Upload and Download in Studio 5000 - plc

I want to go online on my PLC, bit it seems I need to download or upload the program, I didn't make any changes on my program but I'm in doubt that I could make a mess with the machinery that is connected to the PLC, If I upload the program something might happen??
I'm trying to not make a mess with machinery that is connected to the PLC

In Studio 5000:
Upload means copy the program that is currently running on your PLC to your computer.
Download means deleting the program and all data values that are currently running on your PLC and replacing them with the offline program on your computer.
In order to go online, the program you have open on your computer needs to match the one in the PLC. If it will not let you go online, it means that the programs do not match.
In general, if you are in doubt, upload is the one you want to choose, as this preserves the program that is currently running. You do a download only when you know that you have made changes that need to be transferred to the PLC.


Site on two different servers

Im considering taking web server from China to reduce site loading times from China/China users. Problem is, how to sync/keep same data between two sites? When editing content in the site it should update these changes to site in China server.
Server is running Linux, Apache and MySQL. Website is using WordPress.
FYI I'm already using CDN and site loading speed is still too long from China.
Basically your solution would need to...
Copy the entire contents of your http'd directory from the main server to the Chinese server.
Copy the entire contents of your MySQL database from the main server to the Chinese server.
Perform these tasks at a regular interval without manual intervention.
I can guide you to references that will help with each task and sometimes can show you a quick example. However, if you want to get it to work and especially if you want to optimize the process, you're going to have to look through the references yourself.
If I didn't do it this way this answer would get even more horrendously long that it already is.
Before we start you should remember...
Thing 0 - Please Try Not to be Intimidated by the Length of this Answer
I know I've written a lot, perhaps more than I should have, but I guarantee you are capable of implementing this in no more than a day. I have tried to be thorough but that does not mean that what I'm describing is particularly complicated.
Thing 1 - Shutdown your Chinese Server During Transfer
This transfer of data is going to make your Chinese server unusable while it's in progress, as you might have guessed. You need to make sure that you're Chinese server is not operational during the transfer. Otherwise the server might have only partial data available which could cause problems for both client and server, particularly in relation to MySQL.
Thing 2 - Use Compression as much as You Can
As time consuming as compression and decompression can be for large amounts of data, believe me it is nothing compared to the time you will waste sending the uncompressed data to China. Network usage, not processor time, is really going to be the limiting factor in getting the transfer done quickly. Try to send compressed files whenever possible.
Thing 3 - Try to Use Checksums
Sending all your data, particularly in compressed format, will leave it vulnerable to corruption in transit. Whenever you send a file I encourage you to use some kind of checksum on the data to verify that it has not been corrupted. For brevity I will not be showing you how to do this but I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out how to pepper in some verification.
In case you're not familiar with checksums, the Wikipedia article about them is pretty straight forward. The most commonly used are the MD5 and the SHA-1, but both of those are somewhat collision prone. I would recommend the SHA-2 (also called SHA-256/512) or the very new SHA-3.
Copying your Http'd Directory to the Chinese Server
As far as I know (and I could be wrong) there is no built in way to transfer files from one Apache server to another...so you're going to have to write your own script for this.
You're also going to need to have two separate scripts: one for the main server and one for the Chinese server. Here's a breakdown of what each script needs to do.
On your main server...
Log in as you're Apache server's user. (Reference for switching users.)
zip/gzip/tar.gz your http'd directory's contents. (Reference for zip. Reference for gzip. Reference for tar.)
scp (secure copy) the compressed file to your Chinese server. Make sure to copy it to the username that Apache runs under. (Reference for scp.)
Delete the compressed file.
Initiate the Chinese server's script (this will be discussed later).
You will likely be using a shell script for all of this, so I hope you're familiar with the terminal. A simple example would look like this.
## First I'll define some variables to explain this better.
APACHE_USER="whatever your Apache server's username is (usually it's www-data)";
WWW_DIR="your http'd directory relative to ~ (usually it's /var/www)";
CHINA_HOST="the host name/IP address of your Chinese server"
CHINA_USER="Apache's username on the Chinese server";
CHINA_PWD="Apache's user password on the Chinese server";
CHINA_HOME="the home directory of the Apache user on your Chinese server";
## Now to the real scripting. I will be using zip for compression.
su - "$APACHE_USER";
zip -r copy.zip "$WWW_DIR";
rm copy.zip;
## Then you initiate the next step of the process.
## Like I said this will be covered later.
On your Chinese server...
Log in as the Apache user.
Delete the content of the http'd directory (probably /var/www relative to ~).
Decompress the scp'd file (this will change depending on how you compressed it).
Copy the decompressed directory to the http'd directory (this step is unnecessary if you choose to compress with zip).
Deleted the compressed, scp'd file.
Notify main server to continue next step (again, will be discussed later).
This is pretty straight forward and I don't think you need another example for this part.
Copying the MySQL Database Contents
You can find a good reference for how to do this in this article from the MySQL website. Basically copying database contents is a built in feature. Try to make use of the compression options!
Performing these Tasks at Regular Intervals without Manual Intervention
Ok this is where things get kind of complicated.
The first thing you need to know is how to schedule tasks at regular intervals on Linux. This is done with a command line tool called crontab. You can see good examples for setting up cron jobs in this article, and the full crontab documentation here.
However what will take more skill than just scheduling the job at regular intervals will be synchronizing the data transfer. If you simply set one server to send data at a certain time and the other to receive it at a certain time, you will get many bugs. Be sure of that.
My recommendation would be to create a socket in the Chinese server that listens for instructions from the main server.
This can be done in a variety of languages. Because you're using Linux I would recommend doing this in C, but it can be done in almost any language including Bash.
A full example would be too much but basically this will be the flow of what you have to do.
Socket in China listens for connections.
Cron job in main server connects to China socket.
Main server authenticates itself.
Chinese server stops Apache, stops accepting requests.
Chinese server acknowledges authentication approved.
Main server scp's website contents to Chinese server.
Main server tells Chinese server that scp is complete.
Chinese server replaces Apache's http'd directory's contents with the data that has been scp'd.
Chinese server announces success to main server.
Main server copies MySQL data.
Main server tells Chinese server process is complete.
Chinese server resumes Apache service.
Chinese server notify's main server that service is resumed.
Socket is closed.
Chinese server goes back to listening for connection from main server.
I hope this helps!

