Swift/iPad OS Network-Free Communication - swift

Is it possible to let two Apps on two iPad communicate with each other, wothout them having a connection to the Internet?
My Problem is, that I want to create an app, where Multiple iPads communicate. So i have two or more iPads. Every single one of them has multiple (changeable) Variables and i want to be able to see every iPads Variables on every other iPad. If wifi or Cellular Network is available, i want to have communication over the Internet (more Range), but when these Options are not available, I want to have direct Communication.
Is this possible and how far would the communication be possible?
I found the Multipeer Connectivity Framework. How far is the Range using this?
Thank you for your Answers! 100 Meters at most with the Multipeer Connectivity Framework.


Peer-to-peer communication between iOS devices

I am trying to prototype a solution to a problem and am currently exploring multiple routes I could try. Is it possible for one iOS device, running a certain app, to communicate directly with another iOS device, running the same application - without the need to be on the same LAN?
Solutions I am currently investigating are using Bluetooth and ad-hoc wireless connections.
Ideally, the application when installed would ask the user for the required permissions, and then would accept and/or send data to/from another client after a handshake had happened.
My concern with Bluetooth is that 'pairing' would need to happen with every device, rather than happen in the background once the user has installed the app. I have a feeling what I am talking about isn't possible from what I've been reading elsewhere on Stackoverflow.
Take a look at Bluetooth Low Energy.
Here is another example,
You might also want to look into GameKit and peer-to-peer connectivity there.
I can't tell you anything about it, but you might try looking at iOS 7. If that's an option, I'd take a look. Can't talk about what it is because of NDA though.
Depending on what you need to communicate, you could try checking out this project, which lets you share arrays of strings between iOS devices over Bluetooth LE.
You don't need to "pair" the devices and it can still communicate while the app is in the background. SimpleShare
Hope it helps!
From the documentation of MultipeerGroupChat:
MultipeerGroupChat sample application utilizes the Multipeer Connectivity framework to enable nearby users to discover, connected, and send data between each other. This sample simulates a simple chat interface where up to 8 devices can connect with each other and send text messages or images to each other. Here you will learn how to bring up framework UI for discovery and connections and also how to monitor session state, listen for incoming data and resources, and send data and resources.
This is an excellent example at developer.apple.com here is the link
Also this tutorial from Ralf Ebert demonstrates how to use Multipeer Connectivity framework for peer communication should help you.

Communication between iOS app in one Wi-Fi network w/o server

I need to communicate my app with 2 devices. A restriction is that I can't use a server but all iOS devices will be in one Wi-Fi network. What options do I have? How I can send a message to another copy of my app running on another device?
I dont know whether its a correct approach or not but as you cannot use server,so the approach i can think of is we can create a socket connection using TCP/IP or UDP(based on reliability) for data exchange.
I dont think you can communicate between 2 devices running the same application without having some kind of server application in-between.
Even if you could find the other device over the WIFI I dont think you can tell if the other device is running the app or not.
I think you may be referring to MultipeerConnectivity
The Multipeer Connectivity framework provides support for discovering
services provided by nearby iOS devices using infrastructure Wi-Fi
networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks and
subsequently communicating with those services by sending
message-based data, streaming data, and resources (such as files).
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/MultipeerConnectivity/Reference/MultipeerConnectivityFramework/
Apple Sample:

iPhone chat application

I have try to make chat application with socket programing and I am using Chatty source code and its working perfect on same network. But not work for different network.
Is chatty work for different network iPhone?
I have tried chatty for different network in iPhone but no success.
Any idea about chatty for different network for iPhone?
From looking at the source code for Chatty, it seems that it just uses an IP and port number to connect to a different device, and that's the reason why you can't connect when users are in a different network. Being able to connect or not will depend a lot on the network configuration you both of your devices have.
For example: it works if you're in the same wifi, because there's no firewall between the devices, and the IP is reachable (192.168.x.x, for example). If you take one of the phones to a 3G network, it won't be able to reach the other one in the wifi, but the one in the wifi might still be able to reach the one on the 3G, depending on your career and port number, and if the network stack is on in the phone. So, conclusion is: this will be highly unreliable.
Usually, for this kind of communication, apps rely on a third party, so both of your phones connect first to a webserver, that is always available on the internet, and the web server sends the messages to each of the apps. This also solves the problem of one app going off the network (when you take an elevator, for example).

Is it possibile to connect two iphones via wifi without a LAN?

