What exactly await does internally in Dart? - flutter

I'm working on a flutter application which requires using local storage. As the document directory path in Android will be given in Future<Directory>, I have to check whether the future finishes or not, each time I want to use the path.
The code may be similar to below
class DataStructure {
late Future<Directory> _dir = getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
Future<void> read(String fileName) async {
Directory dir = await _dir;
// Do something using dir
This might be stupid, but I write C++ code in most of the time, so I want to reduce number of times pushing a function to the event queue for a better performance (I guess the compiler cuts async functions with await into "functions" to be pushed to the event queue). So I wrote experiment code to check whether await on a finished future will cut the control flow or not. (I mean, in the newest version of Dart, async functions will execute until the first 'await' keyword arises. I'm wondering if this is still the case if the future has already been finished.)
Future<void> voidFuture(String name) async {
print('$name: voidFuture');
Future<void> printSingle(String name, int index) async {
print('$name: -- index = $index');
// This emit function will print one line each time
// it gets chance to be executed.
// Because the 'await' keyword will cut the control flow,
// it can only print once each time it's executed,
// and must wait for the next chance to print again.
// This feature makes it appropriate for testing
// when and where the control flow is cut,
// as each cut will lead to one line of output.
Future<void> emit(String name, int count) async {
for (int index = 0; index != count; ++index) {
await printSingle(name, index);
Future<void> task_0() async {
const String name = 'task_0';
Future<void> emitFinish = emit(name, 3);
await voidFuture(name);
print('$name: output after await');
await emitFinish;
Running task_0 in my environment (Dart SDK version: 2.18.5 (stable) on "windows_x64") gives output as below:
task_0: -- index = 0
task_0: voidFuture
task_0: -- index = 1
task_0: output after await
task_0: -- index = 2
Which is the same as what I expected. And the weird thing comes when I change the emit() function:
Future<void> emit(String name, int count) async {
for (int index = 0; index != count; ++index) {
// Before:
// await printSingle(name, index);
// After:
await Future(() {
print('$name: -- index = $index');
Then the output becomes
task_0: voidFuture
task_0: output after await
task_0: -- index = 0
task_0: -- index = 1
task_0: -- index = 2
and it makes no sense for me that the third line, -- index = 0 comes after output after await. It seems that a function is more privileged than a future from constructor?
And my main question is "Will 'await' waits for a finished future?", so I wrote code below:
Future<String> stringFuture() async {
return '.';
Future<void> task_3() async {
const String name = 'task_3';
Future<void> emitFinish = emit(name, 4);
Future<String> futureString = stringFuture();
print('$name: before await of futureString');
await futureString;
print('$name: 1st await of futureString over');
await 1;
print('$name: 1st await of constant over');
await 2;
print('$name: 2nd await of constant over');
await emitFinish;
With the first version of emit(), the output is
task_3: -- index = 0
task_3: before await of futureString
task_3: -- index = 1
task_3: 1st await of futureString over
task_3: -- index = 2
task_3: 1st await of constant over
task_3: -- index = 3
task_3: 2nd await of constant over
Which means even await for a constant integral will push the lines after it to the event queue.
(Of course, with the second version of emit() all its output comes after the last print() in task_3() , and I don't know why)
I know there are manys work-arounds, one of them will be using a T? value to be assigned after the first time the Future<T> finishes, and check whether value == null each time using it.
But the questions I want to ask are:
What does the keyword await do internally? Please come with details that are enough to explain phenomena above.
Is there any way of overriding the default await behavior? E.g., by overriding a method?
What's the preferred way of using a Future value for many times?
(Unrelated to above) How to stop at the welcome page in Flutter to wait for these async functions, e.g.,
to finish before building all the widgets?
Most results I got from Google were introduction on async and await keywords for beginners, and I couldn't find much material explaining the behavior of await in Dart API Reference Documentation.
Thank you for saving a heart broken by await >_<

await is syntactic sugar for registering callbacks through the Future API. For example:
Future<int> foo() async {
var x = await someIntFuture();
return otherStuff(x);
is basically transformed into:
Future<int> foo() {
return someIntFuture.then((x) {
return otherStuff(x);
await registers a Future.then callback and returns that new Future. That it returns a Future means that await always yields (even in cases such as await null). This is also why when you invoke an async function, its body is executed synchronously until it reaches its first await.
it makes no sense for me that the third line, -- index = 0 comes after output after await. It seems that a function is more privileged than a future from constructor?
