How to force my remix run app to be in https? - redirect

I would like to force https in my remix run app directly in the code.
How should I do it please?


Using brave browser to debug flutter web app

I just started-off with flutter web and I want to use brave browser to debug my flutter apps not chrome or edge.
When I use flutter devices command, it gives the following result.
No devices detected.
Run "flutter emulators" to list and start any available device emulators.
I'm using brave by using the link provided by web-server and it does not support hot reload.
So, how to configure browsers other than chrome or edge with flutter web for complete functionality.
I found this:
All you have to do, based on your Linux operating system (for Windows
and macOS the process is similar), is to modify your .bashrc file and
insert this line:
#Put your Brave installation location here
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE="/opt/"
For MacOs,
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE="/Applications/Brave Browser"
You can use flutter run -d web-server to run your app like a server.
This means that you can just enter the URL on any browser of your choice to access your Flutter app !
Hot Restart/Reload from the terminal is not possible. You must refresh the page on your browser instead.
You can use any browser for developing flutter apps.
You can even use ngrok to forward your port to a HTTPS URL, and access your flutter app from anywhere (your phone, your desktop , someone else's device etc.)
PS: Credits to the Issue #77229 for helping me find this solution. I am aware that this workaround has already been suggested on this thread.
I just wanted to put out a simpler answer for the general viewer.
I've been diving in the same issue, it's known Brave it's Chromium-based, this will help u

possible way to run actual application

I am making a testing scenarios using Ogurets framework which is cucumber + gherking combination.
The tests are for Flutter application written in Dart language.
I recently figured out that test driver does not execute actual app. For example in my case:
I have and app where is a Login feature. After navigating to Logout and clicking on it, app does not return the login screen(it does back-end work though), but when I execute actual app through main.dart file and not using Ogurets configuration everything works as expected.
So I was wondering,
Is there any possible way to execute actual app during testing scenario? Lets say It can execute release version of the app.
Not sure if it makes sense.
Thx for possible tips
So when Ogurets runs, it will execute a command to "flutter run" your application, and using the standard mechanism for Flutter Driver, it will create a tcp link between your running application and the Ogurets code. But to do this, you have to have the extra Flutter Driver code enabled in your application, so it is not possible to run your "actual app", otherwise this TCP link will not form.
Over this TCP link standard Flutter Driver commands are executed and you can also execute extra commands. So your actual app is being executed as if you are running it using "flutter run" - and you can even run it on a real device this way, but it can never be your released application as it will not have this extra TCP link code.
If you are having trouble understanding why your application is operating like this, the documentation for Ogurets Flutter does indicate how you can run and debug the two sides of the application, so you can be running your Flutter App in debug mode and then run your tests, have it connect and automate the app and then debug why it isn't coming back to your login page. This is what I would recommend you do.

Flutter websocket working in local web but not in release mode

I'm doing some tests with web_socket_channel Flutter plugin and I've noticed a very strange behavior. I've implemented flutter-dev's example, just changing the socket kind to HtmlWebSocketChannel in order to make it work in web builds. If I compile my app with flutter build web --release and later I expose it with a local webserver, it works perfectly fine. Same happens if I execute it in debug mode.
add network permission in mainfest.xml

How do I get flutter run -d chrome to use https?

I've been using flutter run -d chrome to start a web version of my app. The app uses FirebaseAuth and when I try to login using Google it tells me it's not secure. I think because the run command is setting up the server for http requests instead of https. If I try just changing the url to https I get an error.
I've looked all over and cannot find any options to tell flutter to use https. Anyone know how to do this?
You can build it and serve it via a webserver. You need a certificate that chrome tells you that the website is secured.

Debugging Servlets in Eclipse

I have created a web application using the Google Web Toolkit that is able to receive some data by a mobile client via Http Post. The transmission of the data works well and also the server / client communication using GWT RPC is no problem at all.
However, I need to debug the webserver when receiving data from the mobile device. As I am using Hibernate and MySQL within the web application I do not use the Google App Engine. So if I deploy the web application in local host mode it is only accessible on the localhost:8888.
Now, if I send data from the mobile phone, I have to send it to the locally assign IP address as the localhost of the mobile phone emulator is not the localhost of the computer, where the web application is running. To ensure that everything works, I tried to do some posts outside the emulator (on the machine the emulator is running on). This works, but how can I post from the emulator to my web application?
How can I get access to debug my system? I've already tried to deploy the final application to a tomcat server and use remote debugging, but that fails too.
Best regards,
Well if I understand your question correctly, the real problem isn't debugging the app on the servlet, the real problem that you're looking at is debugging from a mobile phone. When the mobile phone hits your local network (I'm guessing you're pointing at 192.168..?) you are accessing the compiled GWT code that does not communicate with the debugger.
Put another way, when you debug locally using a browser, you are actually not running compiled GWT code, but instrumented code that is executed with the GWT Debugging Plugin, that happens to work exactly like compiled GWT code. (mostly). So while your local version has "?gwt.codesvr=" or the like, your mobile phone version cannot do the same, and cannot thus communicate with the debugger.
The best that I've been able to do is to use logging extensively. If you're using an iOS device and change the settings are your safari, it can output logs for you from mobile safari. Also, if you're using the Android debugger with a WebView app, you can attach a listener for log messages and then ferry them on to the ADB and view those in Eclipse. Definitely not as good as a debugger, but that's the best I've come up with so far, and if anyone has a better solution I would love to know it :)
Hope that helps!