Appache service cannot start using Laragon - server

I updated my Windows version and after that the Appache service is not start as it is attached.

Re-install Laragon with a newer version.


Service Fabric SDK installation

I am facing a problem while installing MS Service Fabric SDK 2.7.198 using Web Installer 5.0 for Visual Studio 2017 v15.2, previously I had installed other versions of SF on different or on same system and it was installed without any problem. But this time I am unable to install it and installation is failed and message says Service Fabric Runtime version need to be install. I have installed it using Visual Studio installer. Please suggest where I am doing wrong.
Uninstall and re install the visual studio with azure service fabric tools resolved the problem.
I have install only runtime this way. Hope this will help you to install runtime only.

wso2iot 3.1.0 install problems

Clean install:
Downloaded wso2iot 3.1.0 from GitHub
Downloaded yajsw-stable-12.09
Put them in one file (wso):
Pointed jdk1.7.0_75 for JAVA_HOME
Pointed CARBON_HOME to my wso/wso2iot 3.1.0
This is what I downloaded only.
Run iot-server in folder bin.
After that nothing the system don't give me localhost why?
Is this installation correct for running wso2iot?
If not please advise me. Do I need to install something else?
First, you need to have java 8 on your system in order to run the WSO2 IoT 3.1.0. Secondly, if you need to run the WSO2 IoT 3.1.0 as a windows services, you need to have jajws 11.03.
Please refer the following document for more information
You can download the latest release candidate for WSO2 IoT 3.1.0 from here unzip it and start the pack in the following order.
Navigate to <IOTS_HOME>/bin and run ./
./ &
Then you can login to the console from - https://localhost:9443/devicemgt
Additionally, to the above reply by jdk7. Make sure that you have JAVA 8. WSO2 IoT Server needs JAVA 8.

Running Service Fabric on Nano Server

After reading the docs of Service Fabric and how to run it on Windows Server and on Linux, I cannot find anything talking about how to run it on Nano Server.
I think that the game studio named Illyriad are running part of their infrastructure on Azure and Service Fabric on Nano Server.
I would like to know if theirs any official support on this matter or if they made it by their own ways?
AFAIK there is no support to Nano Server (yet).
Nano server has a very stripped down set of Windows APIs and I believe today SF is using some of those. The same is for .Net Full Framework (which SF depends on!) can't run on Nano Server.
Maybe when SF get support to .Net Core, we will see Nano Server support (since the only .Net version that run on Nano is .Net Core).

Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : Argument 'Connect-ServiceFabricCluster' is not recognized as a cmdlet: Unable to load DLL 'FabricCommon.dll'

I installed Service Fabric by using the Install the Service Fabric runtime, SDK, and tools for Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 link from Prepare your development environment.
Trying to publish a Service Fabric Application fails with:
2>Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : Argument 'Connect-ServiceFabricCluster' is not recognized as a cmdlet: Unable to load
2>DLL 'FabricCommon.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
Same error described in Troubleshoot your local development cluster setup, but it does not matter what PowerShell version I use, 64 or 32.
The Service Fabric SDK version I got is 2.1.163.
I am running Windows 10 10586 with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
FabricCommon.dll is located at c:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\Fabric\Fabric.Code\FabricCommon.dll
What am I missing?
I will focus on this error first:
DLL 'FabricCommon.dll': The specified module could not be found
You can fix this by re-installing the service fabric SDK. This happens to me before during installation and I thought it was fixed but you never know.
Also make sure you are using the same version of the SDK and nuget package that you referenced in your Service Fabric application.
A workaround for this issue (which does not include reinstall of the Service Fabric SDK) is to add the following to your path environment variable and restart the application which is throwing error (Visual Studio or PowerShell so that it can access the new environment variable):
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\Fabric\Fabric.Code
You do not need to restart your computer, just restart the application after you have update the path environment variable. The dll fabricCommon.dll lives in this folder.
This workaround is inspired by (but is not identical to) the solution to a somewhat related issue presented here:
All I had to do is restart Visual Studio and it worked. This happens time to time.
Please Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator and then try.
I have experienced the same problem on my Win10 box, and even adding the relevant powershell module that contained necessary cmdlets didn't work. The solution that worked for me was: Control Panel -> "Programs and Features", uninstall Service Fabric SDK, then click "Turn Windows features on or off" link and uninstall PowerShell. Next, reboot Windows, back to Control Panel -> "Programs and Features" -> "Turn Windows features on or off", install PowerShell, after which download/install Service Fabric SDK. Again, restart the PC, start the Service Fabric Cluster Manager (if it doesn't auto-start), right-click its icon on the task-bar and try creating 1-node or 5-node cluster.
I was facing same issue on vs2017 and window server 2016. I reinstalled service fabric sdk and issue fixed.
I had similar issue after creating a cluster on windows server 2016.
In my scenario all I had to do was log out/in again and issue was fixed.
You could try restarting VM too - only if it still fails would I try re-installing the SDK.

Installing the newest version of Zabbix Agent on Windows Server

I've got a problem in installing the newest version of Zabbix agent on Windows Server via vm boxes in Linux, since the old version of zabbix has not been uninstalled perfectly. Zabbix agent service is existed however the system cannot file the file related to specified address in services.
Uninstall the Windows service:
zabbix_agentd.exe --config c:\zabbix_agentd.conf --uninstall
You might also want to use the example file, if the config file isn't a copy of that one already.