From the documentation for the Future constructor:
Creates a future containing the result of calling computation asynchronously with Timer.run.
The callback you supply to the Future constructor is invoked asynchronously; it is scheduled. This is different from calling an async function, which as stated before executes synchronously as much as possible first.
And my main question is "Will 'await' waits for a finished future?"
It doesn't matter if the Future is already completed or not. await always yields.
Is there any way of overriding the default await behavior? E.g., by overriding a method?
As mentioned, await is syntactic sugar. What you could do is to create a class that implements the Future API and handles .then differently (which is what Flutter's SynchronousFuture class does), but I wouldn't recommend it (for the same reasons why the SynchronousFuture documentation discourages its use).
What's the preferred way of using a Future value for many times?
Depends on the situation. In general, try to await the Future once and store the result somewhere (such as in a local variable). Otherwise I'd just await the Future multiple times and not worry about it until there's evidence that it's performance-critical.
(Unrelated to above) How to stop at the welcome page in Flutter to wait for these async functions
Depends. For some things, you can simply make your main function async and await whatever asynchronous initialization you want to do before calling runApp. In other cases (particularly for long-running ones), you should use a FutureBuilder.
(Also, in the future, separate questions should be asked separately.)


Function not waiting for an async function [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to wait for forEach to complete with asynchronous callbacks?
(1 answer)
Closed 11 months ago.
I need that the function _get_datos_restaurante() waits to the other functions (_get_nombre_provincia() and _get_valoracion_media() ) ends, but I can't achieve that.
The issue is the variable valoracion_media is not correctly "operated" when _get_datos_restaurate() ends. The functions are asynchronous and I am using _get_datos_restaurante() in a FutureBuilder, so I don't know what it's the error.
Here is my code:
Future<void> _get_datos_restaurante(String id, QueryDocumentSnapshot r) async {
await _get_nombre_provincia(id);
await _get_valoracion_media(r);
Future<void> _get_nombre_provincia(String id) async {
await firestoreInstance.collection('Provincia').doc(id).get().then((value) => nombreProvincia = value.get('nombre'));
Future<void> _get_valoracion_media(QueryDocumentSnapshot r) async {
List<dynamic> id_valoraciones = r.get('valoraciones');
List<double> nota_valoraciones = [];
id_valoraciones.forEach((v) async {
await firestoreInstance.collection('Valoracion_Restaurante').doc(v).get().then((value) {
nota_valoraciones.forEach((n) =>valoracion_media+=n);
valoracion_media = valoracion_media/nota_valoraciones.length;
Use a for loop instead of forEach like so:
for(final v in id_valoraciones){
final x = await firestoreInstance.collection('Valoracion_Restaurante').doc(v).get();
You have a forEach loop where you iterate over id_valoraciones which cannot wait for Futures to complete.
In order to wait for several futures at once, you can use Future.wait, which waits for several futures to complete and collect the results.
You can use map for turning a list of items into a list of Futures, which can then be waited for.
nota_valoractiones = await Future.wait(id_valoraciones.map((v) async {
const value = await firestoreInstance.collection('Valoracion_Restaurante').doc(v).get();
return value.get('nota');
This code can be broken down as follows:
For each entry in id_valoraciones, create a Future that...
Gets a document value from firestore
Returns the nota field from that document
Waits for all the Futures to complete, saving the results of them in the list nota_valoractiones.
In other words, the Futures execute in parallel.
As highlighted by #pskink in a comment to the question, you can also use Future.forEach to perform an asynchronous action for each entry in a list. Note, however, that Future.forEach does not execute in parallel.

Using await for with streams and handling done + onError callbacks

I am using dart:io's HTTP client to download large files the following way:
final url = Uri.parse(fileUrl);
final request = await httpClient.getUrl(url);
final response = await request.close();
Then I use the response of type HttpClientResponse which implements Stream<List<int>>, where each emitted List<int> represents a chunk of the file being downloaded.
