pg_restore -F d -j {n} internal steps and estimation of time - postgresql

I'm running a looooong pg_restore process of a database with 70 tables and 800Gb. The process is taking 5 days now. I'm monitoring some aspects of the process to evaluate how long will it take but I've some things missing and this is why I'm asking.
I run pg_dump with parameters -F d -j 10 the dump took about 12 hours. I noticed each one of the 10 threads took responsibility of a single table from start to end. After ending of processing a single table, the same process (pid) started with another table not taken by another process.
Running pg_restore is taking much longer (5 days and still working). The main reason is that I'm restoring to a NAS external drive mounted using nfs and that drive is very slow compared to a local hard drive. This is NOT a problem, I'll migrate the information back from the NAS to the original hard drive once I format the hard drive again and install the new operating system.
I'm doing two things to monitor progress:
In a separate terminal I launch du -sh /var/lib/pgsql and evaluate the disk space consumed in the new installation. It has to reach, more or less, the same space the original database was using.
In a separate terminal I launch ps -fu postgress and I see several pg_restore processes running. Each one of then linked with another process with this shape postgress: postress {dbname} [local] {command} where {dbname} is the database name, and {command} varies. Initially, there was the COPY command I think that was used to restore the table content. I also saw some CREATE INDEX commands for re-creating the indexes of that table, and now I see ALTER TABLE commands, don't know exactly for what.
At this time, all processes are just doing ALTER TABLE and the overall used space almost matches the initial space, but the process does not ends (and it is taking 5 days now).
So I'm asking if someone has more experience and can tell me what pg_restore is doing with the ALTER_TABLE command and if there is any other mechanism to estimate how long will it take.

The ALTER TABLE statements at the end of a pg_restore create primary and unique keys as well as foreign key constraints. They could also be attaching partitions, but that is normally very fast.
Look into pg_stat_progress_create_index if you have a recent enough PostgreSQL version (you didn't say), then you can monitor the progress of primary and unique key indexes being created.


Database restore from a hacked system

A linux VM with postgres 9.4 was hacked into. (Two processes taking 100% cpu, weird files in /tmp, did not reoccur after kill(s) and restart.) It was decided to install the system from scratch on a new machine (with postgres 9.6). The only data needed was in one of postgres databases. A pg_dump of the database was made after the attack.
Regardless of whether the data - the tables/rows/etc. - were modified during the attack: is it safe to restore the database in the new system?
I consider using pg_restore with the -O option (ignores the user permissions)
The two dangers are:
important data could have been modified
back doors could have been installed in your database
With the first, you're on your own how to verify that your data are ok. The safest thing would be to use a backup from before the machine was compromized, but this would mean data loss.
For the second, I would run a pg_dumpall -s and spend a day reading it carefully. Compare it with a dump from a backup made before the breach. Watch out for weird object and column names and functions with SECURITY DEFINER.

How to restore/rewind my PostgreSQL database

We do nightly full backups of our db and I then use that dump to create my own dev-db. The creation of the dev-db takes roughly 10 minutes so its scheduled every morning by cron before I get to work. So I can now work with an almost live db.
But when I'm testing things it would sometimes be convenient to rollback the full db or just some specific tables to the initial backup. Of course I could do the full recreation of the dev-db but that would make me wait for another 10 minutes before I could run the tests again.
So is there an easy way to restore/rewind the database/table to a specific point in time or from a dump?
I have tried to use pg_restore like this to restore specific tables:
pg_restore -d my-dev-db -n stuff -t tableA -t tableB latest-live-db.dump
I have tried with options like -cand --data-only also. But there seems to be several issues here that I did not foresee:
The old data is not automatically removed when the restored data is copied back.
There is several foreign-key constraints that makes this impossible (correct me if I'm wrong) without explicitly removing the FK before the restore and then adding them back again.
PK-sequences that gets out of order does not concern me at all at this point but that might be an issue as well.
Edit: more things I tested/looked into:
A more brute force alternative to pg_basebackup is to stop the db-server, copy the db-files, then start the db-server.
Both of the alternatives above fail because I have several local databases running in the same cluster and that sums up to a lot of data on disk. There is no way to separate the databases this way! So the file copy action here will not give me any speed gain.
I'm assuming you are asking about a database not a cluster. The first thing that comes to my mind is to restore the backup to 2 different dbs, one with the dev_db name and the other with another name like dev_db_back. Then when you need a fresh db drop dev_db and rename dev_db_backup to dev_db with
drop database if exists dev_db;
alter database dev_db_backup rename to dev_db;
After that, to have another source to rename from, restore the backup to dev_db_backup again. This could be done by a script so the dropping, renaming and restoring would be automated. As dropping and renaming are instantaneous just start the script and the renaming is done without a need to wait for the new restore.
If it is common to need repeated restores in less 10 minutes intervals I think you can try to do what you are doing inside a transaction:
-- alter the db
-- test the alterations
commit; -- or ...
-- rollback;