importing updated files into a database

I have files that are updated every 2 hours. I have to detect the files automatically and insert the extracted information from them into a database.
Our DBMS is Postgresql and programming language is Python. How would you suggest I do that?
I want to make use of DAL (Database Abstraction Layer) to make connection between the files and database and use postgresql LISTEN/NOTIFY techniques to detect the new files. If you agree with me please tell me how I can use LISTEN/NOTIFY functions to detect the files.
Thank you
What you need is to write a script that stays running as a dæmon, using a file system notify API to run a callback function when the files change. When the script is notified that the files change it should connect to PostgreSQL and do the required work, then go back to sleep waiting for the next change.
The only truly cross platform way to watch a directory for changes is to use a delay loop to poll os.listdir and os.stat to check for new files and updated modification times. This is a waste of power and disk I/O; it also gets slow for big sets of files. If your OS reliably changes the directory modification time whenever files within the directory change you can just os.stat the directory in a delay-loop, which helps.
It's much better to use an operating system specific notification API. Were you using Java I'd tell you to use the NIO2 watch service, which handles all the platform specifics for you. It looks like Watchdog may offer something similar for Python, but I haven't needed to do directory change notification in my Python coding so I haven't tested it. If it doesn't work out you can use platform-specific techniques like inotify/dnotify for Linux, and the various watcher APIs for Windows.
See also:
How do I watch a file for changes?
Python daemon to watch a folder and update a database
You can't use LISTEN/NOTIFY because that can only send messages from within the database and your files obviously aren't in there.
You'll want to have your python script scan the directory the files are in and check their modification time (mtime). If they are updated, you'll need to read in the files, parse the data and insert it to the db. Without knowing the format of the files, there's no way to be more specific.

