vscode problems - visual-studio-code

my vscode won't write !(exclamation mark) when i type it. How can i fix that?
I pressed shift + 1 but it won't work. i also tried alt 33 it still doesn't work.


In VSode, is there a way to add a toast notification that a shortcut has been used?

I'm still new to VS Code and learning the litany of shortcuts and features.
Some shortcuts have multiple steps and it isn't immediately apparently if it's been fired.
For example, remove trailing whitespaces is CTRL + K, CTRL + X.
The only way to tell if it worked is to move my cursor to a line that has whitespace and see if it's gone.
Is there a way to add a small notification that announces when a shortcut is used?
I know I could alternatively use the Command Palette but I'd like to be more efficient as use KB Shortcuts.
Thank you

Eclipse keyboard shortcut for error

Is there a keyboard shortcut to view below error without having to hover over my mouse.
Moving the cursor to some red-underlined text, in my Eclipse the error message is then also shown in the status bar (bottom-left of the window). It's not always exactly the same text as is given in the mouse-over-popup, but usually close enough to figure out what's wrong.
Going to the error with Cmd/Ctrl+. should place the cursor at the right spot to show the error message in the status bar.
Windows and Linux
Go to the next error: Ctrl + .
Go to the previous error: Ctrl + ,
Show quick fixes: Ctrl + 1
Go to the next error: Cmd + .
Go to the previous error: Cmd + ,
Show quick fixes: Cmd + 1
Found the answer here
Go to the next error: Ctrl + .
Go to the previous error: Ctrl + ,
Show quick fixes: Ctrl + 1
Show suggestions and quick fixes: F2
So F2 servers the purpose of bubble which shows suggestions and on clicking quick fixes for multiple error on the same line. With F2 one just have to propagate through each error.

Aptana Studio 3 - text font size minimizing with Ctrl + -

hello I have recently installed aptana studio 3 again and I am having where my text font size minimizes when I do the command (Ctrl + -). I am talking about the font under General->Appearance->Colors and Fonts->Basic->Text Font. This command works like in photoshop/illustrator where the size minimizes. However I do not want this command because I usually press it on accident. I have looked under keys and I can't find this command so I can change it. It wouldn't be so bad but the command Ctrl + + doesn't upsize the font like it normally does in other applications. Any suggestions?
Try holding down your shift key: CTRL + SHIFT + +
Aptana Studio 3 has a problem with shortcuts.
I accidentally zoomed out my code and as I'm in Portuguese Keyboard, Ctrl Shift + didn't work to back to the default zoom value.
The solution to this problem (probably many other keyboard set's are having this problem) is to change your language preferences (Win Key space OR find it in Control Panel), to English keyboard.
Then with the help of this image, I find the + is the first key to left of the backspace.
This way you could go back to 100% zoom by hitting, Ctrl Shift (first key to left of the backspace)
Very strange situation ...
Select the whole page you are writing the code.click on the right button of the mouse. click preference.In the above of the window, there are a link named "Colors and Fonts",click here.click edit.

Monodevelop curly braces (or brackets) and ALT keypad numbers

Good day all,
I realize this is an ugly subject, but I'm desperate to find a solution since this bug is barring me from using javascript in the editor.
Basically, the only way I can type the curly braces { and } is to use their corresponding numeric keypad codes, ALT + 1 2 3 and ALT + 1 2 5, however when I press ALT and a number, monodevelop will just jump to the open script in the current window, where ALT 1 switches to the leftmost script.
To add insult to injury, code templates don't work either. If I right click the editor area and select 'insert template' from the context menu, nothing happens! Additionally, the shortcuts window doesn't even have an "ALT + number" combination, so I can't get rid of it to see if that's the cause of the problem!
I am thus practically unable to use monodevelop to code with javascript, so I am here hoping that anybody knowledgeable with monodevelop can explain what's the problem, or propose a workaround (I've read about code snippets or other advanced functions, but without more insight can't tell if they can help me or not).
I am using monodevelop 2.8.2, but I've tried 2.6 and the problem is the same.
Thanks in advance.
Through much indirect searching, I've found out that there's an additional 'special key' combination, consisting in
Specifically, ALT GR + SHIFT + [ or ] will output { or }.
Hopefully this might help some of you with a similar issue.

How to go to an error using only the keyboard in Eclipse?

Let's say I have a file with 10 lines and I have a problem with the name of the package (or something) and the cursor is on the last line of the text.
How can I go directly to that line to see what the problem is and what suggestions there are to remove the problem, using a shortcut?
Question: Is there a keyboard-shortcut for this?
Or something like this:
Go to the next error and Go to the previous error.
Windows and Linux
Go to the next error: Ctrl + .
Go to the previous error: Ctrl + ,
Show quick fixes: Ctrl + 1
Go to the next error: Cmd + .
Go to the previous error: Cmd + ,
Show quick fixes: Cmd + 1
To go to problem within project just type Shift+Alt+Q then press X. It will open the "Problems" window. Now use ↑ or ↓ to select the error/warning and press Enter to go to it.
I know it isn't simple as Crtl+. but it works for a whole project.
To complete the previous answers, you can use the combobox linked to the toolbar buttons for next/previous annotation to set the annotation level.
That makes browsing through errors using ctrl+./ ctrl+ easier,
TO GO TO NEXT ERROR ONLY in eclipse with Ctrl + . command, tick off warnings as shown in screenshot