My aim is to "transform" that stream into another one and to do so, I have recently learned of await for + yield which allows to do just that:
Stream<Event> processResponse(HttpClientResponse response) async* {
await for (final List<int> chunk in response) {
yield Event.FileChunk(chunk: chunk);
yield const Event.Completed();
Initially, and before learning about await for, I intended to use the method Stream<T>.listen which takes 4 parameters:
the onData callback for each emitted value in the stream,
the onError callback to notify errors while emitting values,
the onDone callback to notify the stream is closing and won't be emitting any new values and finally
the cancelOnError boolean parameter that is self-explaining.
By using await for () {}, I believe I cover #1 and #3 since I'll get all emitted values and when done, the code will leave the await for's scope which should mean it's done.
But what about errors? Since these streams will be lengthy and heavy IO streams, surely there can be an IO error at any moment. How are they reported? How can I access their data in order to report those and debug if needed?
Just use good ol' try catch, see this reduced example:
Stream<int> inee()async*{
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
if(i==4)throw Exception('Hated number 4');
yield i;
print('Catch exception $e');
yield 33;
} finally{
//cleanup of incomplete files
void main() {
The output would be the following:
Catch exception Exception: Hated number 4
inside the catch you can still yield, log your exceptions . You can also add the logic to delete incomplete files to the finally block.

async/await - calling an async API from a syncronous method using dart [duplicate]

I'm on the way to evaluate Dart for a German company by porting various Java programs to Dart and compare and analyze the results. In the browser Dart wins hands down. For server software performance seemed to be a serious isssue (see this question of me) but that got mostly defused.
Now I'm in the area of porting some "simple" command-line tools where I did not expect any serious problems at all but there is at least one. Some of the tools do make HTTP requests to collect some data and the stand-alone Dart virtual machine only supports them in an asynchronous fashion. Looking through all I could find it does not seem to be possible to use any asynchronous call in a mostly synchronous software.
I understand that I could restructure the available synchronous software into an asynchronous one. But this would transform a well-designed piece of software into something less readable and more difficult to debug and maintain. For some software pieces this just does not make sense.
My question: Is there an (overlooked by me) way to embed an asynchronous call into a synchronously called method?
I imagine that it would not be to difficult to provide a system call, usable only from within the main thread, which just transfers the execution to the whole list of queued asynchronous function calls (without having to end the main thread first) and as soon as the last one got executed returns and continues the main thread.
Something which might look like this:
var synchFunction() {
var result;
asyncFunction().then(() { result = ...; });
resync(); // the system call to move to and wait out all async execution
return result;
Having such a method would simplify the lib APIs as well. Most "sync" calls could be removed because the re-synchronisation call would do the job. It seems to be such a logical idea that I still think it somehow exists and I have missed it. Or is there a serious reason why that would not work?
After thinking about the received answer from lm (see below) for two days I still do not understand why the encapsulation of an asynchronous Dart call into a synchronous one should not be possible. It is done in the "normal" synchronous programing world all the time. Usually you can wait for a resynchronization by either getting a "Done" from the asynchronous routine or if something fails continue after a timeout.
With that in mind my first proposal could be enhanced like that:
var synchFunction() {
var result;
.then(() { result = ...; })
.whenComplete(() { continueResync() }); // the "Done" message
resync(timeout); // waiting with a timeout as maximum limit
// Either we arrive here with the [result] filled in or a with a [TimeoutException].
return result;
The resync() does the same that would normally happen after ending the main method of an isolate, it starts executing the queued asynchronous functions (or waits for events to make them executable). As soon as it encounters a continueResync() call a flag is set which stops this asynchronous execution and resync() returns to the main thread. If no continueResync() call is encountered during the given timeout period it too aborts the asynchronous execution and leaves resync() with a TimeoutException.
For some groups of software which benefit from straight synchronous programing (not the client software and not the server software) such a feature would solve lots of problems for the programer who has to deal with asynchrounous-only libraries.
I believe that I have also found a solution for the main argument in lm's argumentation below. Therefore my question still stands with respect to this "enhanced" solution which I proposed: Is there anything which really makes it impossible to implement that in Dart?
The only time that you can wrap an async method in a synchronous one is when you don't need to get a return value.
For example if you want to disable the save button, save results to the server asynchronously and re-enable the save button when the job is done you can write it like this:
Future<bool> save() async {
// save changes async here
return true;
void saveClicked() {
saveButton.enabled = false;
.then((success) => window.alert(success ? 'Saved' : 'Failed'))
.catchError((e) => window.alert(e))
.whenComplete(() { saveButton.enabled = true; });
Note that the saveClicked method is fully synchronous, but executes the save method asynchronously.