Performing Get Copy All Operation With Microsoft Sync Framework

I'm testing out Microsoft Sync Framework to try and see if it'll be suitable for a task that I'm working on. One of the things I'd like to be able to do is to have the option to not just send changed files, but instead to send all of the files (for example, if I'm syncing to a client machine for the first time, and so want to send all files).
I can't seem to find an example of this in the documentation, so any advice would be welcome.
if you're synching for the first time, then there is nothing special to configure as it will sync everything.
if you've already synched and want to re-send all files regardless of whether they've changed or not, just delete the metadata file and that should remove all knowledge of what has been synched.

Move files on network to different locations via iPhone app

I have files and directories setup on a Windows network share (\foo). I want to be able to move the files into different directories (eg. \foo\bar\baz.txt --> \foo\quux\baz.txt) via an iPhone app.
However, having failed to find a solution I think it might be a better idea to write a separate program that runs on the server that handles moving the files and have the iPhone app as a client that issues instructions to the server about what files to move.
Any suggestions on this would be much appreciated.
Edit: Since someone has voted to close this for not being clear... the question is: I want to move files on a network share from one directory to the other.
How do I do this using Objective-C/Cocoa Touch/iPhone SDK?
To access the file shares directly, you would have to implement an SMB client. I suppose you could pilfer code from Samba's smbclient and see if you can get it building on the iPhone.
A big advantage to using a web service is that you can set it up for access outside your LAN. This is much harder with SMB unless you already have a VPN set up.
An in-between possibility that just occurred to me is to expose the shares via WebDAV on IIS. In fact, this is probably much easier that writing your own service.

Looking for a version control based backup tool

I'm traveling all the time (every 2-3 months, I'm in a new city or country), with no real permanent address. I've managed to work out all the kinks over the last couple of years...except having a good backup/sync solution.
I have a macbook pro & a thinkpad w701 (which runs two different VMs). It's a pain in the ass because making changes on one machine (such as adding some new music or updating some presentations) requires me to keep track of what changed where. And then every couple of weeks, after syncing the three different images, I try to manually sync it out to a backup drive that I carry around.
It's pretty much the most annoying thing ever...especially when I sometimes make changes on the backup drive and I have to remember not to override them.
What I'd really like is something simple that has more of a version control like workflow:
I can push out changes to some
central server (like a commit.
Example: I add some changes to my
music directory and then I can just
commit those changes to backup)
Before the backup happens, I'd like to see a "diff": what files will be
overridden, which one's newer, etc
I can access my files off the server (if I'm making an audio mix and need
to pull out some songs, I'd like to get them from the server. All the
backups can't just be one big binary
compressed zip blob)
Dropbox comes pretty close but it lacks the "commit" & "diff" functionality. I thought about using Amazon AWS but that falls short because I can't see diffs and can't access my files directly off aws.
Any ideas? Or any other solutions? I guess what I'd really like is TimeMachine in the cloud or maybe even a NAS that's securely accessible through the internet
You might want to use rsync. It's a unix synchronization tool you can use it on windows and unix variants (including Mac OS X). It uses delta copying to minimize transfer and hardlinks to minimize backup size.
You can access all files in every backup as though they were normal files. Diffing can be done using traditional tools. It is all command-line based so if you don't want that you will need to find GUI tools, but I don't know which you could use.
You would need a server with a rsync deamon/service. I don't know if there are providers for it but you can set up your own VPS starting at a few dollars a month.
Have you looked at Amazon S3? S3 is data storage mechanism and there are bunch of tools to "sync" your local directory with S3. Some of the tools are:
Out of these , S3Sync should do what you are looking for, I.e. submit only changed files and a mode that would tell you changes before submitting them.