How to reclaim space occupied by unused LOBs in PostgreSQL

I have a medium sized database cluster running on PostgreSQL 8.3.
The database stores digital files (images) as LOBs.
There is a fair bit of activity in the database cluster, a lot of content is created and deleted in an ongoing manner.
Even though the application table which hosts the OIDs, gets maintained properly by the application (when an image file is deleted), the size of the database cluster grows continuously.
Auto-vacuuming is active so this shouldn't happen.
LOBs are NOT deleted from the database when the rows of your application table (containing the OIDs) get deleted.
This also means that space will NOT be reclaimed by the VACUUM process.
In order to get rid of unused LOBs, you have run VACUUMLO on the databases. Vacuumlo will delete all of the unreferenced LOBs from a database.
Example call:
vacuumlo -U postgres -W -v <database_name>
(I only included the -v to make vacuumlo a bit more verbose so that you see how many LOBs it removes)
After vacuumlo has deleted the LOBs, you can run VACUUM FULL (or let the auto-vacuum process run).

Auto compact the deleted space in mongodb?

The mongodb document says that
To compact this space, run db.repairDatabase() from the mongo shell (note this operation will block and is slow).
I wonder how to make the mongodb free deleted disk space automatically ?
p.s. We stored many downloading task in mongodb, up to 20GB, and finished these in half an hour.
In general if you don't need to shrink your datafiles you shouldn't shrink them at all. This is because "growing" your datafiles on disk is a fairly expensive operation and the more space that MongoDB can allocate in datafiles the less fragmentation you will have.
So, you should try to provide as much disk-space as possible for the database.
However if you must shrink the database you should keep two things in mind.
MongoDB grows it's data files by
doubling so the datafiles may be
64MB, then 128MB, etc up to 2GB (at
which point it stops doubling to
keep files until 2GB.)
As with most any database ... to
do operations like shrinking you'll
need to schedule a separate job to
do so, there is no "autoshrink" in
MongoDB. In fact of the major noSQL databases
(hate that name) only Riak
will autoshrink. So, you'll need to
create a job using your OS's
scheduler to run a shrink. You could use an bash script, or have a job run a php script, etc.
Serverside Javascript
You can use server side Javascript to do the shrink and run that JS via mongo's shell on a regular bases via a job (like cron or the windows scheduling service) ...
Assuming a collection called foo you would save the javascript below into a file called bar.js and run ...
$ mongo foo bar.js
The javascript file would look something like ...
// Get a the current collection size.
var storage =;
var total =;
print('Storage Size: ' + tojson(storage));
print('TotalSize: ' + tojson(total));
print('Running db.repairDatabase()');
// Run repair
// Get new collection sizes.
var storage_a =;
var total_a =;
print('Storage Size: ' + tojson(storage_a));
print('TotalSize: ' + tojson(total_a));
This will run and return something like ...
MongoDB shell version: 1.6.4
connecting to: foo
Storage Size: 51351
TotalSize: 79152
Running db.repairDatabase()
Storage Size: 40960
TotalSize: 65153
Run this on a schedule (during none peak hours) and you are good to go.
Capped Collections
However there is one other option, capped collections.
Capped collections are fixed sized
collections that have a very high
performance auto-FIFO age-out feature
(age out is based on insertion order).
They are a bit like the "RRD" concept
if you are familiar with that.
In addition, capped collections
automatically, with high performance,
maintain insertion order for the
objects in the collection; this is
very powerful for certain use cases
such as logging.
Basically you can limit the size of (or number of documents in ) a collection to say .. 20GB and once that limit is reached MongoDB will start to throw out the oldest records and replace them with newer entries as they come in.
This is a great way to keep a large amount of data, discarding the older data as time goes by and keeping the same amount of disk-space used.
I have another solution that might work better than doing db.repairDatabase() if you can't afford for the system to be locked, or don't have double the storage.
You must be using a replica set.
My thought is once you've removed all of the excess data that's gobbling your disk, stop a secondary replica, wipe its data directory, start it up and let it resynchronize with the master.
The process is time consuming, but it should only cost a few seconds of down time, when you do the rs.stepDown().
Also this can not be automated. Well it could, but I don't think I'm willing to try.
Running db.repairDatabase() will require that you have space equal to the current size of the database available on the file system. This can be bothersome when you know that the collections left or data you need to retain in the database would currently use much less space than what is allocated and you do not have enough space to make the repair.
As an alternative if you have few collections you actually need to retain or only want a subset of the data, then you can move the data you need to keep into a new database and drop the old one. If you need the same database name you can then move them back into a fresh db by the same name. Just make sure you recreate any indexes.
use cleanup_database
use oversize_database
db = db.getSiblingDB("cleanup_database");
use oversize_database
use cleanup_database
db = db.getSiblingDB("oversize_database");
use oversize_database
<add indexes>
use cleanup_database
An export/drop/import operation for databases with many collections would likely achieve the same result but I have not tested.
Also as a policy you can keep permanent collections in a separate database from your transient/processing data and simply drop the processing database once your jobs complete. Since MongoDB is schema-less, nothing except indexes would be lost and your db and collections will be recreated when the inserts for the processes run next. Just make sure your jobs include creating any nessecary indexes at an appropriate time.
If you are using replica sets, which were not available when this question was originally written, then you can set up a process to automatically reclaim space without incurring significant disruption or performance issues.
To do so, you take advantage of the automatic initial sync capabilities of a secondary in a replica set. To explain: if you shut down a secondary, wipe its data files and restart it, the secondary will re-sync from scratch from one of the other nodes in the set (by default it picks the node closest to it by looking at ping response times). When this resync occurs, all data is rewritten from scratch (including indexes), effectively do the same thing as a repair, and disk space it reclaimed.
By running this on secondaries (and then stepping down the primary and repeating the process) you can effectively reclaim disk space on the whole set with minimal disruption. You do need to be careful if you are reading from secondaries, since this will take a secondary out of rotation for a potentially long time. You also want to make sure your oplog window is sufficient to do a successful resync, but that is generally something you would want to make sure of whether you do this or not.
To automate this process you would simply need to have a script run to perform this action on separate days (or similar) for each member of your set, preferably during your quiet time or maintenance window. A very naive version of this script would look like this in bash:
# First arg is host MongoDB is running on, second arg is the MongoDB port
DBPATH = /path/to/dbpath
# make sure the node we are connecting to is not the primary
while (`$MONGO --quiet --host $MONGOHOST --port $MONGOPORT --eval 'db.isMaster().ismaster'`)
`$MONGO --quiet --host $MONGOHOST --port $MONGOPORT --eval 'rs.stepDown()'`
sleep 2
echo "Node is no longer primary!\n"
# Now shut down that server
# something like (assuming user is set up for key based auth and has password-less sudo access a la ec2-user in EC2)
ssh -t user#$MONGOHOST sudo service mongodb stop
# Wipe the data files for that server
ssh -t user#$MONGOHOST sudo rm -rf $DBPATH
ssh -t user#$MONGOHOST sudo mkdir $DBPATH
ssh -t user#$MONGOHOST sudo chown mongodb:mongodb $DBPATH
# Start up server again
# similar to shutdown something like
ssh -t user#$MONGOHOST sudo service mongodb start