Note that if you make saveClicked async, not only do you have to call it using the async pattern, but the entire method body will run asynchronously so the save button will not be disabled when the function returns.
For completeness the async version of saveClicked looks like this:
Future<Null> saveClicked() async {
saveButton.enabled = false;
try {
bool success = await save();
window.alert(success ? 'Saved' : 'Failed');
catch (e) {
finally {
saveButton.enabled = true;
Yes, this is way late, but I think this is a cool feature new people should know about.
There is a way, but the Dart docs warn against it (and it's somehow "experimental", although the implications aren't really discussed).
The waitFor command.
You basically pass in an asynchronous function that returns a Future, an optional timeout parameter, and the waitFor function will return the result.
For example:
final int number = waitFor<int>(someAsyncThatReturnsInt);
The resync function cannot be implemented in Dart's current execution model.
Asynchronous execution is contagious. A synchronous function must return before any other asynchronous events can execute, so there is no way to synchronously wait for asynchronous execution.
Execution in Dart is single-threaded and event based. There is no way for the resync function to block without it also blocking all other execution in the same isolate, so the pending async operations will never happen.
To block the synchronous execution, and continue executing something else, you need to preserve the entire call stack up to that point, and reinstate it later when the synchronous operations have completed. If you have that functionality, then there are probably better ways to do things than Future and Stream :)
Also, waiting for "all async execution" isn't well-defined in an event based system. There might be a broadcast Stream emitting events coming in from the network, a periodic timer, or a receive port getting data from another isolate, or some other source of events that you can't wait for because they come from outside the isolate, or event the process. When the current isolate shuts down, it might send a final shut-down message to another isolate, so effectively the "async execution" isn't over until the isolate dies.
Using the async/await syntax, you won't get synchronous operation, but it will be easier to code the similar asynchronous operation:
function() async {
var result = await asyncFunction();
return result;
It won't wait for async operations that aren't reflected in the Future returned by asyncFunction, but that's the job of asyncFunction to not complete until its operations are complete.
Dart is inherently async. Trying to avoid asynchronity won't work out.
There are sync versions of some API calls for example in dart:io and in some situations it might seem simpler to use them instead but because there aren't sync versions for all methods/functions you can't avoid async entirely.
With the recent introduction of the async/await feature programming async become much simpler and the code looks almost like sync code (but it isn't).
If a call went async it stays async. As far as I know there is nothing you can do about it.
import 'package:synchronized_lite/synchronized_lite.dart';
import 'dart:async';
// Using Lock as a mixin to further mimic Java-style synchronized blocks
class SomeActivity with Lock {
bool _started = false;
Future<bool> start() async {
// It's correct to return a Future returned by synchronized()
return synchronized(() async {
return false;
// perform the start operation
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
_started = true;
return true;
Future<void> stop() async {
// It's also correct to await a synchronized() call before returning
// It's incorrect to neither await a synchronized() call nor return its Future.
await synchronized(() async {
// perform the stop operation`enter code here`
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
_started = false;
// Prints:
// Started
// Stopped
main() async {
var a = SomeActivity();
await a.stop();
/*Since the Await statement can be used in only asynchronous methods. Then we do two methods.I thinking first we call the async method and then we constantly query the null result for the non-async method. Then we get a synchronized model. In this way, we will wait for the answer in the non-async method. Such a method comes to my mind. But as far as I can see, there is no escape from the async working model in flutter dart language. Need to get used to it.It may be unprofessional, but I wanted to share the solution that came to my mind. hope it helps.
Stock resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync;
bool waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = false;
Stock WaitStockQueryByBarcodeAsync(String barcode, int timeOut) {
var startTime = new DateTime.now();
while (!waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted) {
Duration difference = DateTime.now().difference(startTime);
if (difference.inMilliseconds > timeOut) {
throw TimeoutException("Timeout Exceeded");
//we must scope time. Because it can be enter endless loop.
return resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync;
void CallStockQueryByBarcodeAsync(String barcode) async {
waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = false;
resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync = null;
var stock = await StockQueryByBarcodeAsync(barcode);/*your target async method*/
waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = true;
resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync = stock;
In my case, I had to initialize the database connection from constructor. I am pretty new in Flutter and I don't know what are the best practices right now. But, here is what I did.
class Storage {
late Database database;
Storage() {
getConnection().then((value) => database = value);
Future<Database> getConnection() async {
return await openDatabase('ims.db');
All I have done, is used the callback method to assign the value when the value is available.
