How to optimize post processing for mobile devices in unity? - unity3d

I did several effects, and only on PC the fps fell from 170 to 80. What can be done to make it consume less resources? Is it possible to decrease the resolution


Is there any solution to continue the conference call on low bandwidth in library?

I am developing an application using library and facing problem of connection on low bandwidth i.e. during conference call is disconnecting due to network issues or low internet issues. Please share any solution regarding this.
In low bandwidth situation, the frame rate and resolution of video will be lowered accordingly. You can try muting the camera and use voice-only call (which needs about 150Kbps bandwidth).

Methods to test Unity WebGL multiplayer game server scalability

I am looking for a method to test the scalability of my WebGL multiplayer game (built in Unity 3D). The game is currently based on the PUN (Photon Unity Network) library and cloud service for multiplayer communication. I would like to know how to efficiently find out if the server hardware and architecture can support, let's say, 20, 50, or even 100 players in one room, with the limited number of computers at my disposal. Ideally I would like to know the frame rate each player will experience. I do have access to some powerful servers. A preliminary idea I have now is to run a bunch of virtual machines on these servers, each of which runs a browser tab with the game. Just want to know the industry practice or what you think would work. Thanks!
Framerate is hardware dependent and if you are sending data to the server EVERY frame you are doing it wrong.
Basic premise on doing it right would be, a player shoots a projectile..
Get its spawnpoint, direction and speed and then pass that to the other players/server to then process without the need to send data each frame.
This is a simplified example but gets the point across.

packet size limit for iPhone games?

i am creating a multi player iPhone game using the multi player tutorial as the skeleton in the following link
With the architecture i am using (GameCentre peer to peer)one of the devices plays the role of the server. I have a question, just what is the limitation of the packet size? On average i need to send out 890 bytes per go...
Generally you should not rely on the network packet size. The packets can get fragmented (via TCP/IP and get re-assembled by the stack) or data get packetized based on MTU of the sending/receiving parameters.
Per the Game Kit Programming Guide:
Limit the size of unreliable messages to 1000 bytes or smaller in size.
Limit the size of reliable messages to 87 kilobytes or smaller in size.

Max Client Bandwidth

I am making a small Online 2D RPG multiplayer game that uses a client-server architecture. I was reading up on the max bandwidth a client can receive from the server for I don't just kill players' connections, but am having a hard time finding real good data on google.
Currently updating the status of a player on screen takes 29bytes. I send an update every 100 ms, so that's about 300 bytes per second per player. I read that the Valve Source engine targets only 5-7KB/s. Whats a good safe limit I should shoot for, for I can catch all but the lowest bandwidth users.
Remember, 5 KB/s is 40 kilobits/second. 0.3kb/sec should be perfectly fine. Anyone still on dialup is going to be getting 56kb/sec (7KB/sec), and there aren't many people on dialup playing multiplayer games I'd imagine.

iPhone/iPod touch CPU/GPU performance

How many bogomips (or any other relevant unit) can an iPhone or iPod touch deliver?
Is performance in larger applications, as on normal PCs, more limited to cache thrashing than to number of CPU instruction? Or is there some other limit?
What is a recommended total polybudget for a state-of-the-art game in a plain iPod touch (i.e. not iPhone 3GS)?
Does the ARM-11 in the iPod touch and the Samsung ARM in the iPhone have an FPU with the same performance as that of a normal PC, scaled to the core clock frequency?
The reason I'm asking is that I want to port a game with a physics engine (i'm using ODE). If you know anything else I should look out for, don't hesitate to mention it!
GLBenchmark has published a series of benchmarks for various mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPhone 3GS. For example, the iPhone 3G appears to be capable of rendering 687,000 smooth shaded triangles per second (the best I've actually been able to get in my application is 460,000).
In regards to the CPU, the ARM processor on the iPhone has native floating point support, and even has a vector floating point unit. In comparison to a desktop, I ran a computationally intensive operation (NSDecimal addition) on both my desktop (in the iPhone simulator) and on the device (non-3G iPhone). The desktop (MacBook, white, 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo) did 3344593 operations per second, where the iPhone did 281555. The desktop, which scored 2.64 Gflops on Xbench, was 11.88 times faster than the iPhone. Whether this means that the non-3G iPhone is capable of more than 220 Mflops would require more testing.