SAPUI5 VizFrame false data is picked - sapui5

I have a sapui5 project with a graph made by vizframe. The graph has two dimensions (Date and Condition) and one measure
(Rest Value). The Rest Value is taken from invoices. But on one Date there can be multiple invoices of course. When this happens the vizframe graph automatically picks the first value he can find for this date, I think. Example: Date is 01.01.2023, there are four invoices for this date with the Rest Values: 1, 2, 3, 4. Because my model I get from the backend via Odata is ordered descending for Rest Value, the first value for this date is 4. Problem is I really have to display the lowest value for every date so i want the 1 not the 4. I hope my problem is understandable.
My graph is of vizType "timeseries_line". The Date is of course on the uid timeAxis, Dimension is uid color, and Rest Value on valueAxis. The sapui5 version im using is 1.108.0. The Vizframe is created in a xml view but the data binding is done in the controller with a FlattenedDataset and feeds.
I have been reading the sapui5 API Reference and asking ChatGPT questions but didnt get any smarter.
I hope someone can help me, thanks very much.
I did a lot of research but I could not find anything similar.


Sisense continuous timeline until today(without value from data)

is there a possiblity to create continuous timeline until today, even if today has no values?
I see in documentation we can fill missing gaps,
but if there are no values, lets say last 3 days, there is nothing showed on the graph.
I would need to see the zeros also until the last day, not only for zero values between.
Is it possible?
Edit: The documentation you linked is for v 7.1 which is quite old. Below is a similar topic for the latest version, but make sure you're looking at documentation for a version that is at least close to what you're running. If you're really on v 7.1, upgrading would be highly recommended.
This may be something to report to Sisense, it seems like the 'show null as zero' feature would do exactly what you want it to.
A workaround could be to change the nulls to 0 in the data model. Implement this as a custom column if preferred.
Another possibility: Create a date dimension table that has all the dates and left join your data to this (matching date to date).
That way you won't have any gaps in days, and have 0s for the days where there are no entries.
This article from Sisense talks about when date dimension tables are useful (the example you provided with non-consecutive data but wanting to graph consecutively) and provides and excel file you can upload to create your date dim table.

SharePoint List calculated value

I am using SP lists to maintain users PTO and a Master list to forecast utilization hours based on their goals as follows. I am on SharePoint 2013, what calculated formulas can I use to get the Forecast hours in the Master list? Thanks much!
Included are sample PTO & Master List
I’m afraid that we can not achieve this with calculated column. We can not get look up value in calculated column formula. It is even more impossible for us to get the sum of all hours based on time and a specific person.
I recommend you to create an event receiver on PTO_List(item added) to achieve this.

Get full date range of linked field in tableau

Gif of problem
I am currently working on a dashboard in tableau, which shows the count of New-User-Signups and Interactions side-by-side given different date windows. The first New-User-Signup happened before the first Interaction, and the last Interaction happened after the last User Signup.
In order to choose a date window, I linked the date fields in both data sources, and made a date filter, which I applied to all worksheets using related data sources.
However, depending on which "date" field I choose, (from the User Signup table or the Interaction table), the "All Dates" option of the date filter only goes from start to end of that data source's date range.
No matter what I try, I exclude some entries in either one graph or the other. How can I make the "All Dates" filter go from the minimum first date between both data sources, to the maximum last date between the two data sources?
I run into this issue a lot with the data that I use. The problem is that the filter will only be able to contain dates that are in the dataset it is created off of, even if you link the data sources. When I run into this issue, I use parameters instead.
You can find instructions here:

Have Max value of range of dates filter be todays date

I have a "Range of Dates" filter and what I want is for the max (or right most value) to always be the most recent date which should be today's date. What seems to be happening is that if I leave the dashboard open and come back the next day the max value is yesterday's date and I must manually move the slider over to be today's date. How can I accomplish this?
I find a calculated field is the best way to do this as I have run into the same issues using the out of the box max date filter.
Create a calculated field as follows:
[date] = {FIXED: max([date])}
This creates a True False field where only the records that have the max data and carried through.
Now drag this onto the filter pane and select 'TRUE'.
I've generally seen two basic approaches for this problem: Calculated fields and relative dates.
Use a calculated field or parameter or some combination of calculated fields and parameters with filters. This is similar to what smb suggests in their answer to this question. It also seems to be the most popular approach.
If you don't particularly care about being able to set the end-date with the slider, you could try using relative dates, using the approaches detailed in the accepted answer to this Tableau forum question and in this Tableau Knowledge Base article. Jennifer Vonhagel also gives a second answer to the Tableau forum question farther down that uses a parameter plus calculated field approach.
Additionally, this Tableau Knowledge Base article offers another option (Option 1, in the article) if you have Tableau 10.3+: You can use the "Latest Date Preset" (see here for details) check box in the date filter dialog box. I haven't used this, but it looks promising if you're using Tableau Desktop (seems like it wouldn't work for Tableau Web). The article's Options 2-4 are just riffs on calculated fields, in my opinion.
Two more approaches I've heard of – but never personally seen in the wild:
Push the max date down into the view you put Tableau on top of and let the view do the work.
Use a script to modify the Tableau workbook's XML.

Tableau comparison calculation between integer dates

I'm currently struggling with a calculation I'm trying to create in Tableau so any help you can provide would be great.
Basically I have a calculated field within Tableau called [ExampleCount] which is a count distinct based on a simple Yes/No condition.
I have this information displayed on two separate sheets in a dashboard, one filtered for the current activity month and one for the previous.
What I now need to do is have another sheet with the same calculation of [ExampleCount] but showing the difference between the current/previous months.
So: [ExampleCount (This Activity Month)] - [ExampleCount (Previous Activity Month)]
The Activity month is an integer value, currently ranging from 1 - 9.
I feel like this should be a simple calculation but I've tried several different methods and have been unable to come up with anything conclusive.
It would also be good if this could change periodically.
Kind Regards,