postgreSQL vacuum temp files?

I've got a "little" problem. A week ago my database was reaching full disk capacity. I deleted many rows in different tables trying to free up disk space. After which I tried running a full vacuum which did not complete.
What I want to know is. When I stopped the vacuum from fully completing does it leave any temp files on the disk that I have to delete manually?
I now have a database which is at a 100% disk capacity, which needlessly to say is a big problem.
Any tips to free disk space?
I'm running SUSE with a postgres 8.1.4 database.
First of all:
Even if you can't to 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4 - at least upgrade to newest 8.1 (which is 8.1.17 at the moment, but will be 8.1.18 in 1-2 days).
Second: diagnose what is the problem.
Use du tool to diagnose where exactly did the space go. What directory is occupying too much space?
Check with df what is total used space, and then check how much of it is PostgreSQL directory.
The best option is to:
du -sk *
cd base
du -sk *
du -sk * | sort -nr | head
Now, that you know which directory in PGDATA is using space you can do something about it.
if it's logs or pg_temp - restart pg or remove logs (pg_clog and pg_xlog are not logs in common meaning of the word, never delete anything from there!).
If it's something in your base directory, then:
numerical directories in base directory relate to databases. You can check it with:
select oid, datname from pg_database;
When you know the database that is using most of the space, connect to it, and check which files are using most of the space.
File names will be numerical with optional ".digits" suffix - this suffix is (for now) irrelevant, and you can check what exactly the file represents by issuing:
select relname from pg_class where relfilenode = <NUMBER_FROM_FILE_NAME>;
Once you know which tables/indexes use most of the space - you can VACUUM FULL it, or (much better) issue CLUSTER command on them.
On the new tangent to your problem, you can find out what in the database is using lots of space using a query. That can help you locate candidates to TRUNCATE to reclaim enough working space to clean up the ones with deleted info.
Note that deleting lots of rows but not VACUUMing frequently enough to keep disk space in check will often lead to a condition called index bloat, which VACUUM FULL doesn't help with at all. You'll know you're there when the query I suggested shows most of your space is taken up by indexes rather than regular tables. You'll need CLUSTER, which needs as much free disk space as the table itself to rebuild everything, to recover from that problem.