Get percent rank for a given value in a given table column - postgresql

I have a Postgres table with about 500k rows. One of the columns called score has values ranging from 0-1. The data is not normally distributed.
Say I have an observation of 0.25. I'd like to find out where this would fall in the distribution of the score column. This is sometimes referred to as the percent rank.
E.G. a value of 0.25 is in the 40th percentile. This would mean that a value of 0.25 is larger than 40% of the observations in the table.
I know I can calculate a frequency distribution with something like below but this feel like overkill when all I want is a percentile value.
select k, percentile_disc(k) within group (order by mytable.score)
from mytable, generate_series(0.01, 1, 0.01) as k
group by k

Sounds like you want the hypothetical-set aggregate function percent_rank():
SELECT percent_rank(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY score)
FROM mytable;
The manual:
Computes the relative rank of the hypothetical row, that is (rank - 1) / (total rows - 1). The value thus ranges from 0 to 1 inclusive.


Esper: Take the last value from each id and take the mean of all but the most extreme

I have 5 temperature sensors. I want to calculate the mean temperature of 4 - excluding the most extreme value (high or low).
Firstly: will std:unique(id) create a window of the last temperature readings for each id 1-5?
avg(tempEvent.temp) as meantemp
Event(id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).std:unique(id) as tempEvent
Secondly: how could I change the select statement (possibly using an expression if necessary) to only calculate the mean of four values excluding the most extreme?
The background is, I want to know the deviations of each temperature from the average, but I don't want the average to include an anomalous id. Otherwise all temperatures will look like they are deviating from the average but really only one is.
Finding the average of the middle four values is simple enough, though not as elegant as your solution. The code below will work for any number of temps.
AVG(temp) AS meantemp
COUNT(temp) AS c,
r > 1
AND r < (c-1)
As for your second question, I'm not sure I understand. Do you want the value from among the four middle values that has the greatest absolute deviation from the mean of those four values?

Postgres: Get percentile of number not necessarily in table column

Imagine I have a column my_variable of floats in my a my_table. I know how to convert each of the rows in this my_variable column into percentiles, but my question is: I have a number x that is not necessarily in the table. Let's call it 7.67. How do I efficiently compute where 7.67 falls in that distribution of my_variable? I would like to be able to say "7.67 is in the 16.7th percentile" or "7.67 is larger than 16.7% of rows in my_variable." Note that 7.67 is not something taken from the column, but I'm inputting it in the SQL query itself.
I was thinking about ordering my_variable in ascending order and counting the number of rows that fall below the number I specify and dividing by the total number of rows, but is there a more computationally efficient way of doing this, perhaps?
If your data does not change too often, you can use a materialized view or a different table, call it percentiles, in which you store 100 or 1.000 (depending on the precision you need). This table should have a descending index on the value column.
Each row contains the minimum value to reach a certain percentile and the percentile itself.
Then you just need to get the first row that have value greater than the given data and read the percentile value.
In you example the table will contain 1.000 rows, and you could have someting like:
Percentile value
16.9 7.71
16.8 7.69
16.7 7.66
16.6 7.65
16.5 7.62
And your query could be something like:
SELECT TOP 1 Percentile FROM percentiles where 7.67 < value ORDER BY value desc
This is a valid solution if the number of SELECTs you make is much bigger than the numbers of updates in the my_table table.
I ended up doing:
select (avg(dummy_var::float))
from (
select case when var_name < 3.14 then 1 else 0 end as dummy_var
from table_name where var_name is not null
Where var_name was the variable of interest, table_name was the table of interest, and 3.14 was the number of interest.

Cumulative count cut with postgresql

Is there a possibility to realize a cumulative count cut of 2.0 - 98.0% in PostgreSQL?
That means only to select the data range set from 2% until 98%.
I suggest the window function ntile() in a subquery:
SELECT *, ntile(50) OVER (ORDER BY ts) AS part
FROM tbl
WHERE ts >= $start
AND ts < $end
) sub
WHERE part NOT IN (1, 50);
ts being your date column.
ntile() assigns integer numbers to the rows dividing them into the number of partitions specified. Per documentation:
integer ranging from 1 to the argument value, dividing the partition as equally as possible
By using 50 partitions the first partition matches the first 2 % as closely as possible and the last the last 2 % (> 98%).
Note, if there are less than 50 rows the assigned numbers never go up to 50. In this case the first row would be trimmed but not the last. Since the first and last 2 % are not well defined with such a low number of rows this may be considered correct or incorrect. Check for the total number of rows and adapt to your needs. For instance by trimming the last row, too. Or none at all.

SQL - 5% random sample by group

I have a table with about 10 million rows and 4 columns, no primary key. Data in Column 2 3 4 (x2 x3 and x4) are grouped by 50 groups identified in column1 X1.
To get a random sample of 5% from table, I have always used
FROM thistable
The result returns about 500,000 rows. But, some groups get an unequal representation in the sample (relative to their original size) if sampled this way.
This time, to get a better sample, I wanted to get 5% sample from each of the 50 groups identified in column X1. So, at the end, I can get a random sample of 5% of rows in each of the 50 groups in X1 (instead of 5% of entire table).
How can I approach this problem? Thank you.
You need to be able to count each group and then coerce the data out in a random order. Fortuantly, we can do this with a CTE-style query. Although CTE isn't strictly needed it will help break down the solution into little bits, rather than a lots of sub-selects and the like.
I assume you've already got a column that groups the data, and that the value in this column is the same for all items in the group. If so, something like this might work (columns and table names to be changed to suit your situation):
WITH randomID AS (
-- First assign a random ID to all rows. This will give us a random order.
SELECT *, NEWID() as random FROM sourceTable
countGroups AS (
-- Now we add row numbers for each group. So each group will start at 1. We order
-- by the random column we generated in the previous expression, so you should get
-- different results in each execution
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY groupcolumn ORDER BY random) AS rowcnt FROM randomID
-- Now we get the data
FROM countGroups c1
WHERE rowcnt <= (
SELECT MAX(rowcnt) / 20 FROM countGroups c2 WHERE c1.groupcolumn = c2.groupcolumn
The two CTE expressions allow you to randomly order and then count each group. The final select should then be fairly straightforward: for each group, find out how many rows there are in it, and only return 5% of them (total_row_count_in_group / 20).

Select rows randomly distributed around a given mean

I have a table that has a value field. The records have values somewhat evenly distributed between 0 and 100.
I want to query this table for n records, given a target mean, x, so that I'll receive a weighted random result set where avg(value) will be approximately x.
I could easily do something like
SELECT TOP n * FROM table ORDER BY abs(x - value)
... but that would give me the same result every time I run the query.
What I want to do is to add weighting of some sort, so that any record may be selected, but with diminishing probability as the distance from x increases, so that I'll end up with something like a normal distribution around my given mean.
I would appreciate any suggestions as to how I can achieve this.
why not use the RAND() function?
SELECT TOP n * FROM table ORDER BY abs(x - value) + RAND()
Using Rand won't work because calls to RAND in a select have a tendency to produce the same number for most of the rows. Heximal was right to use NewID but it needs to be used directly in the order by
SELECT Top N value
FROM table
abs(X - value) + (cast(cast(Newid() as varbinary) as integer))/10000000000
The large divisor 10000000000 is used to keep the avg(value) closer to X while keeping the AVG(x-value) low.
With that all said maybe asking the question (without the SQL bits) on will get you better results.
SELECT TOP n * FROM table ORDER BY abs(x - value), newid()
select * from (
SELECT TOP n * FROM table ORDER BY abs(x - value)
) a order by newid()