This can also happen if there are multiple copies of '#react-navigation' packages installed - zegocloud

Error: Couldn't register the navigator. Have you wrapped your app with 'NavigationContainer'?
This can also happen if there are multiple copies of '#react-navigation' packages installed.
how can i fix navigation for zegocloud invite call


Xcode Build Fails on Archive, but the Build does not Fail on Run with ResearchKit

What I am trying to achieve is to archive the app and still have a working consent form on the app.
Although this piece of code is deprecated and says to use ORKInstructionStep I haven't found anywhere how to use ORKInstructionStep instead of ORKVisualConsentStep.
Whenever I try to Archive the app I keep getting this problem. Still, I also can't remove the ORKVisualConsentStep because I haven't been able to find anywhere how to add the consentDocument otherwise.
I've looked at so many other tutorials and all of them use the ORKVisualConsentStep and haven't seen anyone that has had this problem show how to still keep the consent form working. I can get the app running on a phone but I can't get it to archive so not entirely sure what is going on.
Any insight would be beneficial thank you
If you don't know how to added all frameworks, libraries and Embedded contents then you can find shown below what I shared and you can remove it. Please check after your local files remove it.
I managed to fix the problem by using cocoapods to install the ResearchKit framework instead of dragging ResearchKit into my project. It now archives however I had to comment out this line of code instructionStep.imageContentMode = .scaleAspectFit for my survey tasks.

Blazor WASM PWA Could not find any element matching selector 'app'

I am using Visual Studio 2019 v16.8.5 and have a single Blazor WASM PWA project in my solution that I recently upgraded to .NET5. In between I got it to run, but lately I cannot get to start it anymore.
The screen says Loading... and that's it.
The console output (Firefox) shows the following error: Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Could not find any element matching selector 'app'.
At some point this was running without this issue, but even reverting the solution to an earlier state does not bring any change and I still get a blank screen.
I found a github source saying "just remove builder.RootComponents.Add<App>("app"); from Program Main". If I do this, the error disappears and I just get a blank page saying Loading... with no errors in Console output.
Additional information: I now do a full cache cleanup (cookies and website files) after running the project in Visual Studio to prevent any caching issues.
What am I doing wrong that I can't see any of my pages?
Even after explicitely calling them like
Depending on the template version used to create the initial app, a slightly different HTML is used inside the index.html.
Older version could look like
while newer should like
<div id="app">Loading...</div>
In case, the first is still true, the corresponding declaration should be
For the second the line should be
The second uses the id selector #.
Usually, the index.html is seen as a "static" file and is cached by the browser. So changes, you have done in that file are not reflected immediately. The easiest way to disable the cache is to open the developer tools, go to the Network tab and disable the cache.

Linking library from Xcode Workspace causes "File is already being linked" dialog to appear

I have an Xcode (11.4.1- though this happened in 11.4 and 11.3) workspace. That workspace is composed of multiple iOS Swift static libraries. One of the libs: lib(A) needs to use another lib lib(B) located in the same workspace.
If I just try to import the module from some source file in lib(A) the compiler won't be able to find the symbols. Fair enough for "Find Implicit Dependencies" to work as I understand it, I have to Link Binary With Libraries; I can accept that, so I explicitly link it:
For lib(A) I go to its target and select Link Binary With Libraries under its Build Phases and select lib(B) from the workspace browser. When I do that I receive a warning dialog:
File is already being linked
If I press Cancel it still adds the selected item under Link Binary With Libraries, but now things build. Why the warning?
The same applies if I were to also add a Unit Testing target to the project for lib(A). If I explicitly link the required static libs, I get that warning. Pressing cancel adds the item, and things work.
Now, "things working" with Xcode is tempting just to back away slowly and take that for what it's worth. However, I'm curious what does that warning mean then/why is it there? Clearly, according to the compiler, the linking is necessary since it does not compile without it. When adding the linking though it seemingly complains about it.

"Cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags" after moving packages?

I only moved around some domain packages and started getting this error. If I move the packages back in the previous order, without changing any relationships or fetch types, the error is gone. How is this error related to the way domain modules are organized?

CQ5: disable an ObservationListener during package upload

I have an ObservationListener that does a few things when an author adds/deletes components from a parsys in /content. The problem I'm running into is that the same events I'm listening to, fire whenever a package is installed (and that can get costly). I would like a way to either edit the package manager workflow to disable my service, install the package, then renable the service when the package is finished, or differentiate a package install from a node being edited and ignore them in my listener.
Alternatively, I'm curious if there is an import/install queue of some sort that I could watch so --- if my event is fired and the queue is full/still has items to install, wait until the queue is empty, then continue on with my event handling.
thank you
I don't think Sling or CQ provide events to let you know when things are about to be installed.
If it's JCR events that you are listening to, you might use Event.getUserID() to find out who's changing content and differentiate between admin (or whichever user is used to install content packages) and regular users. But note that if you later switch to an Oak-based content repository there are some limitations with this, see