I need two iphones to communicate (send and receive messages) without being inside a LAN.
I read that Game Kit Framework makes this possibile but only via bluetooth (is that right?). The application that I have to create need a larger radius than bluetooth so I need wifi but I can't have a Laptop that create the network 'cause this application will run on the outside just between iphone (without internet connection).
Is that possibile?
In that case, where do I have to take a look? (Bonjour, Game Kit Framework..)
Thank you
Here's the deal ...
GameKit works with EITHER bluetooth or wifi. It's completely automatic. Annoyingly you CAN NOT choose between the paradigm.
From 2016, almost all iPhones / iPads can create a "hotspot" WiFi network, yes.

What is the range of bluetooth and is it strictly 1:1?

Does anyone know what kind of range can you get from the iPhone
bluetooth? Also, would the connection be strictly one to one? I know you
can choose from a number of peers to connect to but once the connection
is established, it seems you can only transfer data between one peer? So
basically, is it possible to create some kind of "multiplayer" experience?
Just answering the range part of your question...
The 10 meter figure for class 2 devices (of which the iPhone is an example) is very much a guideline.
The range of a Bluetooth device is limited by many real world factors. The 2.4 GHz radio frequency used by Bluetooth is strongly absorbed by water. For example, consider an iPhone connected to a Bluetooth mono headset. If the headset is in one ear and the iPhone is in your trouser pocket on the opposite side of your body, then there's a lot of water between the two devices. This will often cause a significant amount of packet loss in practice (you can hear this in the audio being carried). So, in this case, the range is about one meter.
At the opposite extreme, two class 2 devices separated by nothing more than clear air can get ranges of hundreds of meters.
Other factors that influence things are:
Interference - Lots of things use 2.4 GHz. WiFi, for example can cause problems.
Antenna design - Space and cost constraints often mean that the antenna design is sub-optimal. I don't know how good the iPhone is in this respect.
Walls - Generally walls attenuate Bluetooth signals. However, sometimes they are useful reflectors.
Quality of hardware - Some chips work better than others. Even different firmware revisions of the same chip may perform differently. Different versions of the iPhone probably have (or will have) different chips in them.
Protocol - It is possible to work around poor signal quality with error correction and retransmission. Even if the iPhone SDK forces you to use a particular protocol, careful design of your application can make a difference.
So, in summary, you should probably do some real world tests.
The connection is one-to-one, but you can create an adhoc network with one of the phones acting as the master/coordinator. The other phones would route all their communication through the master/coordinator.
One device can theoretically connect to 7 devices. according to the master-slave role, the device can multiplex between each of them giving the user an impression that you are connected to all of them simultaneously. Bluetooth specification does not stop you from doing that.This is theory.
Now for the iphone, whether it can connect to to more than one device can only be answered by apple or someone who knows the iphone bluetooth API. But I am pretty sure the bluetooth chip inside iphone should be able to connect to more than one device.
Range is essentially going to be good enough for a normal sized room to be covered. It can be longer or shorter depending on environmental circumstances, but remember that bluetooth was created to implement short range connections.
A bluetooth device can be part of a piconet of eight devices, one master and up to seven slaves. The slaves cannot communicate with each other, they must talk through the master, think of a star topology with the master in the center. The iPhone SDK has a GameKit framework that can be used to create the network for multiplayer games. Go to developer.apple.com at look at the GKTank and GKRocket sample code to see how it's used. These games only support two players, but the GameKit framework supports more. Look at the app store and you will see games that have four or more players.
Hope this helps to get started.
Apple iPhone 3G has a Class 2 bluetooth module. Class 2 Bluetooth devices have a communication range of 10 meters.
At a given instance a device can connect to just one device because it follows a master/slave communication model. But still we can perform a multiplexing. So we can virtually connect to more than 1 device and by rapidly changing the connected device.
I found a good article here. It explains bluetooth very well.
According to the my knowledge, multicasting is not impossible with bluetooth. So gaining a multiplayer experience is NOT impossible.
The bluetooth in the iPhone is Class-2, with a 10-meter range, approximately.
Unfortunately I can't answer the other parts of your question.
One device can be connected up to 8 others. It all depends on the iPhone bluetooth API (which I don't know anything about), but with Bluetooth itself you could then send data to multiple devices.
I tether my iPhone to my laptop over bluetooth every day, and I seem to remember having done that at the same time as using a bluetooth headset. YMMV.
It’s the latest incarnation of Bluetooth, the wireless device-to-device technology that allows your phone to talk to headsets, car stereos, keyboards and other devices directly, without the need for a router or shared wireless network.