Here's a solution based on staggering the start of the async function with start times at least 1 second apart, when calls come in almost simultaneously.
Use the lastKnownTime to calculate the delta, where the initial value is 0
Once the delta is not some huge number, you know it's a duplicate call.
class StartConversationState extends State<StartConversationStatefulWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_delayPush(); // this is the call that gets triggered multiple times
int lastKnownTime = 0;
int delayMillis = 3000;
_delayPush() async {
delayMillis += 1500;
await new Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delayMillis));
int millisSinceEpoch = new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
int delta = millisSinceEpoch - lastKnownTime;
// if delta is less than 10 seconds, means it was a subsequent interval
if (delta < 10000) {
print('_delayPush() , SKIPPING DUPLICATE CALL');
// here is the logic you don't want to duplicate
// eg, insert DB record and navigate to next screen

Flutter web Future .then/.whenComplete

Please help me understand, why this code not working!
I try to get data from a Stream (Firestore), and take this data to a list. I want to wait until the list is ready, and with this list do something. But .then or .whenComplete fires before the list is ready...
This is the function to make the list and return it:
Future<List<EventDistance>> getEventsDistanceList(String eventId) async{
Stream<FS.QuerySnapshot> qs = EventDistanceDataRepository().getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId);
List<EventDistance> dList = [];
EventDistance eventDistance;
qs.forEach((document) {
document.forEach((docs) {
eventDistance = eventDistanceFromJson(docs.data());
print(eventDistance.Name); //(3.) only for testing, to see if docs is not empty
print('return'); //(1.) only for testing, to see when return is fired
return dList;
(return also fires before)
i use this code so:
Future<List<EventDistance>> dList = getEventsDistanceList(filteredList[index].id );
dList.then((value) {
print('value: $value'); //(2.) only for testing,to see if the returned list is empty or not (empty :-( )
When i run, i recive first 'return' (1.), then 'value: null' (2.) (and an empty list) and then the elements of the list (Name1, Name2 ...) (3.).
What do i wrong? How to wait to receive the list first?
Thanks for the answeres!
To become more confident with async operations read the perfect
article by Didier Boelens
Let check what is going on in your code
Your getEventsDistanceList() routine is pure synchronous - all of it's content runs synchronously step by step
synchronously subscribe to a Stream in qs.forEach and set callback listener (document) { ... } which will be fired on each stream item somewhere in future
synchronous call print('return') is fired
finally getEventsDistanceList() returns
you listen to this Future returned from getEventsDistanceList() until it complete and then then() is fired with call to print('value: $value')
first stream item is received and callback fired with print(eventDistance.Name)
5th step will repeat with new items until stream completes or ended with error (see Stream.forEach implementation)
I supposed you need only first Stream item (if not, do not hesistate reach me in comments)
If so rewrite your code
.getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId)
.then((document) => document.map((docs) => eventDistanceFromJson(docs.data())).toList())
.then((value) { doSomething;});
I prefer more readable await notation
final FS.QuerySnapshot document = await EventDistanceDataRepository()
.getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId)
final List<EventDistance> listOfEvents = document.docs.map((e) => eventDistanceFromJson(e.data())).toList();
doSomething with this list
You need to use await in asynchronous functions. I'm guessing
Stream<FS.QuerySnapshot> qs =
EventDistanceDataRepository().getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId);
Should be
Stream<FS.QuerySnapshot> qs = await
EventDistanceDataRepository().getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId);
Where ever the operation that takes a long time happens gets the await keyword.
Try the code labs to get better with async await
works fine! the final code is:
final List<EventDistance> listOfEvents = document.docs.map((e) => eventDistanceFromJson(e.data())).toList();

How to block until an async function completes [duplicate]

I'm on the way to evaluate Dart for a German company by porting various Java programs to Dart and compare and analyze the results. In the browser Dart wins hands down. For server software performance seemed to be a serious isssue (see this question of me) but that got mostly defused.
