Remove automatic 'get started' button of messenger bot - facebook

I need the 'get started' functionality only once, when users first interact with my messenger bot. But after a while, when someone hasn't interacted for a while with the bot, messenger shows them the 'get started' button again as some sort of quick reply. It shows up in a bubble down at the Botton, like in the picture
I can't disable the welcome message via postman because I need it to show up the first time, like in this second image (aan de slag = get started in dutch).
The button also doesn't have the payload I gave it via postman, only the one on the beginning has the prefered payload. The button I'm trying to get rid of, the one that keeps on showing up after some time of inactivity, has a standard payload 'Get Started'.


Send message as user to Facebook Chatbot

We develop a chatbot based on the Facebook Messenger Platform.
In the middle of the conversation, we do want to show a complex UI as a WebView. When the user clicks on a button in the WebView, it should close the webview and invoke a user-question in the conversation which will be answered by our bot.
I've managed to show the WebView, send back a message to my backend and give an answer to the user.
But how can I create a new message as "the user" out of my WebView?
Sample Dialog:
Bot (in the conversation):
Which hat do you want?
[Button to open hat-selection-WebView]
User (in the WebView):
[Click on a button in the hat-selection-WebView]
User (in the conversation):
I want the green one < How can I create this message here
Bot (in the conversation):
Ok, I'll send it to you soon
You can use "Quick Replies" for this:
The button text will be the message from the user.

Facebook Like Button configurator not working for certain pages

I'm trying to use the Facebook Like Button Configurator to generate the Like button for a facebook page URL but it's not showing up:
Here are the steps I performed:
Type in '' in the 'URL to Like' textfield and hit tab to move to the next field.
The Like button does not appear below.
It does, however, work for all other facebook pages. Our client wants to know if this is a facebook issue and if so, what's the solution?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Facebook is making a few changes when it comes to promoting alcohol. Many groups and campaigns are being affected by this change.
Unfortunately we can't say for now what Facebook will end up doing. And there is no way around it at the moment(at least they did not communicate one yet).

how can I get notification on my webpage when I am online in gmail or facebook?

I want to create one feature for my website page. that is when I am logged into my gmail account at that time I want to notify or blinking on my web page.
Is it possible? if yes, then plz answer how? tnx in advance.
If I get you right, you need to add your google or facebood account status in your page.
Google: Add this line to your page
<script src='//'></script>
Facebook: Answer from here
Facebook has a Twitter-like feature in which you can update your "status" -- a one-liner formatted as [whatever you type].
It's now possible to export your Facebook status as an RSS feed, which means you can add it to your own choice site.
The hard part is finding your personal status "feed." Go to your Facebook Profile page and look for the "Mini-Feed" box. Click on the "See all" link. On the right rail of the resulting page is a list of links; one of them is "Status stories." That's the one you want. Click it.
Now you have a page labeled "My Mini-Feed" that is limited to your own status updates. Look in the right rail for an RSS icon and a label, "Subscribe to these stories." There's your RSS link.
Grab the URL and add it to the Aggregator on your website. Set the refresh time to the lowest possible value (15 minutes) and make sure cron runs at least that frequently.
Currently, the Aggregator module produces a block for each feed. You can place that block in any region. Voila: Your Facebook status is now reflected on your website.

Send button returning error codes, like button works fine

I have a like/send button that I've set up on a customer's home page. I have it pointed at their facebook profile page so that when people like them either from facebook or on their homepage, it's always liking the same thing.
Anyway, I've used the fb social plugins page to create the fbxml, and I'm having a problem with the send button. The like button works wonderfully, but the send button doesn't want to cooperate.
First, I had the button set up using "" as the link to like/send. However, with the button(s) configured that way, when you click on Send you get an error message that says "The page at ttp:// could not be reached because the server returned status code 200."
So I did some digging on the 'net, and found some info that seemed to indicate that maybe the send button didn't like the alias / page name. I tried putting in the page id instead, and when I do that I get a different error: "The page at ttp:// could not be reached."
(I removed the h in the front of the links in those messages because the board was complaining about too many links. But the actual error message has the http in full :) )
The link works either way if you c/p into your browser, and also works fine with the like button. It would appear that the send button has some issues? Maybe needs to handle redirects instead of returning a 200 OK message.... ?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. If you want to see the like/send button in action, this is the website it's set up on:
After checking the buttons on the upper right, I found an issue. It seems like you can not Like/Send URL's of real Facebook Pages using the Like/Send button. Facebooks URL debugger always comes up with the error "Facebook can not crawl itself".
If you just want that people share a link to your Facebook Page, simply create a file on your server, implement the OpenGraph Tags you want to show up on Facebook (title, image, etc.) and output this in case the Facebook crawler is visiting this site, if it's not the Facebook crawler, redirect the user to
Fix up the 8 warnings from and I think that might help solve the problem.

Facebook: any way to monitor when user clicks on Like button?

writing my first facebook webapp and i have some questions. I'm using their new Graph API + JS library.
The idea is that in order to use my webapp, user has to 'Like' facebook page A.
Suppose user is logged in. I have to check if he 'likes' page A. If user doesn't like that page, i display 'fan box' via
FB.XFBML.parse('<fb:fan profile_id="A's id" stream="0" connections="0" width="450"></fb:fan>');
Now, this fan box with 'Like' button is rendered in iframe that has src set to facebook domain.
Problem: i want to know when user clicks on 'Like' button so that i can display the rest of my webapp. The only possible solution that i can think of is polling every second facebook graph server which is really bad.
i can't attach 'onClick' event on that button cause it's inside iframe pointed to facebook domain (can't access it at all using JS)
i tried getting the contents of this iframe from my server and display it in iframe with empty src property so that i can access its elements - doesn't work, fan box is messed up.
There is no way that i know of to send 'i want to like that page' request to Graph server on behalf of the user.
I'm stumped. I really doubt that polling is the right way to solve this problem :)
You can get the onclick event by using the fbml code of like button instead of iframe code.
Facebook provides FB.event.subscribe which triggers when somebody clicks like button.
A complete tutorial is here.In your case you can write the code to refresh the page on like button click. and check for like condition on page load. so that if current user has liked the page you can redirect him to application page.