Replacing WebAuthenticationDetails with Webflux code - reactive-programming

I am working on Spring boot 3 and want to convert non-reactive code to reactive code.
In non-reactive code, I use a class which extends WebAuthenticationDetails.
It needs to call default constructor with HttpServletRequest as parameter.
Now, as I want to move to Webflux[Reactive code]. I am removing "extends WebAuthenticationDetails".
And replacing HttpServletRequest with ServerWebExcahnge.
Is this approach correct?
Sample code:
Non-reactive Code:
class AuthSource implements AuthenticationDetailsSource<HttpServletRequest, Auth>{
public Auth buildDetails(HttpServletRequest req){
return new Auth(req);
class Auth extends WebAuthenticationDetails{
Auth(HttpServletRequest req){
Reactive code:
class AuthReactiveSource implements AuthenticationDetailsSource<ServerWebExchange, AuthReactive>{
public AuthReactive buildDetails(ServerWebExchange req){
return new AuthReactive(req);
class AuthReactive{ // Not extending any class
AuthReactive(ServerWebExchange req){
Just to understand , Is this correct?


What is the best way to mock 3rd party library's static method with Mockito in flutter

The approach I am following now is creating a wrapper around the class providing the static method, and then mocking this wrapper instead of mocking the real class, as in:
class TestClass {
final ThirdPartyClassWrapper _thirdPartyClassWrapper;
void someMethod() {
class ThirdPartyClass {
static void doSomething() {}
class ThirdPartyClassWrapper {
void doSomething() {
//now I can mock the class and control the behaviour of the method
//but there is alot of boilerplate code
class MockThirdPartyClassWrapper extends Mock implements ThirdPartyClassWrapper{}
But as you see a lot of boilerplate is introduced.
So is there a better way to solve the problem?

method findOne() of JpaReposiroy Spring Data ? findOne is not applicable for the arguments (String)

// Class CompteRepository
import org.entities.Compte;
public interface CompteRepository extends JpaRepository<Compte, String>{}
// CLASS BanqueMetierImpl``
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
#Service // SPring couche Metier
public class BanqueMetierImpl implements IBanqueMetier{
private CompteRepository compteRepository;
public Compte consulterCompte(String code) {
Compte cp = compteRepository.findOne(code);
return cp;
// The method findOne show up this error The method findOne(Example) in //the type QueryByExampleExecutor is not applicable for the arguments //(String)
I think the method findOne() is unsupported by version 1.5.1.SNAPSHOT of SPRING BOOT , so in 2.0.1.SNAPSHOT it's replaced by FindById() which is a QueryByExampleExecutor it's an Optional method (see Optional in JAVA 8) so I resolved the problem like this:
#Override public Compte consulterCompte(String code) throws NotFoundException {
Optional<Compte> cp = compteRepository.findById(code);
return cp.orElseThrow(
() -> new NotFoundException("Unable to get Account with Code = " + code)