Now I'm in the area of porting some "simple" command-line tools where I did not expect any serious problems at all but there is at least one. Some of the tools do make HTTP requests to collect some data and the stand-alone Dart virtual machine only supports them in an asynchronous fashion. Looking through all I could find it does not seem to be possible to use any asynchronous call in a mostly synchronous software.
I understand that I could restructure the available synchronous software into an asynchronous one. But this would transform a well-designed piece of software into something less readable and more difficult to debug and maintain. For some software pieces this just does not make sense.
My question: Is there an (overlooked by me) way to embed an asynchronous call into a synchronously called method?
I imagine that it would not be to difficult to provide a system call, usable only from within the main thread, which just transfers the execution to the whole list of queued asynchronous function calls (without having to end the main thread first) and as soon as the last one got executed returns and continues the main thread.
Something which might look like this:
var synchFunction() {
var result;
asyncFunction().then(() { result = ...; });
resync(); // the system call to move to and wait out all async execution
return result;
Having such a method would simplify the lib APIs as well. Most "sync" calls could be removed because the re-synchronisation call would do the job. It seems to be such a logical idea that I still think it somehow exists and I have missed it. Or is there a serious reason why that would not work?
After thinking about the received answer from lm (see below) for two days I still do not understand why the encapsulation of an asynchronous Dart call into a synchronous one should not be possible. It is done in the "normal" synchronous programing world all the time. Usually you can wait for a resynchronization by either getting a "Done" from the asynchronous routine or if something fails continue after a timeout.
With that in mind my first proposal could be enhanced like that:
var synchFunction() {
var result;
.then(() { result = ...; })
.whenComplete(() { continueResync() }); // the "Done" message
resync(timeout); // waiting with a timeout as maximum limit
// Either we arrive here with the [result] filled in or a with a [TimeoutException].
return result;
The resync() does the same that would normally happen after ending the main method of an isolate, it starts executing the queued asynchronous functions (or waits for events to make them executable). As soon as it encounters a continueResync() call a flag is set which stops this asynchronous execution and resync() returns to the main thread. If no continueResync() call is encountered during the given timeout period it too aborts the asynchronous execution and leaves resync() with a TimeoutException.
For some groups of software which benefit from straight synchronous programing (not the client software and not the server software) such a feature would solve lots of problems for the programer who has to deal with asynchrounous-only libraries.
I believe that I have also found a solution for the main argument in lm's argumentation below. Therefore my question still stands with respect to this "enhanced" solution which I proposed: Is there anything which really makes it impossible to implement that in Dart?
The only time that you can wrap an async method in a synchronous one is when you don't need to get a return value.
For example if you want to disable the save button, save results to the server asynchronously and re-enable the save button when the job is done you can write it like this:
Future<bool> save() async {
// save changes async here
return true;
void saveClicked() {
saveButton.enabled = false;
.then((success) => window.alert(success ? 'Saved' : 'Failed'))
.catchError((e) => window.alert(e))
.whenComplete(() { saveButton.enabled = true; });
Note that the saveClicked method is fully synchronous, but executes the save method asynchronously.
Note that if you make saveClicked async, not only do you have to call it using the async pattern, but the entire method body will run asynchronously so the save button will not be disabled when the function returns.
For completeness the async version of saveClicked looks like this:
Future<Null> saveClicked() async {
saveButton.enabled = false;
try {
bool success = await save();
window.alert(success ? 'Saved' : 'Failed');
catch (e) {
finally {
saveButton.enabled = true;
Yes, this is way late, but I think this is a cool feature new people should know about.
There is a way, but the Dart docs warn against it (and it's somehow "experimental", although the implications aren't really discussed).
The waitFor command.
You basically pass in an asynchronous function that returns a Future, an optional timeout parameter, and the waitFor function will return the result.
For example:
final int number = waitFor<int>(someAsyncThatReturnsInt);
The resync function cannot be implemented in Dart's current execution model.
Asynchronous execution is contagious. A synchronous function must return before any other asynchronous events can execute, so there is no way to synchronously wait for asynchronous execution.
Execution in Dart is single-threaded and event based. There is no way for the resync function to block without it also blocking all other execution in the same isolate, so the pending async operations will never happen.
