How to format the Duration object in Swift - swift

Swift released a new Duration object that is "a representation of high precision time."
I'm using it like this:
let clock = ContinuousClock()
let duration = clock.measure {
// Code or function call to measure here
print("Duration: \(duration)")
If the duration really short it prints out something like this:
8.2584e-05 seconds
Instead of scientific notation, I would like to always display as seconds: 0.000082584 seconds
Does anyone know how to always keep the format in seconds?

Just like Dates, Durations support the formatted method. You can give it either the TimeFormatStyle (time) or UnitsFormatStyle (units). For your desired format, it looks like the latter is more suitable. You basically want a fractionalPart that has a very large allowed length.
Though from my experiments, it still rounds everything to nanosecond-precision, even though Duration can support higher precisions. This is perhaps because nanoseconds is the smallest supported unit in Duration.UnitsFormatStyle.Unit.
For example:
let duration: Duration = .nanoseconds(1234)
width: .wide,
fractionalPart: .init(lengthLimits: 1...1000)
0.000001234 seconds
By default, this will also include hours and minutes if the duration is long enough. If you don't want that, pass allowed: [.seconds] as the first parameter:
allowed: [.seconds],
width: .wide,
fractionalPart: .init(lengthLimits: 1...1000)


Powershell cast string to time only

I have created a Powershell/XAML app, that on button press makes a RESTAPI call, parses the JSON response into fields in the app front end. All fine so far.
These fields will be populated with a string representing a time, so "1800" or "2000" etc.
The user can then change this from 1800 to 1900 for example.
This is all fine, and in the background the app will use 1900 to update a setting to be used in a POST back.
However there are other settings that are offset by 90 mins of the time above. I don't want the user to have update each one, which is why I am trying to programmatically.
But try as I might, I cannot take a string of 1800, add 90 mins to it and make the value 1930 (not 1890).
You could parse the input as a DateTime object (ignoring the date part) and then use the AddMinutes method.
$input = '1800'
$hour = $input.Substring(0,2)
$minute = $input.Substring(2,2)
$dateInputStr = "0001-01-01,${hour}:${minute}:00"
[datetime]$dateInput = ([datetime]$dateInputStr)
$dateInput = $dateInput.AddMinutes(90)
Using [timespan] instances is another option:
$time = '1800'
([timespan] ($time -replace '(?<=^..)', ':') + '01:30').ToString('hhmm') #->'1930'
$time -replace '(?<=^..)', ':' uses the regex-based -replace operator to insert : after the first two characters - see this page for an explanation of the regex and the ability to experiment with it.
Due to expressing the results only in terms of hours and minutes, the calculation wraps around at midnight, so that adding '05:30', for instance, would yield '0030'
The RHS operand needn't be cast to [timespan] directly, because the data type of the LHS - with its explicit [timespan] cast - implicitly converts the RHS to [timespan] too, with '01:30' representing 1 hour and 30 minutes, i.e. 90 minutes.
If you want to define the duration to add in terms of 90 minutes, use the following instead (there are analogous static methods for other units, such as ::FromSeconds():
Alternatively, you can cast a number to [timespan], which is interpreted as ticks, which are 100-nanosecond units; there are 1e9 (10 to the power of 9) nanoseconds in a second, and therefore 1e7 100-nanosecond units in a second. Thus, multiplying with 1e7 gives you seconds, and multiplying that with 60 minutes.
# 90 minutes expressed as ticks
[timespan] 90 * (60 * 1e7)
When I read this question I wanted to solve it with minimal string manipulation, leaning on time related objects and methods instead. datetime was the first object I thought of, but it expects a date (year, month, day). Things actually simplify if we use timespan. Its static method, ParseExact, can parse the string directly.
$offsetTimeSpan = [timespan]::FromMinutes(90)
$timeField = '830'
$timeStr = $timeField.PadLeft(4, '0')
$timeSpan = [timespan]::ParseExact($timeStr, 'hhmm', [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
$offsetTime = $timeSpan.Add($offsetTimeSpan)
$timeField is used to represent the time you get from the RESTAPI. PadLeft is only needed if it's possible for a leading 0 to be missing. ParseExact does the heavy lifting of converting the string to a time type. Because timespan doesn't have an AddMinutes member, we use the Add method passing in a timespan of 90 minutes, $offsetTimeSpan.
You don't mention anything about overflowing past midnight. You can test for overflow using $offsetTime.Days, if any special processing is required.

Why do I need to divide the timestamp by 1 billion?

I'm using this public Postgres DB of NEAR protocol:
There is a field called included_in_block_timestamp whose "data type" = "numeric", and "length/precision" = 20.
This code works:
to_char(TO_TIMESTAMP("public"."receipts"."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm') as moment,
and so does this:
function convertTimestampDecimalToDayjsMoment(timestampDecimal: Decimal) {
const timestampNum = Number(timestampDecimal) / 1_000_000_000; // Why is this necessary?
console.log({ timestampNum });
const moment = dayjs.unix(timestampNum); //
return moment;
For example, sometimes included_in_block_timestamp = 1644261932960444221.
I've never seen a timestamp where I needed to divide by 1 billion. Figuring this out just now was a matter of trial and error.
What's going on here? Is this common practice? Does this level of precision even make sense?
Timestamp units of measure in nanoseconds seems to be determined at the protocol-level as this appears in the docs here:
and here:
So yes, do take this into account before date-time conversions.

