Deno import modules from private repo - github

I tried to import a module from my private repository (GitHub). Following the Deno documentation, I put DENO_AUTH_TOKENS env with my dev key
I can load the main file module on my repo but all relative paths from this module fail to download (404, path is correct just not authorized I suppose).
Do you know how to fix load relative file from a module in a private repository?
I ran my process with the debug mode:
deno run -L debug main.ts
DEBUG RS - deno::auth_tokens:69 - Parsed 1 auth token(s).
so my auth is correctly parsed and I can load the first file but all relative files can't be loaded.
----- Edit
Ok my bad, i wanted to use my node module to deno but i forgot to rename all import with .ts at the end... i'm so stupid, sorry ;) .


Modulenotfound: Module and config file while running wheel file

Can some one help me in this issue. I have written a script to check performance and it 7s working file in my local vscode. But I ran a package( python-m which is created a from my a wheel file getting module and config file(.yaml) not found.
Actually my cript structure I followed structure as below
My project
__ fuc1 and fuc2 causing error
When ever I'm running main file needs load config file, py files. Then it needs to run to check the performance

VScode Solidity extension - not finding openzepplin imports

I'm trying to get started with what should be a very simple Solidity contract but VSCode is giving me a hard time.
I'm using Juan Blancos solidity plugin but VSCode cannot find openzepplin imports
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
The error is:
Source "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol" not found: File import callback not supported
Even though vscode shows red squigglies I can compile successfully via hardhat compile.
If I change the path to
import "../node_modules/#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
VScode stops complaining but then I cannot compile via hardhard, with the error being:
Source "node_modules/#openzeppelin/contracts/security/Pausable.sol" not found: File outside of allowed directories.
My VSCode settings for Solidity extension for both User and Workspace are:
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesContractsDirectory": "contracts",
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "node_modules"
Which corresponds to my project structure
|_ contracts
|_ MyToken.sol
|_ node_modules
|_ #openzepplin
I followed the instructions here and have done extensive researching but unfortunately can't get it to working.
Source "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol" not found: File import callback not supported
I had same issue. I had multiple folders added in the unnamed workspace. After removing all other folders and keeping only one project folder resolved issue for me.
Linting issues
If you see something along the lines of:
ParserError: Source "OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts#3.4.0/contracts/access/Ownable.sol" not found: File not found.
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
In your vscode, these and be safely ignored. However you can also add to your settings to ignore these.
Create a .vscode folder at the root of your project.
Create a file called settings.json
Add the following code:
"solidity.remappings": [
Or whatever version your #chainlink and #openzeppelin contracts need. For example:
For more information see here
Use single quotes instead of doubles.
Instead of:
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
use this:
import '#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

How to reference yaml variable file present in github in robot framework test case file in github

I ran Robot framework test cases(present in github) through azure pipeline. Test cases executed fine. Next I modified robot framework test case file to import yaml variable file (variable yaml file also present in same github repo folder) which has variables to be used by test cases file.
yaml variable file looks like this
password: xyz
And my test cases file look like this
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Variables variablesfile.yaml
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser ${login.url} chrome
Input Text id=email ${}
Input Password id=password ${login.password}
And my yaml pipeline to trigger test scenarios looks like this
- script: |
pip install pytest pytest-azurepipelines
robot --pythonpath . -x outputxunit.xml TestScenarios.robot
displayName: 'Run Robot Scripts'
but on running the pipeline I get error, because test scenarios file is unable to reference variablesfile.yaml. got error message - Resolving variable '${login.url}' failed:
Can you please suggest how to reference variable file
Above error seems to be caused by the variables yaml file not being found.
If you defined Variables file in the Settings section like what you defined in above example. You should put the variables yaml files in the same directory of the test robot file TestScenarios.robot.
If the variables files are not under the same directory. You can define the correct relative path in the Settings section like below example: See here.
Variables ../data/variables.yaml
Using YAML files with Robot Framework requires PyYAML module to be installed. If you have pip_ installed, you can install it simply by running pip install pyyaml.
Variables file is in the same directory of TestScenarios.robot. I also tried entering the full path still it didnt work. Finally i got a solution, I need to run pip install pyyaml script then it worked

scrapy hub - exceptions.ImportError: No module named pymodm

I can run my scrapy locally without any issues, however, when i try to run job from scrapinghub i get the following error (connecting to mongo atlas cloud):
exceptions.ImportError: No module named pymodm
I import using:
import pymodm
Any help is much appreciated.
Create a file named scrapinghub.yml in your project's main folder with following contents.
default: 111149
file: requirements.txt
Where 111149 is my proejct ID on scrapinghub.
Create another file named requirements.txt in same directory.
and put your required modules along with the version number you are using in that file like so,
PS: I was using MySQLDB module so I put that.

how to include a local javascript im ember-cli application

I have a local javascript in my application that i want to include in my ember-cli application.
it is called carrotsearch.foamtree.js
In order that it will be included i put it under vendor\foamtree\carrotsearch.foamtree
and in the app.js i write
import CarrotSearchFoamTree from 'foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree'
the problem is that i get an error
===== 1 JSHint Error
Build failed. ENOENT, no such file or directory
File: foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory C:\Users\davidga\Desktop\ember\nextgen\tmp\tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-37cYqLzL.tmp\foamtree\carrotsearch.foamtree.js'
at Object.fs.statSync (fs.js:689:18) at addModule
de_modules\broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:83:46) at addModule
de_modules\broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:126:9) at
broccoli-es6-concatenator\index.js:59:7 at tryCatch
e_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:163:16) at
li\node_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:172:17) at
_modules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp-internal.js:150:13) at flush (C:\Users\davidga\Desktop\ember\nextgen\node_modules\ember-cli\node_m
odules\rsvp\dist\commonjs\rsvp\asap.js:51:9) at
process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)
I thought that the problem is maybe bower related so i followed the following post how to include a private local file in javascript project using bower
The problem is that neither
"foamtree": "foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js"
"foamtree": "vendor/foamtree/carrotsearch.foamtree.js"
What may i do?
I found an answer.
In brocfile.js we can add the line
I don't know if this is an optimal anser but it works
This solution is stated in the ember-cli documentation
If you don't need them to minified in your vendor.js file you can put them in the public/js and then include it as a normal script file in app/index.html. I use this method for some libraries like moment.js.
The public folder gets directly copied to your site root during the build.