To block the synchronous execution, and continue executing something else, you need to preserve the entire call stack up to that point, and reinstate it later when the synchronous operations have completed. If you have that functionality, then there are probably better ways to do things than Future and Stream :)
Also, waiting for "all async execution" isn't well-defined in an event based system. There might be a broadcast Stream emitting events coming in from the network, a periodic timer, or a receive port getting data from another isolate, or some other source of events that you can't wait for because they come from outside the isolate, or event the process. When the current isolate shuts down, it might send a final shut-down message to another isolate, so effectively the "async execution" isn't over until the isolate dies.
Using the async/await syntax, you won't get synchronous operation, but it will be easier to code the similar asynchronous operation:
function() async {
var result = await asyncFunction();
return result;
It won't wait for async operations that aren't reflected in the Future returned by asyncFunction, but that's the job of asyncFunction to not complete until its operations are complete.
Dart is inherently async. Trying to avoid asynchronity won't work out.
There are sync versions of some API calls for example in dart:io and in some situations it might seem simpler to use them instead but because there aren't sync versions for all methods/functions you can't avoid async entirely.
With the recent introduction of the async/await feature programming async become much simpler and the code looks almost like sync code (but it isn't).
If a call went async it stays async. As far as I know there is nothing you can do about it.
import 'package:synchronized_lite/synchronized_lite.dart';
import 'dart:async';
// Using Lock as a mixin to further mimic Java-style synchronized blocks
class SomeActivity with Lock {
bool _started = false;
Future<bool> start() async {
// It's correct to return a Future returned by synchronized()
return synchronized(() async {
return false;
// perform the start operation
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
_started = true;
return true;
Future<void> stop() async {
// It's also correct to await a synchronized() call before returning
// It's incorrect to neither await a synchronized() call nor return its Future.
await synchronized(() async {
// perform the stop operation`enter code here`
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
_started = false;
// Prints:
// Started
// Stopped
main() async {
var a = SomeActivity();
await a.stop();
/*Since the Await statement can be used in only asynchronous methods. Then we do two methods.I thinking first we call the async method and then we constantly query the null result for the non-async method. Then we get a synchronized model. In this way, we will wait for the answer in the non-async method. Such a method comes to my mind. But as far as I can see, there is no escape from the async working model in flutter dart language. Need to get used to it.It may be unprofessional, but I wanted to share the solution that came to my mind. hope it helps.
Stock resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync;
bool waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = false;
Stock WaitStockQueryByBarcodeAsync(String barcode, int timeOut) {
var startTime = new DateTime.now();
while (!waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted) {
Duration difference = DateTime.now().difference(startTime);
if (difference.inMilliseconds > timeOut) {
throw TimeoutException("Timeout Exceeded");
//we must scope time. Because it can be enter endless loop.
return resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync;
void CallStockQueryByBarcodeAsync(String barcode) async {
waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = false;
resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync = null;
var stock = await StockQueryByBarcodeAsync(barcode);/*your target async method*/
waitStockQueryByBarcodeAsyncCompleted = true;
resultStockQueryByBarcodeAsync = stock;
In my case, I had to initialize the database connection from constructor. I am pretty new in Flutter and I don't know what are the best practices right now. But, here is what I did.
class Storage {
late Database database;
Storage() {
getConnection().then((value) => database = value);
Future<Database> getConnection() async {
return await openDatabase('ims.db');
All I have done, is used the callback method to assign the value when the value is available.
Here's a solution based on staggering the start of the async function with start times at least 1 second apart, when calls come in almost simultaneously.
Use the lastKnownTime to calculate the delta, where the initial value is 0
Once the delta is not some huge number, you know it's a duplicate call.
class StartConversationState extends State<StartConversationStatefulWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_delayPush(); // this is the call that gets triggered multiple times
int lastKnownTime = 0;
int delayMillis = 3000;
_delayPush() async {
delayMillis += 1500;
await new Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delayMillis));
int millisSinceEpoch = new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
int delta = millisSinceEpoch - lastKnownTime;
// if delta is less than 10 seconds, means it was a subsequent interval
if (delta < 10000) {
print('_delayPush() , SKIPPING DUPLICATE CALL');
// here is the logic you don't want to duplicate
// eg, insert DB record and navigate to next screen