" way, more often than not it's still buggy,e.g. autoplay and buffering ALWAYS seem to screw up the open+play sequence that MUST happen in that order.
Basically, the Media module desperately needs to be rewritten to better handle streaming videos, and also just "manually" using it in general. Anyways..
Two things I have done in your situation. Overall, neither one of these options are a perfect 1:1 to normal videos with a duration, but then, streaming videos aren't really the same, so it doesn't really make sense to treat them the same.
Option #1: Use an estimated duration for your streaming video. So you said it yourself: your streaming videos have no end. Well as I mentioned, you can't calculate percent viewed unless you have a duration, pretty basic math. So, estimate a duration.
I have clients that have streaming webinars or whatever and it's true that there's technically no duration according to the player, but in reality they don't really conduct that webinar 24/7 forever. In reality it's for a set amount of time like 30 minutes or an hour or something. So, just specify the duration as that.
Yes, this will require extra custom work on your end to store/associate an estimated duration. And yes, this does have the potential for being misleading (e.g. if a webinar ends early or runs late). This option is generally good for sites that have set windows for the stream to actually be active.
Option #2: Ditch the notion of % viewed, record it as n time consumed. So the overall point of the milestones is to know how much of a video was actually watched, yes? Well, who said it has to be measured by % viewed?
How about instead, you just record n seconds consumed every n seconds. You can do this with an incrementor eVar, and/or counter event. (Part of the normal video tracking actually does include a counter event "Video Time", or a.media.timePlayed).
So basically, you'd basically just pop the events/props/eVars yourself, and ignore milestone/segment reports.
Note: This option only really works if you are using the older style video tracking that has events/props/eVars assigned for it. If you are using the newer style video tracking that does not use events/props/eVars.. well, AA does not currently offer an official way to manually pop that stuff directly. It is surely possible to unofficially do so, but I have not yet reverse engineered the latest Media module to figure out how to do that. So, in this case your only option is #1.

Waveform representation of any audio in iPhone

I have to draw a waveform for an audio file (CMK.mp3) in my application.
For this I have tried this Solution
As this solution is using AVAssetreader, which is taking two much time to display the waveform.
Can anyone please help, is there any other way to display the waveform quickly?
AVAssetReader is the only way to read an AVAsset so there is no way around that. You will want to tune the code to process it without incurring unwanted overhead. I have not tried that code yet but I intend on using it to build a sample project to share on GitHub once I have the time, hopefully soon.
My approach to tune it will be to do the following:
Eliminate all Objective-C method calls and use C only instead
Move all work to a secondary queue off the main queue and use a block to call back one finished
One obstacle with rendering a waveform is you cannot have more than one AVAssetReader running at a time, at least the last time I tried. (It may have changed with iOS 6 possibly) A new reader cancels the other and that interrupts playback, so you need to do your work in sequence. I do that with queues.
In an audio app that I built it reads the CMSampleBufferRef into a CMBufferQueueRef which can hold multiple sample buffers. (see copyNextSampleBuffer on AVAssetReader) You can configure the queue to provide you with enough time to process a waveform after an AVAssetReader finishes reading an asset so that the current playback does not exhaust the contents of the CMBufferQueueRef before you start reading more buffers into it for the next track. That will be my approach when I attempt it. I just have to be careful that I do not use too much memory by making the buffer too big or making the buffer so big that it causes issues with playback. I just do not know how long it will take to process the waveform and I will test it on my older iPods and iPhone 4 before I try it on my iPhone 5 to see if they all perform well.
Be sure to stay as close to C as possible. Calls to Objective-C resources during this processing will incur potential thread switching and other run-time overhead costs which are significant enough to be noticeable. You will want to avoid that. What I may do is set up Key-Value Observing (KVO) to trigger the AVAssetReader to start the next task quickly so that I can maintain gapless playback between tracks.
Once I start my audio experiments I will put them on GitHub. I've created a repository where I will do this work. If you are interested you can "watch" that repo so you will know when I start committing updates to it.

How can I monitor an mp3 live stream to detect corruption?

Once a month the mp3 streams messes up and the only way to tell it has messed up is by listening to it as it streams. Is there a script or program or tool I can use to monitor the live streams at a given url and send some kind of flag when it corrupts?
What happens is normally it plays a song for example or some music but once a month, every month, randomly, the stream corrupts and starts random chimpmunk like trash audio. Any ideas on this? I am just getting started at this with no idea at all.
Typically, this will happen when you play a track of the wrong sample rate.
Most (all that I've seen) SHOUTcast/Icecast encoders (going straight from files) will compress for MP3 just fine, but assume a fixed sample rate of whatever they are configured for. Typically this will be 44.1kHz. If you drop in a 48kHz track, or a 22.05kHz track, they will play at different speeds while causing all sorts of random issues with the stream.
The problem is easy enough to verify. Simply create a file of a different sample rate and test it. I suspect you will reproduce the problem. If that is the case, to my knowledge there is no way to detect it, since your stream isn't actually corrupt... it just sounds incorrect. You will have to scan all of your files for sample rate. FFMPEG in a script should be able to help you with that.
Now, if the problem actually is a corrupt MP3 stream, then you have problems on your encoding side. I suspect simply swapping out whatever DLL or module you're using with a recent stable version of LAME will help.
To detect a corrupt MP3 stream, your encoder must be using CRC. If you enable it, you should be able to read through the headers of each frame to find the CRC, and then run it on the audio data. In the event you get an error (or several frames with errors), you can then trigger a warning.
You can find information on the MP3 stream header here:

iOS: How to make a movie with a series of images using AVAssetWriter

I have seen this question asked many times in different forms both here and in other forums. Some of the questions get answered, some do not. There are a few where the answerer or author claims to have had success. I have implemented the examples from those that claim success, but have yet to see the same results.
I am able to successfully use AVAssetWriter (and AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor) to write image data and audio data simultaneously when the sample buffers are obtained from an AVCaptureSession. However, if I have CGImageRef's that were generated in some other way, and build a CVPixelBufferRef "from scratch", the appendPixelBuffer:withPresentationTime method of AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor succeeds for a few frames and then fails for all subsequent frames. The resulting movie file is of course not valid.
You can see my example code at: http://pastebin.com/FCJZJmMi
The images are valid, and are verified by displaying them in a debug window (see lines 50-53). The app has been tested with Instruments, and memory utilization is low throughout the running of the app. It does not get any memory warnings.
As far as I can tell I have followed the documentation that is available. Why does the example code fail? What needs to be done to fix it?
If anybody has successfully gotten AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor to work with their own images, please chime in.
Make a movie with a series of images using AVAssetWriter from the example - https://github.com/caferrara/img-to-video
There are two things that were required to make this work.
If you are debugging your own AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor be careful to make sure you don't skip CMTime's and also make sure you don't ever repeat a CMTime (have exactly one frame per time slow ALWAYS).