Does CMTime has any real application outside encoding and decoding media

I understand the concept of CMTime and what it does. In the nutshell, we have very tiny fractions of a second represented as floating point numbers. When added, they accumulate an error, which becomes significant as decoding / playback progresses. For example, summing up one million times 0.000001 gives us 1.000000000007918. Okay, CMTime sounds like a great idea.
let d: Double = 0.000001
var n: Double = 0
for _ in 0 ..< 1_000_000 { n += d }
// 1.000000000007918
However, when attempting to convert a random Double to and from CMTime the above error looks like a joke compared to the difference between the original Double and its CMTime value. You can guess what would that difference look like after adding these random CMTime values a million times!
import CoreMedia
print("Simple number after 1,000,000 additions and diff between random ")
print("number before/after converting to CMTime:")
print("add:", String(format: "%.20f", 1.000000000007918))
for _ in 0 ..< 10 {
let seconds = Double.random(in: 0 ... 10)
// Let's go with the max timescale!
let time = CMTime(seconds: seconds, preferredTimescale: .max)
print("dif:", String(format: "%.20f", seconds - time.seconds))
// Simple number after 1,000,000 additions and diff between random
// number before/after converting to CMTime:
// add: 1.00000000000791811061
// dif: 0.00000000025481305954
// dif: 0.00000000027779378797
// dif: 0.00000000000071231909
// dif: 0.00000000024774449159
// dif: 0.00000000028195579205
// dif: 0.00000000029723601358
// dif: 0.00000000029402880131
// dif: 0.00000000044737191729
// dif: 0.00000000036750824606
// dif: 0.00000000043562398133
On the other hand, yes, if any given Double can be accurately converted to CMTime, then this wouldn't be an issue.
Question. I'm trying to figure out if it makes sense to use CMTime on its own for time handing (apart from a million additions, obviously) or is it only useful for working with APIs that take and return values in CMTime format? To give some context, I have a video editing app with bespoke UI (player, tracks, timelines) that deals with playback speed adjustments, track trimming and rearranging, etc. Using Double to express time values works out great, it's clean, simple and does the job. But CMTime feels like the "right" way to do it. However, seeing what happens to a Double after converting it back and forth makes me wonder CMTime's field of use is as narrow as encoding and decoding media?
Your intuition is correct. Using a screwdriver as a hammer may work most of the time, but it's not the best use. More importantly, it may be missing some non-obvious edge cases where it just won't work or will cause more work to hammer in the nail (such as double processing).
Secondly, what is your conversion method? Perhaps you are missing an edge case such as varying timescale. I can't really give further guidance without a bit more information.
CMTime is already frame-accurate with AVPlayer without conversion. That's what it was made for, though make sure you set toleranceBefore and toleranceAfter to zero.
Note: I've been working with frame-accurate video/audio processing for over a decade.

What type to use for timeIntervalSince1970 in ms?

I need time since Epoch in ms for an API request, so I'm looking to have a function that converts my into milliseconds by multiplying by 1000. My question is what should the return value be?
Right now I have
func setTimeSinceEpoch(datePicker: UIDatePicker) -> Int {
return Int( * 1000)
Will this cause any issues? I need an integer, not a floating point, but will I have issues with overflow? I tested it out with print statements and it seems to work but I want to find the best way of doing this.
Looking at Apple Docs:
var NSTimeIntervalSince1970: Double { get }
There is a nice function called distantFuture. Even if you use this date in you func the result will be smaller then the max Int.
let future = NSDate.distantFuture() // "Jan 1, 4001, 12:00 AM"
print((Int(future.timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000) < Int.max) // true
So, until 4001 you're good to go. It will work perfectly on 64-bits systems.
Note: If your system supports iPhone 5 (32-bits) it's going to get an error on pretty much any date you use. Int in Iphone 5 corresponds to Int32.
Returning an Int64 is a better approach. See this.

KRL: Comparing two timestamps

I have two timestamps created with time:now() (one stored in an app variable from the past, one the current time). I need to find the difference between them (preferably in minutes). How do I do that?
I've tried this syntax, but the parser didn't like it:
diff = time:now() - original_time;
time:compare() doesn't give me enough information, and time:add() is the opposite of what I need. There don't seem to be any other applicable time functions documented.
The time functions return a time string, not a time object. To calculate time elapsed, you will have to convert your time string into epoch time (seconds since 1970..). Fortunately, epoch time is one of the formats supported by strftime.
foo = time:now();
efoo = time:strftime(foo,"%s);
The minus operator is actually sensitive to a leading whitespace. It's on the list of things to work out of the parser, but I just haven't had time to get to it. Here is a working rule:
rule first_rule {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
pre {
foo = time:now();
bar = time:add(foo,{"minutes": -5});
ebar = time:strftime(bar,"%s");
efoo = time:strftime(foo,"%s");
diff = efoo-ebar;
notify("-5 minutes in seconds", diff) with sticky = true;