libreoffice no gui installation on CentOS - centos

Currently using libreoffice to convert doc to docx, using it in conjunction with unoconv.["unoconv", "-d", "document", "--format=docx", filename])
It works on testing environment where the CentOS server has GNOME, but the production server does not.
It is suggested from my coworker that it is best to not install any GUI on the production server.
Is there any way to run the libreoffice without install GNOME?
Can I get some suggestion please?


PhpStorm in Ubuntu can't detect pd_dump executable on PostgreSQL Export

My environment:
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on Windows 10
PhpStorm 2022.1 Build #PS-221.5080.224, built on April 13, 2022
My Problem:
I'm trying to export a PostgreSQL database inside the Database tab of PhpStorm.
To execute the export I right click the database in the list and click on the "Export with 'pg_dump'" option. This opens the Export window with all the options and command preview:
Inside of the window I get the error message "Path to executable is wrong" even tho the pg_dump file exists at the given path /usr/bin/pg_dump. This stops me from executing the export.
I have tried to manually install pg_dump in another directory and select it in the PhpStorm Export window, but it still won't detect the executable. The executable itself works fine.
The solution to this problem was to do a sudo apt-get install postgresql-client.
Apparently there is a general problem with the pg_dump executable of the "postgresql-client-common" package:
After installing the postgresql-client package, everything works fine in PhpStorm as well.
The code is pretty simple there: IDE checks that file exists and is executable, then run /path/to/pg_dump --version command and parse output looking for some keywords. Unfortunately there are no logs which can show exact reason, but I guess the issue that IDE can't get access to the file. Most likely due to WSL. The workaround is to install IDE and unpack PG binaries on Windows, then configure port forwarding to make PG server accessible from host OS.

Talend Installtion on Ubuntu

I would like to install Talend Open Studio on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but the Talend website shows only download options for Windows and Mac only. Where do I find the Linux version?
If you download the Windows version, you should receive a zip file. The zip file should contain binaries for both Windows and Linux. To start the Studio on Linux, just run the bash script contained within.
I'm not sure why they don't label the download as Windows and Linux, hopefully they fix that at some point to make it a little clearer.
I was able to download zip file here:

VS Code: install extensions system wide via CLI as root

I want to install VS Code + some extensions (Java to be exact) on the PCs (CentOS) in our university lab. I installed the editor itself according to the official documentation, but I'm running into problems when I want to install extensions. I'm logging into the systems as root via ssh.
Running sudo code --install-extension vscjava.vscode-java-pack --user-data-dir /some/dir (source) runs successfully, and the extensions are available when VS Code runs as root. The problem is: When I start VS Code as another user, the extensions are not installed.
My questions are:
What is stored in the user-data-dir? Does it contain the location of the extensions-dir? If yes, is it wise to share it across all users of the system?
What is the recommended way to install extensions system wide for different users?
I also need to be able to install extensions systemwide, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. The best solution I've found is to write a batch file that installs the extensions and then starts VS Code. I have users run that scr

Is there an Atom package for a SSH client on a tab?

I am using GitHub´s Atom text editor.
I installed Atom on my Windows 10 computer. I edit code and sync it to a remote Ubuntu Server using Atom´s remote-sync package. This is being done via SSH.
I am developing a Django project and most of the times I need to restart Apache so that the Python code gets compiled in the remote server.
I want to know if there is a package that I can use to access remotely to my linux server via SSH and run bash commands. Preferably one that can be loaded on a tab.
I tried term, term2, term3, terminal but all of them are not working. I get errors on pty.js when trying to install.
One way to accomplish this is to use shellinabox and use a web view package to access the webpage.

I installed PostgreSQL on mavericks, but running `which psql` does not do anything. Did it install correctly?

I installed PostgreSQL using the downloadable graphic installer. I'm able to launch pgAdmin which is PostgreSQL's GUI. However, when I run which psql on the terminal, I'm not getting any path (and based on what I read here it should yield a path provided postgres successfully installed).
After looking at this Stackoverflow post, I should have done it via homebrew. Should I uninstall the PostgreSQL that I got via the graphic installer, and re-install using homebrew?
Noob here, and I appreciate your patience.
If you've installed it using, the path to your binary should be under /Applications/ Try running this at the terminal, you can see on my system it's under /Applications/
$: find /Applications/ -name "psql" -print
If you then want to add this to your path variable, you could use this tutorial.