how to install mongodb on Mac OS Ventura? - mongodb

I'm trying to install mongodb on my Macbook pro 2020 with Mac OS Ventura and it's give errors, how to do it anybody can help?


Can't install Postgres on MacBook M1, Mac OS Monterey 12.4

I have problems installing Postgres on my MacBook M1
The Downloaded Installer is failing (Error in Postprocessing) from and when I try it with "Port" it is not working (it installs, but doesn't install executables like "pg_ctl")
Is there a solution?
(10 years ago I´ve downloaded the source and compiled it)
Nowadays I would suggest same like Calin's comment:
Install using Homebrew
brew install postgresql
As you can see on when searching for formula postgresql it has binaries (Bottle) supporting:
Apple Silicon (M1) on macOS Monterey
See also:
Installing Postgres via Brew (OSX)
Installing Postgres with brew in 2 easy steps – An Integrated World
postgresql not installed but homebrew reports it is

is it posible to develop flutter app in expired licence mac os system

I am unable to setup mac sdk in my mac sierra 10.12 and getting version solving error and getiing unknown sdk isuue like "Flutter 0.0.0 unknown" in pub.get command fire
is this issue is getting cause of my mac expired licence version?
please try this question if you use mac pc
and if it not working then Update your operating system.

PostgreSQL on Mac Catalina

I'm trying to install odoo on mac catalina 10.15 but i'm facing this problem while installing postgresql
Unable to locate an executable at "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/apt" (-1)
thanks for help in advance :-)

Mac OS Catalina 10.15.2 VMWare on Ubuntu 18.04 host doesn't recognize iPhone 6s

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 host with VMWare Workstation 15 Player Mac OS Catalina 10.15.2 as guest. I installed VMWare tools. My USB config is USB2.0, all three options is selected. I can see iPhone inside Mac OS System Report->USB, but Finder and Xcode cannot see iPhone. Host can successfully see it, if I disconnect. What may be the problem?
P.S. Used solution with usb.quirks.device0 = "0x05ac:0x12a8 skip-reset, skip-refresh, skip-setconfig", doesn't help.

MAMP PRO apache couldn't start - no error logs

Just upgraded Mac OS with the latest Sierra security update and MAMP PRO cannot start apache anymore. I re-installed MAMP PRO but nothing does.
Thanks for your help!!