Does Kafka Streams also wipes out state store data on internal exceptions? - apache-kafka

I know that state stores are cleared on user exceptions and gets restored from the changelog topic when EOS is enabled. Does this also apply on other internal exceptions that are handled by kafka streams? Like ProducerFencedException or when kafka can't produce the record because the payload is too big or on any connection related excpetions? If not, is it enough to wrap user code with try-catch to prevent time consuming restorations?
I could not reproduce an internal exception, but i did throw an user defined exception in the topology and i saw the store was cleared and also restored from the changelog topic.

Yes, using a try-catch around your code should be enough; the exceptions won't get bubbled up until Kafka Streams needs to handle it. It's always a great practice to do this with your processors in Kafka Streams, regardless of EOS being enabled.


Will Kafka Streams guarentee at-least once processing in stateful processors even when Eaxctly-once is disabled?

This question comes in mind as we are running kafka streams applications without EOS enabled due to infra constraints. We are unsure of its behavior when doing some custom logic using transformer/processor API with changeloged state stores .
Say we are using following topology to de-duplicate records before sending to downstream:
[topic] -> [flatTransformValues + state store] -> [...(downstream)]
the transformer here will compare incoming records against the state store and only forward + update the record when there's a value change, so for messages [A:1], [A:1], [A:2], we expect downstream will only get [A:1], [A:2]
Question is when failures happens, is it possible that [A:2] get stored in the state store's changelog, while downstream does not receive the message, so that any retry reading [A:2] will discard the record and its lost forever?
If not, please tell me if any mechanism prevent this happening, one way i think it could work is if kafka stream produce to changelog topics and commit offsets only after produce to downstream succeeds?
Much appreciated!

Is consumer offset commited even when failing to post to output topic in Kafka Streams?

If I have a Kafka stream application that fails to post to a topic (because the topic does not exist) does it commit the consumer offset and continue, or will it loop on the same message until it can resolve the output topic? The application merely prints an error and runs fine otherwise from what I can observe.
An example of the error when trying to post to topic:
Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 80 : {}
In my mind it would just spin on the same message until the issue is resolved in order to not lose data? I could not find a clear answer on what the default behavior is. We haven't set autocommit to off or anything like that, most of the settings are set to the default.
I am asking as we don't want to end up in a situation where the health check is fine (application is running while printing errors to log) and we are just throwing away tons of Kafka messages.
Kafka Streams will not commit the offsets for this case, as it provides at-least-once processing guarantees (in fact, it's not even possible to reconfigure Kafka Streams differently -- only stronger exactly-once guarantees are possible). Also, Kafka Streams disables auto-commit on the consumer always (and does not allow you to enable it), as Kafka Streams manages committing offset itself.
If you run with default setting, the producer should actually throw an exception and the corresponding thread should die -- you can get a callback if a thread dies, by registering KafkaStreams#uncaughtExceptionHandler().
You can also observe KafkaStreams#state() (or register a callback KafkaStreams#setStateListener()). The state will go to DEAD if all threads are dead (note, there was a bug in older version for which the state was still RUNNING for this case:
Hence, the application should not be in a healthy state and Kafka Streams will not retry the input message but stop processing and you would need to restart the client. On restart, it would re-read the failed input message an re-try to write to the output topic.
If you want Kafka Streams to retry, you need to increase the producer config reties to avoid that the producer throws an exception and retries writing internally. This may "block" further processing eventually if producer write buffer becomes full.

Kafka KStream OutOfOrderSequenceException

Our application intermittently encounters OutOfOrderSequenceException in our streams code. Which causes stream thread to stop.
Implementation is simple, 2 KStreams join and output to another topic.
When searching for a solution to this OutOfOrderSequenceException
I have found below documentation on Confluent
But could not find what settings, config or trade-offs are being referred here ?
How to manually do bookkeeping ?
If users want to handle such out-of-order data, generally they need to
allow their applications to wait for longer time while bookkeeping
their states during the wait time, i.e. making trade-off decisions
between latency, cost, and correctness. In Kafka Streams, users can
configure their window operators for windowed aggregations to achieve
such trade-offs (details can be found in the Developer Guide).
From the JavaDocs of OutOfOrderSequenceException:
This exception indicates that the broker received an unexpected sequence number from the producer, which means that data may have been lost. If the producer is configured for idempotence only (i.e. if enable.idempotence is set and no is configured), it is possible to continue sending with the same producer instance, but doing so risks reordering of sent records. For transactional producers, this is a fatal error and you should close the producer.
Sequence numbers are internally assigned numbers to each message that is written into a topic.
Because it is an internal error, it's hard to tell what the root cause could be though.
Updates :
After updating Kafka Brokers and KStream version, issue seems to have subsided.
Also, as per the recommendation,
I have updated acks to all. replication factor was already 3.

Kafka stream application not consume data after restart

After I did restart our Kafka cluster my application of Kafka streams didn't receive messages from input topic and I got an exception of "can׳t create internal topic". After some research, I did reset with the Kafka tool (to the input topic and the application) the tool is
Unfortunately, it didn't resolve the problem and I also got the exception again
From the error message, you can infer that the topic already exists and thus, cannot be created. The reason for the failure is, that the existing topic does not have the expected number of partitions (it has 1 instead of 150) -- if the number of partitions would match, Kafka Streams would just use the existing topic.
This can happen, if you have topic auto-create enabled at the brokers (and the topic was created with a wrong number of partitions), or if the number of partitions of your input topic changed. Kafka Streams does not automatically change the number of partitions for the repartition topic, because this might result in data corruption and thus lead to incorrect results.
One way to fix this, it to either manually delete this topic: note, that this might result in data loss and you should only do this, if you know that it is what you want.
Another (better way) would be, to reset the application cleanly using bin/ in combination with KafkaStreams#cleanup().
Because you need to clean up the application and users should be aware of the implication, Kafka Streams fails to make user aware of the issue instead of "auto magically" take some actions that might be undesired from a user point of view.
Check out the docs for more details. There is also a blog post that explains application reset in details:

Recreating caches from Kafka

I have decided to use Kafka for an event sourcing implementation and there are a few things I am still not quite sure about. One is finding a good way of recreating my materialized views (stored in a Postgres database) in case of failures.
I am building a messaging application so consider the example of a service receiving a REST request to create a new message. It will validate the request and then create an event in Kafka (e.g. "NewMessageCreated"). The service (and possibly other services as well) will then pick up that event in order to update its local database. Let's assume however that the database has crashed so saving the order in the database fails. If I understand correctly how to deal with this situation I should empty the database and try to recreate it by replaying all Kafka events.
If my assumption is correct I can see the following issues:
1) I need to enforce ordering by userId for my "messages" topic (so all messages from a particular user are consumed in order) so this means that I cannot use Kafka's log compaction feature for that topic. This means I will always have to replay all events from Kafka no matter how big my application becomes! Is there a way to address this in a better way?
2) Each time I replay any events from Kafka they may trigger the creation of new events (e.g. a consumer might do some processing and then generate a new event before committing). This sounds really problematic so I am thinking if instead of just replaying the events when rebuilding my caches, I should be processing the events but disable generation of new events (even though this would require extra code and seems cumbersome).
3) When an error occurs (e.g. due to some resource failure or due to a bug) while consuming some message, should I commit the message and generate an error in a Kafka topic, or should I not commit at all? In the latter case this will mean that subsequent messages in the same partition cannot be committed either (otherwise they will implicitly commit the previous one as well).
Any ideas how to address these issues?