Resty-GWT custom callback on async start and end

I use resty gwt for all server communication. I would like some indicator that would show the operation is in progress.
I consider 2 aproaches:
progressbar, which will show in progress percentage;
animation, that will be showed while operation is in progress, but without any percantage.
I've assumed that I need to add custom filter with callback.
I would like to fire events like: RestyGwtComunicationStart and RestyGwtComunicationEnd, or callback to fire onComunicationStarted and
onComunicationEnded. I would like to have this declared in one place, RestyGWT Dispatcher configuration. Also if there was an error I would like to fetch the error.
But I don't know where to start. There is no word about it in documentations.
Can I ask You for help? How can I do this?
So if you want to know that a request has been sent it is up to you in your GWT app to treat that. You can send an event when you trigger your request. You have multiple way of doing this.
Have a look at Request Dispatcher inside the doc
Then if you want to get progress info, as HTTP calls are synchronous. So there is no way to do this easily.
The way I have been doing it is the following:
1) Create a first call to initiate a processing on the backend with a POST, this will return the ID of your processing
2) Then do a GET on your processing ID that will return the progress. Once the progress is 100% it will return the ID of the result
3) GET the result with the result ID
(You can mix 2 and 3 together eventually and return result when progress is 100% in the same DTO)
Another option is to replace 2) by pushing info from backend to front end (html5 websocket)
Someone already did it as a pull-request to resty. Guess you can give it a try:
Unfortunately "Dispatcher/Callback filters" feature does not described in the official documentation. But I can suggest next solution (this code should be placed in EntryPoint implementation of your module):
public void onModuleLoad() {
//used to show busy indicator before send HTTP request
DispatcherFilter busyIndicatorDispatcherFilter = new DispatcherFilter() {
public boolean filter(Method method, RequestBuilder builder) {;
return true;
//used to show busy indicator after HTTP response recieved
CallbackFilter busyIndicatorCallbackFilter = new CallbackFilter() {
public RequestCallback filter(Method method, Response response, RequestCallback callback) {
return callback;
//registering FilterawareDispatcher (and busy indicator filters) as default Dispatcher
Defaults.setDispatcher(new DefaultFilterawareDispatcher(
new DefaultDispatcherFilter(new DefaultCallbackFactory(busyIndicatorCallbackFilter))));
Unfortunately I did not get adequate answer, So I developed my own solution.
At first I've added Resty configuration RestyGwtConfig to my Module configuration
public class ClientModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new DefaultModule.Builder()
install(new AppModule());
install(new GinFactoryModuleBuilder().build(AssistedInjectionFactory.class));
then I've set Custom distpatcher for all my comunication requests of resty gwt.
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Defaults;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Resource;
import pl.korbeldaniel.cms.shared.ServiceRouting;
public class RestyGwtConfig {
public RestyGwtConfig(RestyDispatcher dispatcher) {
Then I've added custom filter (ProgressIndicatorFilter) to handle communication's start and end callbacks:
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.dispatcher.DefaultFilterawareDispatcher;
public class RestyDispatcher extends DefaultFilterawareDispatcher {
public RestyDispatcher(ProgressIndicatorFilter progressIndicatorFilter) {
in filter class method overriden filter I've added an event trigger (eventBus.fireEvent(new IndicatorEvent("Rest-Gwt Comunication started"));) and registered callback, here is whole code:
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.dispatcher.DispatcherFilter;
import pl.korbeldaniel.cms.client.template.progressIndicator.IndicatorEvent;
class ProgressIndicatorFilter implements DispatcherFilter {
private AssistedInjectionFactory factory;
private EventBus eventBus;
public ProgressIndicatorFilter(AssistedInjectionFactory factory, EventBus eventBus) {
this.factory = factory;
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public boolean filter(Method method, RequestBuilder builder) {
eventBus.fireEvent(new IndicatorEvent("Resty-Gwt Comunication started"));
return true;
Registering a callback couldn't be done straight forward, like
new ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback()
cause I use dependency injection. So I've created a factory to assist injection as follow:
public interface AssistedInjectionFactory {
ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback createProgressIndicatorCallback(Method method);
Here and here You can find more Assisted Injection info.
Here is the callback code:
class ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback implements RequestCallback {
private RequestCallback requestCallback;
private EventBus eventBus;
public ProgressIndicatorDispatcherCallback(#Assisted Method method, EventBus eventBus) {
this.requestCallback = method.builder.getCallback();
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
requestCallback.onResponseReceived(request, response);
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
requestCallback.onError(request, exception);
private void endComunicationFireIvent() {
eventBus.fireEvent(new IndicatorEvent("Rest-Gwt Comunication ended"));

Print data received by REST call when using #Resource in Grails

Following along with groovies docs on REST, i've setup a model like so:
class Book {
String title
static constraints = {
title blank:false
I'd print out the parameters I receive when creating and saving. Is there away to override these methods created by the #Resource(uri='/books') annotation? Or handle the annotation a closure or something to do this?
I think you may have 2 choices if you wish to have a default RESTful interface and modify it somewhat for your needs.
Use the $ grails generate-controller [Domain Class Name] command that will generate the appropriate controller and change the generated file as needed.
Create a Book controller and extend the RestfulController; then override the default methods with the #Override annotation, print/log the params, and then call the matching super method.
class BookController extends RestfulController {
static responseFormats = ['json', 'xml']
BookController() {
def save() {
println params params
def update() {
println params
super.update params

Blackberry - accessing other class instance context

I'm coming from Android and now I'm learning for Blackberry.
In Android to access other class we can pass it's context similar "this" in java. How to do it in Blackberry? The problem is in Blackberry I would like to add a field/manager of Screen class in other class, example of the code:
public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen
//Creates a new MyScreen object
public MyScreen()
// Set the displayed title of the screen
process1 x = new process1(); // will add the labelfield
this in other file class
public class process1
public process1()
//i'm trying to get the context of MyScreen so i can add the field in this class
MyScreen.add(new Labelfield("test"));
//but its giving error with the message cannot make static reference
Change the process1 constructor to take a MyScreen object:
public process1(MyScreen screen)
screen.add(new Labelfield("test"));